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Ella B. Edes Papers

Identifier: EDS

Scope and Content

Manuscript book (10" x 12.5" x 1.75", bound in red leather with gold stamping) containing samples of writing in many languages, presented to Ella B. Edes; with photographs and lithographs of prelates, Roman scenes, and artworks; a musical composition in five parts for four voices, "Tota Pulchra Es Maria" by D. Lareto Sacovacci; and autographs of prelates with good wishes and blessings. Languages represented in the book include (as identified by the... compiler of the book): English, Hebrew, Ancient Chaldean, Modern Chaldean, Arabic, Syrian, Syriac, Ancient Armenian, Modern Armenian, Arabian, Kurdistan, Persian, Sanscrit, Duhkhani, Telugunese, Tamil, Ancient Canarese, Modern Canarese, Canarese, Coptic, Voloffe, Chinese, Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Celtic, Irish, Dutch, Flemish, German, Danish, Illirian, Bulgarian, Russian, Albanese, Georgian, and Maori. Buildings pictured in the book include: St. Peter's Basilica, St. John Lateran, the Coliseum, St. Mary Major, the Pantheon, Castle St. Angelo, and Tivoli. The book also includes portraits of these prelates:

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  1. Cardinal F. Antonelli
  2. Cardinal C. Patrizi
  3. Cardinal M. Berardi
  4. Cardinal A. Barnabo
  5. Cardinal P. de Angelis
  6. Cardinal F. Bilio
  7. Cardinal J.A. Bizzari
  8. Cardinal A. Capalti
  9. Cardinal A.M. Panebianco
  10. Cardinal M. Mattei
  11. Cardinal P.M. Guidi
  12. Cardinal J.B. Pitra
  1. Cardinal Paul Cullen Dublin
  2. Cardinal C.A. Count de Reisach
  3. Cardinal F. Prince of Schwartzenberg
  4. Cardinal A.M. de Bonnechose
  5. Cardinal J. Chevalier de Rauscher
  6. Cardinal J. Biliet
  7. Cardinal De la Cuesta y Maroto
  8. Cardinal P. Moreno
  9. Cardinal J.L. Trevisanto
  10. Cardinal F.A. Donnel
  11. Cardinal Prince Bonapart
  12. Cardinal J.M. Mathieu
  1. Cardinal A.J. Borromeo
  2. Cardinal N. Clarelli Parraciani
  3. Cardinal T. Mertel
  4. Cardinal A. de Luca
  5. Cardinal C. Pentini
  6. Cardinal Monaco la Vallett
  7. Cardinal A.J. Antonucci
  8. Cardinal C. Sacconi
  9. Cardinal C. Gonnella
  10. Cardinal J. Ferreri
  11. Cardinal L. Vannicelli Casoni
  12. Cardinal P. de Silvestri
  1. Cardinal C.A. Monchini
  2. Cardinal L.P. Amat
  3. Cardinal F.M. Asquini
  4. Cardinal X.R. Sforza
  5. Cardinal C. de Pietro
  6. Cardinal F. Barili
  7. Cardinal E. Orfei
  8. Cardinal S. Prince Hohenlohe
  9. Cardinal P. Caterini
  10. Cardinal N. Carafa de Traetto
  11. Cardinal P. Quafia
  12. Cardinal G. Grassalini
  1. Most Rev. M.J. Spalding, Baltimore
  2. Most Rev. J.B. Purcell, Cincinnati
  3. Most Rev. J. McCloskey, New York
  4. Most Rev. F.N. Blanchet, Oregon
  5. Right Rev. W.H. Elder, Natchez
  6. Right Rev. J.F. Wood, Philadelphia
  7. Right Rev. J.R. Bayley, Newark
  8. Right Rev. J. McGill, Richmond
  9. Right Rev. R.V. Whelan, Wheeling
  10. Right Rev. J. Quinlan, Mobile
  11. Right Rev. I. Loughlin, Brooklyn
  12. Right Rev. J.J. Conroy, Albany
  1. Right Rev. J. Gibbons, Wilmington
  2. Right Rev. J.M. Henni, Milwaukee
  3. Right Rev. J.F. Shanahan, Harrisburg
  4. Right Rev. J. Hennessy, Dubuque
  5. Right Rev. J.J. Williams, Boston
  6. Right Rev. J. Lamy, Santa Fe
  7. Right Rev. P.N. Lynch, Charleston
  8. Right Rev. M. Dominec, Pittsburgh
  9. Right Rev. B.J. McQuaid, Rochester
  10. Right Rev. F.P. McFarland, Hartford
  11. Right Rev. T. Mullen, Erie
  12. Right Rev. E. Fitzgerald, Little Rock
  1. Most Rev. J. Audu, Patriarch Babylon
  2. Most Rev. W. Harcus, Patriarch Antioch
  3. Most Rev. A. Hassun, Patriarch Constantinople
  4. Most Rev. P. Jussef, Patriarch Antioch
  5. Most Rev. C. Matar, Archbishop Aleppo
  6. Right Rev. A. Bscai, Cairo
  7. Right Rev. P. Mellus, Chaldean
  8. Right Rev. H. Tilchian Arminus
  9. Right Rev. C. Behnan Benni


  • Creation: ca. 1900


Language of Materials



Ella B. Edes served as Roman corespondent of the New York Catholic News . She knew many members of the Catholic hierarchy.


2 linear inches

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Immediate Source of Acquisition

Ella B. Edes gave this to the Bishops Memorial Hall at Notre Dame, 24 June 1905.

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Ella B. Edes Papers
University of Notre Dame Archives
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