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Showing Collections: 271 - 300 of 1249

Edmund J. O'Connell Papers

Identifier: OCO
Scope and Content

Certificate of entry into the United States, 1888; citizenship papers, 1898; tax returns and investment (1917-1924) and estate (1922-1926) records; and a report of Notre Dame's acquisition of stock from O'Connell's estate, 1938.

Dates: 1888-1938

Edmund L. Binsfeld Papers

Identifier: BIN
Scope and Content

Articles, newspaper clippings, lectures, unpublished papers, and a small amount of correspondence relating to writers and literary topics. Correspondents include Jean Charlot and Sister Mary Madeleva, CSC, president of St. Mary's College in Notre Dame, Indiana, 1934-1961.

Dates: [ca. 1920-1950s].

Eduard Adam Skendzel Collection

Identifier: SKZ
Scope and Content

Chiefly collected material concerning Polish Catholics in the United States, including printed material, notes, photocopies of newspaper articles, unpublished papers, copies of documents from other archives, color slides, and audio recordings; with parish histories and accounts of Polish history in various regions of the United States.

Dates: 1830s-1999

Eduardo Soderini Papers

Identifier: SOD
Scope and Content

Manuscript of a translation (1953) of the unpublished fourth volume of Soderini's The Pontificate of Leo XIII, titled Leo XIII and the United States of America, concerning the Paulists and the Americanist controversy; with a letter from the translator, F. Terras.

Also microfilm of Soderini's manuscript of this volume, Leone XIII e gli Stati Uniti de America (ca. 1933).

In English and Italian.

Dates: [ca. 1933,1953]

Edward A. Fischer Papers

Identifier: EAF
Scope and Content

Clippings, cartoons, leaflets, photocopies, articles by and about Edward Fischer, reviews, issues of the Notre Dame Magazine, seven bound volumes containing Fischer's column in The Ave Maria (1953-1969), the St. Joseph College Alumni Merit Award, and faculty contracts; concerning communication, worship, films, the Bible, college education, books, missionaries, art, and newspapers.

Dates: 1948-1991

Edward A. Goerner Papers

Identifier: GOE
Scope and Content

Files representing Goerner's research and teaching, his work on The Review of Politics, and his writings, including his unpublished book on aristocracy; documenting courses on political theory, Rawls, Camus, Locke, Kant, Aristotle, and Plato; with articles, notes, offprints, letters, and manuscripts; and restricted student files.

Thanks to Allison Murphy for providing abstracts describing the contents of each folder.

Dates: 1885-2012 (bulk 1958-2012).

Edward A. Keller Papers

Identifier: KEL
Scope and Content Correspondence, clippings, printed material, and manuscripts of articles and talks, mostly concerning economics, especially Catholicism and labor; reports and correspondence of the National Catholic Welfare Conference's Industrial Council Committee, 1950-1951, and the Holy Cross Fathers' Province Development Project, 1958-1959; biographical file on John Cardinal O'Hara, 1935-1960; oral history interview with Keller for the Herbert Hoover Library, 1969; reviews of Keller's publications,...
Dates: 1930s-1977.

Edward Arthur Coomes Manuscript

Identifier: EAC
Scope and Content

Book manuscript (purple spirit-duplicator copy of typewritten manuscript): Vacuum, Gaseous and Solid State Electronics / by Edward Arthur Coomes, Professor of Physics, University of Notre Dame, 1954, "to be published by Addison-Wesley Press, Inc." However no copies appear in WorldCat, so it seems likely that Addison-Wesley did not publish the book after all.

Dates: 1954.

Edward Cashman Papers

Identifier: CSH
Scope and Content

Papers of Edward Cashman, 1947-1985; consisting of musical scores with music and sometimes lyrics by Edward Cashman; photocopies of programs from musicals produced at Notre Dame during his student years; 1940 yearbook from Spalding Institute, Peoria; mimeographed scripts from shows produced at Catholic University of America; "Syllabus of Speech Sounds" from CUA; and correspondence concerning his musical "I Will, I Will", 1973.

Dates: 1943-1985.

Edward D. O'Connor Papers

Identifier: EOC
Scope and Content Charismatic Renewal files, 1964-1982; consisting of correspondence, agenda, minutes, reports, directories, and publications; with documentation of Charismatic conferences, committees, prayer meetings, and practices; from groups centered in South Bend, Indiana, and Ann Arbor, Michigan, with some information on other groups; including "Michigan Days of Renewal: Pastoral Newsletter", a mimeographed charismatic renewal circular from the prayer group at Ann Arbor, Michigan, prececessor...
Dates: 1964-1982

Edward F. Hums Papers

Identifier: EFH
Scope and Content

Lecture notes, exams, syllabi, assignments, etc. regarding various courses Hums taught including Accountancy 232 (Spring 1991), Accountancy 477 (Spring 1990), and Accountancy 231 (Fall 1990); and a file of statistics, schedules, etc. about the Notre Dame Faculty Staff Golf Association, 1991.

