Showing Collections: 1 - 30 of 1672
19th Century Cuban Religion Collection
1888 Mexico Photo Album
A large photo album containing panoramic views of Mexican cities and towns as well as photographs of major monuments and tourist sites in Mexico City. The album also illustrates the growth of the Mexican National Railroad, including images of locomotives and railroad tunnels and bridges. Photos date to the late nineteenth century and many can be attributed to known photographers or studios, including William Henry Jackson, Gove and North, and Abel Briquet.
1916 Easter Rising Ephemera Collection
An ephemera collection containing reports, speeches, and commemorative materials relating to the Easter Rising of 1916 in Ireland.
Aaron Ignatius Abell Papers
Manuscripts dating from the early 1960s, having to do with American Catholic Thought on Social Questions , an anthology edited by Abell and published posthumously in 1968; including drafts of his introduction, bibliography, notes on essayists included in the anthology, photocopies of essays included, and galley proofs.
Abby Maria Hemenway Collection
Handwritten transcriptions and newspaper clippings of Civil War poems and song lyrics, with a few items pertaining to the Revolutionary War or to events shortly after the Civil War.
Abel Blanchard Family Correspondence
A group of around 50 manuscripts retained by the Abel Blanchard family of Peacham, Vermont. Most are personal letters dating from the 1810s and 20s, written to Vermont by family members newly migrated to Canada or western New York state.
Abraham Maricle Papers
Abram Joseph Ryan Letters
Photostats of personal letters that Ryan wrote to "Maggie".
Adam Walsh Papers
Adrien Emmanuel Rouquette Paper
Correspondence (1842-1885), poetry, sermons, and printed material including a copy of his book La Thebaïde en Amérique: ou Apologie de la vie Solitaire et Contemplative (1852).
African American Comedy Exhibition Basketball Teams Collection
Albert Francis Zahm Papers
Albert J. Baldwin Letters
A collection of 55 manuscript personal letters written by Albert J. Baldwin, mostly dating from the author's Civil War service in Battery D, 1st Michigan Light Artillery.
Albert J. Nevins Papers
Albert Richard Football Maps
Album D'Ouvrages: Girl's Sample Book
Scrapbook of needlework compiled by a young girl and presented to her mother. First page reads, "Dedie a ma chere Maman." Includes a cross stitch alphabet sampler; a sewn collar, bib, child's night dress, corset, apron, and baby's shift; embroidery samples; and lace work, all mounted on paper with manuscript captions.
Alec Goodman Photograph Collection
A group of more than 30 real-photo postcards, many inscribed, preserved by English boxing trainer Alec Goodman. Most relate to world welterweight champion Ted "Kid" Lewis, whom Goodman trained.
Alexander Marion Kirsch Papers
Correspondence, 1888-1916; class lectures; grade book, 1904-1920; diary, 1886; books by Kirsch; U.S. Geological Survey Chart of Minerals, 1903-1904; a pamphlet titled "History of Christ Church, Alexandria, Va., 1773-1930"; and photographs.
In English, French, German and Latin.
Alexis Coquillard Family Papers
Newspaper clippings, obituaries, memorial cards, manuscripts, and a few letters involving members of the Coquillard family and Rev. Edward Sorin, CSC.
Alexis Granger Papers
Alfred Moore Diary
A manuscript Civil War diary of Confederate States Army lieutenant Alfred Moore, written as a member of Co. I, 11th Virginia Cavalry. Moore's entries extend from September 1864 to February 1865: events covered include Hampton's cattle raid and Rosser's raid on Beverly, West Virginia.
Alfred W. Ramsey Papers
The manuscripts, printed ephemera, and photographs of business teacher Alfred W. Ramsey (1883-1955), deriving especially from his tenure at the U. S. government's Carlisle Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania (1909-10).
All-America Football Conference (AAFC) Team Media Guides Collection
All-America Football Conference Games Statistical Summary Sheets
All-American Girls Baseball League Collection
A substantial collection of manuscript material, photographs, and printed matter relating to the All-American Girls Baseball League, a women's professional league active in the American Midwest from 1943 to 1954. Included is a set of nine loose-leaf notebooks compiled by South Bend Blue Sox executive Harold T. Dailey, comprising a kind of documentary history of the league.
All Hallows College (Dublin, Ireland) Records
Alonso de Benavides Memorial
Photostat of a report concerning Franciscan missions among the Indians of New Mexico, written by Alonso de Benavides and presented to Pope Urban VIII, 12 February 1634.
In Italian.
Alphabetical Pamphlet Collection
Alumni Association
Records of Notre Dame's Alumni Association, including many photographs, videos, and audio recordings.
American Association of University Professors. University of Notre Dame Chapter Records
Correspondence, minutes, meeting material, subject files, and publications. Principal correspondents include the chapter's presidents and secretaries, national AAUP officers, and Notre Dame administrators.