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Showing Collections: 241 - 270 of 1677

College Football Bowl Game Media Guides

Identifier: FBC 550
Scope and Contents This collection consists of media guides for various college football bowl games. The media guides typically contain pictures, articles, statistics, schedules, and information about the participating teams, players, and coaches. The guides also usually contain administrative information about the bowl game, historical data about the bowl game, information about the host city, and other information for members of the media. The media guides tend to become larger, longer, and more substantial...
Dates: 1941 - 2005

College Football Bowl Game Programs

Identifier: FBC 625
Scope and Contents This collection consists of programs for various college football bowl games. The collection includes programs for bowl games between major conference teams, like the Fiesta Bowl, the Gator Bowl, the Holiday Bowl, the Sun Bowl, the Liberty Bowl, the Peach Bowl, and others. The collection also includes programs for bowl games between small-college teams, like the Grantland Rice Bowl, the Stagg Bowl, the Burley Bowl, the Camellia Bowl, the Cigar Bowl, the Mineral Water Bowl, and others. The...
Dates: 1930 - 2011

College Football Conferences Media Guides Collection

Identifier: FBC 530
Scope and Contents This collection consists of media guides for college football conferences. The media guides typically contain pictures, articles, statistics, schedules, and information about the conference teams and their players, coaches, and other personnel. The guides also usually contain administrative information about the conference, its constituent colleges/universities, historical data about the conference and other information for members of the media. The media guides tend to become larger,...
Dates: 1945 - 2005

College Winter Sports Media Guides Collection

Identifier: GEN 541
Scope and Contents This collection contains winter sports media guides published by four-year colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. Earlier guides cover only men’s sports, by the 1970s and 1980 most guides include both men’s and women’s sports. The guides tend to emphasize basketball and/or ice hockey. But winter sports media guides also include information about other traditional winter sports, including wrestling, track and field, swimming and diving, and sometimes gymnastics, fencing,...
Dates: 1947-1999; Majority of material found in 1950-1976

Commonweal Records

Identifier: CWL
Scope and Content Editorial correspondence (1976-1989), original manuscripts accepted for publication (1967-1984), unused articles (1979-1983), financial records (1926-1978), subscription lists (1979 and 1982-1983), and photographs. Also material on the Charles E. Curran controversy, Synods of Bishops (1984-1989), and editorial correspondence (1938) relating to the journal's controversial stand on the Spanish Civil War, along with copies of speeches and biographical notes (ca. 1930) by Michael...
Dates: 1926-[ongoing]

Comte de Langeron reports

Identifier: MSN/COL 7901

Retained copies of official reports written in 1762-63 from the Caribbean colony of Saint-Domingue by the Comte de Langeron, a French army colonel.

Dates: 1762-1763

Conference of Major Superiors of Men Records

Identifier: MSM
Scope and Content Correspondence of CMSM presidents, executive directors, executive comittee, and other committees; memoranda and reports from regional meetings and yearly general assemblies; an evaluation study of CMSM and records of the work of the CMSM Structures Task Force in response to the study; a copy of the book Who are my brothers? (1988) with related drafts, galleys, and correspondence; byproducts of a CMSM video, Brother is a Verb; microfilm of Joseph A. Varacalli's The American Catholic call for...
Dates: 1956-[ongoing]

Conference on the History of Women Religious Records

Identifier: HWR
Scope and Content

Records (1988-2010) of the Conference on the History of Women Religious, consisting chiefly of papers delivered at the triennial conferences; also the History of Women Religious News and Notes (1988-2000); and a small quantity of background information and mailing lists.

Dates: 1988-2010.

Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano (2nd : 1968 : Medellín) Records

Identifier: MED
Content Description

Fifty .pdf files comprising a digital copy of the typescript proceedings (15 volumes) of the 1968 Medellín council meeting of the Episcopal Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAM), and of the 189-page Medellín Conclusiones: La Iglesia en la Actual Transformación de America Latina a la Luz del Concilio published in 1990.

Dates: 1967 May 11-1990

Congregation of Holy Cross Brothers Collection

Identifier: SCB
Scope and Content

Obituary book of deceased brothers (1822-1878); last wills of many brothers (1843-1885); carbon copy of a compilation of notes on the brothers (1842-1945); register of brothers at Notre Dame (1842-1850); list of brothers associated with Notre Dame (1923-1948); correspondence and personal documents of various brothers.