Dates: 1990-1991.

Edward Lee Greene Papers

Identifier: GRE
Scope and Content Letters received by Greene (1871-1915), and copies of Greene's correspondence (1904-1909); notebooks containing descriptions of plant species; clippings and scrapbooks; notebooks containing records of letters sent by Greene (1881-1915); an account book (1830s) and financial records; report of the Botany Department, Catholic University of America (1902); card file of books in Greene's library; botanical and autobiographical articles and manuscripts by Greene; and photographs. ...
Dates: 1830s-1915

Edward Manier Collection

Identifier: MAN
Scope and Content

Video tapes concerning population and environment, cultural pluralism, ethnic identity, the melting pot myth, and William Faulkner.

Dates: 1975,1981

Edward Nash Hurley Papers

Identifier: HUR
Scope and Content Personal correspondence (1917-1923); correspondence of the Hurley Machine Company; French correspondence from the Office of the American Commercial Attaché and correspondence concerning the Labor Adjustment Board, the United States Shipping Board, the Peace Conference of 1919, and Housing at Hog Island; manuscripts of The Bridge to France and related papers including some early correspondence (1910-1917) of John Harlan and Woodrow Wilson; photocopies of letters from Woodrow Wilson, Calvin...
Dates: 1910-1933

Edward O. Dodson Manuscripts

Identifier: DOD
Scope and Content

Manuscripts of a A Textbook of Evolution (1952) and Genetics: the Modern Science of Heredity (1956).

Dates: 1952-1956.

Edward Sorin Papers

Identifier: SOR
Scope and Content Correspondence or copies of correspondence from Stephen T. Badin, Julian Benoit, and various American bishops regarding local and university legal and religious matters; letters to Vicar General Augustus Mary Martin at Terre Haute, Indiana, and Saint Theodore Guerin, Mother Superior of the Sisters of Providence at St. Mary of the Woods, Indiana; writings, meditations, instructions; a statement by Sorin on the relationship between the sisters at Notre Dame and those at St. Mary's College...
Dates: 1836 - 1991; Majority of material found within 1839 - 1893

Edward V. Cardinal Papers

Identifier: CRD
Scope and Content Correspondence, 1941-1955; copies of letters from John Tracy Ellis, 1927-1970, and of a memoir by Ellis; sermons and writings by Cardinal; correspondence, minutes, and printed material from such organizations as NCCJ, 1940s-1950s, Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), 1943-1954, and Sheil School, 1943-1954; Cardinal's subject files concerning brotherhood (1930s-1960s), American Catholic history (1920s), youth, adult education, and Bishop Bernard Sheil; printed material on anti-semitism...
Dates: 1920-1969.

Edward Vasta Papers

Identifier: VST
Scope and Content Correspondence, agenda, minutes, reports, newsletters, and constitutions for the Academic Council, 1966-1976; American Association of University Professors, 1971-1976; Arts and Letters Advisory Committee, 1974-1975; Campus Honor Committee, 1972-1973; Dean's Committee on Collegiate Development, 1971-1972; English Department, 1968-1972; Graduate Council, 1967-1968; Honor System at Notre Dame, 1963-1970; Humanities Committee, 1971-1972; and the Student Life Council, 1969-1971; concerning...
Dates: 1963-1976

Edwin C. Bauer Photograph Collection

Identifier: BAU
Scope and Content Eight photographs, most of them albumen cartes-de-visites, dating from late in the nineteenth century, several by James Bonney, with images of Notre Dame faculty members Auguste Lemonnier, CSC, William Corby, CSC, Joseph Lyons, Dr. C. J. Lundy, and Professor Arthur Stace; of Timothy Howard and Mrs. Howard; of A. Calameri; of twins who joined the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Sister Presentation Tong, CSC, and Sister Purification Tong, CSC; and a few unidentified others; also one...
Dates: ca. 1870s-1920s.

Edyth Spalding Papers

Identifier: ZEI
Scope and Content

Letters and cards from William A. Moloney, CSC, to Edyth Spalding; a copy of St. Patrick's Church Bulletin, 19 uly 1931, announcing that Fr. Moloney will leave the parish; printed material concerning the death of Fr. Moloney; and printed ephemera concerning the Bengal missions of the Congregation of Holy Cross.

Dates: 1931-1948

Eileen Egan Papers

Identifier: EEG
Scope and Content Correspondence, printed matter, mimeographed reports, fliers, clippings, and a history of the American PAX Association by Eileen Egan, "Crime Against God and Man: the Struggle of the Small Vehicle, PAX"; with material on Christian nonviolence, on the Catholic just war doctrine and difficulties of Catholic conscientious objectors during the Vietnam War; including documentation of the PAX Tivoli Conferences at the Catholic Worker Farm and a few items pertaining to other issues of...
Dates: 1955-1999; bulk 1967-1971

Elaine DesRosiers Papers

Identifier: DSR
Scope and Content

58 letters written by Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., to Sister Elaine DesRosiers, O.P., (1963-1976), and a background narrative by DesRosiers concerning the letters (1992); annals written by Sister Elaine, 1976-1998, and a copy of her family's history, Gregoire - Des Rosiers, by Ben Fontaine (Baltimore, 1996).

Dates: 1963-1998.

Eliza Allen Starr Papers

Identifier: STA
Scope and Content Correspondence, including letters sent to Edward Sorin, CSC, John A. Zahm, CSC, James Edwards, Maurice Francis Egan, and Frank Earle Hering, and letters received from Francis Patrick Kenrick, Archbishop of Baltimore; manuscript of Starr's book Isabella of Castile, 1492-1892; and clippings pertaining to Starr. Incorrectly listed in the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections (MS 67-936) as dealing chiefly with correspondence of Archbishop Martin John Spalding. Extensive...
Dates: 1854-1900

Elizabeth A. Johnson Papers

Identifier: EAJ
Scope and Content Personal papers, correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, subject files, photographs, audio-visual material, books, journal articles, book chapters, other scholarly writings, lectures, emails, and printed ephemera; with documents from her youth, her days as a student at the Catholic University of America, her career as a theologian at Catholic University and Fordham, her presidency of the Catholic Theological Society of America, and her life as a Sister of Saint Joseph; including media...
Dates: 1941-2019.

Elizabeth Christman Papers

Identifier: ECH
Scope and Content

Manuscripts and tear sheets of her fiction, non-fiction, and verse, including Observer columns; her dissertation on childhood in the work of Graham Greene; her memoir of teaching at DePauw and Notre Dame; and a file on Juniper Press autograph parties. Also copies of books published by Juniper Press, i.e. students in her book publishing course.

Dates: 1934-1996

Ella B. Edes Papers

Identifier: EDS
Scope and Content Manuscript book (10" x 12.5" x 1.75", bound in red leather with gold stamping) containing samples of writing in many languages, presented to Ella B. Edes; with photographs and lithographs of prelates, Roman scenes, and artworks; a musical composition in five parts for four voices, "Tota Pulchra Es Maria" by D. Lareto Sacovacci; and autographs of prelates with good wishes and blessings. Languages represented in the book include (as identified by the compiler of the book): English, Hebrew,...
Dates: ca. 1900

Ellen Ryan Jolly Papers

Identifier: JOL
Scope and Content A few letters, writings, and notes of Jolly concerning her movement to erect a national monument to the service of nuns during the Civil War, her gift to Notre Dame of the Immaculate Conception Dogma Medal that she received from Arthur J. Burns, and the life of Mary Seton (d. 1615). Also the ceremonial key to the Nuns of the Battlefield Monument (Washington, D.C.) that she presented to Notre Dame in 1926; and a photograph of Irish poet Mary J. O'Donovan Rossa (1868), with the...
Dates: 1868-1932.

Emil Jacques Papers

Identifier: ZAY
Scope and Content

Letters and writings relating primarily to Flemish nationalism.

Dates: [ca.1924]-1931.

Emilio Salazar Collection

Identifier: SAL
Scope and Content

Photographs of the St. Joseph's Novitiate fire on the Notre Dame Campus (1913) and a photograph of an interhall marble game (ca. 1916).

Dates: 1913-1916.

Emily M. Schossberger Papers

Identifier: SCH
Scope and Content Correspondence, 1938-1978; book reviews, articles, and manuscripts by Schossberger; information and notes on book editing projects of the University of Notre Dame Press; programs and minutes of the American Association of University Presses, 1965-1975; minutes and correspondence of the executive committee of the Midwest Chamber Orchestra, 1975-1978, and the Christian Education Committee of Sacred Heart Parish (Notre Dame), 1975-1977. Notes, lectures, and syllabi for classes...
Dates: 1938-1978.

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  • Language: English X
  • Repository: University of Notre Dame Archives X

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University records 270
Clippings (information artifacts) 65
Laity -- Catholic Church 48
Monasticism and religious orders 44
Catholic press 39