Dates: 1822-1974.

Congregation of Holy Cross. Canadian Province. Records

Identifier: CSQ
Scope and Content

Documents from the archives of the Canadian Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross having to do with the general history of the Congregation, including foundations in Europe, America, and India, and associated congregations of brothers and sisters.

Dates: 1763-1954

Congregation of Holy Cross Collection

Identifier: CSC
Scope and Content

Collected digital data, photographs and printed material having to do with the priests, brothers, and sisters of Holy Cross.

Dates: 1843-2011

Congregation of Holy Cross. Indiana Province Collection

Identifier: SCM
Scope and Content Papers of the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Father Basil Anthony Moreau; reports of Fathers Edward Sorin and William Corby to the superior general of the congregation concerning the affairs of the University of Notre Dame; material concerning the history and role of Holy Cross Brothers and Sisters at Notre Dame; minutes and deliberations of provincial meetings; weight receipts and minutes from the Notre Dame Farm Committee; reports on schools and missions operated by the...
Dates: 1842-1967.

Congregation of Holy Cross. Indiana Province. Commission on Province Education Records

Identifier: PED
Scope and Content Material on seminary life gathered in 1965 by the Commission on Province Education (COPE), Congregation of Holy Cross, Province of Indiana, including manuals for students at the Maryknoll Seminary in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, and rules and records from the Holy Cross and Moreau Seminaries in Notre Dame, Indiana. Also information on seminary life from St. Meinrad Seminary in St. Meinrad, Indiana, the Holy Cross Foreign Mission Seminary in Washington, D.C., Holy Cross College in...
Dates: 1958-1965.

Congregation of Holy Cross Indiana Province Records

Identifier: UIP
Scope and Content Records and papers from the Indiana Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC); representing the careers of Fr. Edward Sorin 1830-1896; Fr. Alexis Granger 1832-1893; Fr. William Corby 1858-1897; Fr. John A. Zahm 1873-1922; and the provincial administrations of Fr. Andrew Morrissey 1906-1920; Fr. Charles O'Donnell 1920-1926; Fr. George Finnigan 1926-1927; Fr. James Burns 1927-1938; and Fr. Thomas Steiner 1938-1950. Also 1841-1926 records of the Notre Dame CSC Community; 1840-1982...
Dates: 1828-1973.

Congregation of Holy Cross Priests Collection

Identifier: SCP
Scope and Content

Correspondence of Holy Cross fathers Peter P. Cooney, William Corby, James M. Dillon, Gilbert Francais, Julius A. Freré, and Basil Anthony Moreau; last wills (1844- 1861), manuscripts of poems, sermons, and speeches, instructions from superiors, military service records, notebooks, and other papers of many Holy Cross priests at Notre Dame.

Dates: 1842-1964.

Congregation of Holy Cross Records

Identifier: SCG
Scope and Content

Correspondence, reports, constitutions, directories, publications, documentation of meetings, records of activities and institutions, representing the general adminstration of the congregation as it interacted with its provinces, institutions, and members, and with bishops and the Vatican.

Dates: 1812-2016

Consortium Perfectae Caritatis Records

Identifier: CPC
Scope and Content Records (1957-1994; bulk 1970-1992) of the Consortium Perfectae Caritatis: consisting of bylaws, constitutions, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda, reports, surveys, interviews, articles, clippings, pamphlets, books, programs, liturgies, photographs, and audio tapes; documenting the development of the Consortium, the actions of its administrative board, its general assemblies, and other activities; including material on issues and events of interest to the Consortium (such as...
Dates: 1957-1994 (bulk 1970-1992)

Consultation on Common Texts Records

Identifier: CCT
Scope and Content

Records of the Consultation on Common Texts, arranged primarily chronologically according to year, consist of correspondence, memoranda, minutes and drafts of the Divine Office, Psalms, Lectionary, and Ecumenical Prayer Services.

Dates: 1964-2002

Coquillard / Voll Family Collection

Identifier: CVF
Scope and Content

Letters, photographs, clippings, scrapbooks, photocopies, printed matter, official documents, genealogies, memoirs, historical sketches, and other material representing the lives of the Coquillards and Volls.

This preliminary inventory is based on the list of items appended to the deed of gift. Missing item numbers belong to items that were not donated to the Notre Dame Archives.

Dates: 1800s-2000s.

Corkins Family Manuscripts

Identifier: MSN/EA 8013

Three manuscript journals and albums kept by female members of the Corkins family of Vermont and Massachusetts. Included is a personal journal of Sarah Corkins Towslee (1833-1898), describing her years as an operative in the mills of the Connecticut River Valley.

Dates: 1824-1886

Cornelius A. Delahunty Papers

Identifier: ZBT
Scope and Content

Two notebooks containing essays, instructions, and other writings on religion and theology that Delahunty evidently wrote after arriving at Notre Dame; and a legal statement by James A. Burns, CSC, concerning Delahunty's character and his benefaction to Holy Cross College, Washington, D.C.

Dates: post 1876.

Cornelius Hagerty Papers

Identifier: CHA
Scope and Content

Several of his religious publications; a copy of "The Hagerty Family History," 1972; and manuscripts of two essays by Hagerty, "The Problem of Evil" and "A Course of Apologetics".

Dates: 1910s-1972

Corpus Records

Identifier: CRP
Scope and Content

Correspondence, Board meeting files, research files, conference files, subject files, Vatican II Council Daybooks, surveys, reports, press releases, Corpus directories, circulars, bulletins, newsletters, Priestly Ministry USA, and other printed material.

Dates: Records, 1975-[ongoing]

Corvo/Enterprise Logbook

Identifier: MSN/EA 4703-01-B

A manuscript logbook documenting voyages of the American whalers Corvo and Enterprise, from 6 October 1840 to 17 May 1841.

Dates: 1840-1841

Cotton Bowl College Football Programs

Identifier: FBC 623
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of college football Cotton Bowl programs. The programs typically contain pictures, articles, and statistics about the players on the teams playing in the Cotton Bowl. Most programs also include pictures and information about coaches, other team personnel, and Cotton Bowl administrators, data and statistics about the participating schools, and advertisements. The programs tend to become longer and more substantial through the years. Formats include programs.

Dates: 1941 - 1996

Council for the International Lay Apostolate Records

Identifier: ILA
Scope and Contents Papers donated by William C. Moran dating from 1962, consisting of three documents and an unpublished diary concerning the Peruvian Project of the Council for the International Lay Apostolate (CILA) with entries by William C. Moran, Thomas J. Schlereth, P. Barry Baldwin, and Thomas Bishop; papers donated by Margaret Kelly Davenport dating from 1962, including a CILA membership card, an identification card from the Gran Mision de la Ciudad de Mexico, a flier for bull fights in Plaza Mexico,...
Dates: 1962-1967

COVID-19 Oral History Collection

Identifier: COV
Scope and Contents In 2022, the University of Notre Dame sponsored an oral history project to document the campus community’s experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.The resulting collection includes audio recordings of 85 oral history interviews conducted with administrators, faculty, staff, and students about the University of Notre Dame’s response to, and the campus community’s experience of, the pandemic. A signed consent form and full interview transcription accompanies each recording. The...
Dates: 2020 - 2023

C.R. Smith Papers

Identifier: TVS
Scope and Content Correspondence between Smith and Lee Tavis, 1970s; annual reports of Aviation Corporation (AVOCO), 1930-1935, and American Airlines, 1966-1975; a financial analysis of American Airlines and its predecessor companies by Smith, 1920s-1975; copies of correspondence and advertising memos of Smith, 1948-1956; articles and clippings about Smith, 1940s-1970s; photocopies of the Aircraft Yearbook, 1926-1932; transcripts and audio tapes of interviews of Smith by Tavis, 1970s; a book-length manuscript...
Dates: 1926-1979.


Identifier: PAZ
Scope and Content Documents on the history of CRISPAZ; legal documents, reports and correspondence regarding the situation in El Salvador between the period of 1980-2000; correspondence letters between CRISPAZ members; original photographs from shootings and massacres in El Salvador during the civil war; original and copies of news articles concerning the civil war, injustices in El Salvador, and CRISPAZ between the period of 1975-2001; newsletters from CRISPAZ volunteers in El Salvador; information on issues...
Dates: 1980-2010.

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University of Notre Dame Archives 1267
University of Notre Dame Rare Books & Special Collections 410
University records 273
Letters (correspondence) 170
Clippings (information artifacts) 120
Manuscripts (documents) 82
Correspondence 54