Showing Collections: 181 - 210 of 1249
Congregation of Holy Cross Priests Collection
Correspondence of Holy Cross fathers Peter P. Cooney, William Corby, James M. Dillon, Gilbert Francais, Julius A. Freré, and Basil Anthony Moreau; last wills (1844- 1861), manuscripts of poems, sermons, and speeches, instructions from superiors, military service records, notebooks, and other papers of many Holy Cross priests at Notre Dame.
Congregation of Holy Cross Records
Correspondence, reports, constitutions, directories, publications, documentation of meetings, records of activities and institutions, representing the general adminstration of the congregation as it interacted with its provinces, institutions, and members, and with bishops and the Vatican.
Consortium Perfectae Caritatis Records
Consultation on Common Texts Records
Records of the Consultation on Common Texts, arranged primarily chronologically according to year, consist of correspondence, memoranda, minutes and drafts of the Divine Office, Psalms, Lectionary, and Ecumenical Prayer Services.
Coquillard / Voll Family Collection
Letters, photographs, clippings, scrapbooks, photocopies, printed matter, official documents, genealogies, memoirs, historical sketches, and other material representing the lives of the Coquillards and Volls.
This preliminary inventory is based on the list of items appended to the deed of gift. Missing item numbers belong to items that were not donated to the Notre Dame Archives.
Cornelius A. Delahunty Papers
Two notebooks containing essays, instructions, and other writings on religion and theology that Delahunty evidently wrote after arriving at Notre Dame; and a legal statement by James A. Burns, CSC, concerning Delahunty's character and his benefaction to Holy Cross College, Washington, D.C.
Cornelius Hagerty Papers
Several of his religious publications; a copy of "The Hagerty Family History," 1972; and manuscripts of two essays by Hagerty, "The Problem of Evil" and "A Course of Apologetics".
Corpus Records
Correspondence, Board meeting files, research files, conference files, subject files, Vatican II Council Daybooks, surveys, reports, press releases, Corpus directories, circulars, bulletins, newsletters, Priestly Ministry USA, and other printed material.
Council for the International Lay Apostolate Records
COVID-19 Oral History Collection
C.R. Smith Papers
Cross Currents Survey Papers
Working files from Sally Cunneen's 1965 survey of readers of Cross Currents magazine; consisting of the coding book, notebooks, completed survey questionnaires, and computer printouts.
Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism Records
Records of Notre Dame's Charles and Margaret Hall Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism, including audio-visual material, photographs and digital data.
Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes Collection
Sixteen daguerreotypes and ambrotypes (early photographs), most of them portraits.
Damien Tambola Papers
Research notes generated by work on her master's thesis, "James F. Edwards Pioneer Archivist of Catholic Church History of America" (1958); with correspondence between Sister Tambola and the Notre Dame Archives.
Dana Greene Papers
Research files in support of Dana Greene's book The Living of Maisie Ward (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1997); consisting of interviews, correspondence, notes, and photocopies of manuscript documents and published articles.
Daniel Brent Letter book
Letter book with entries dating from 10 August 1833 to 1 April 1836, including letters to John Quincy Adams, President Andrew Jackson, Secretary of State Louis McLane, Secretary of State John Forsyth, Edward Stubbs of the State Department, William Brent, Robert Walsh, Philip Kearny, Senator Peleg Sprague, George Law, William B. Taylor, Felix Cicognani (U.S. Consul at Rome), and John W. Parker (U.S. Consul at Amsterdam).
Daniel Cherico Collection
Catholic books, pamphlets, periodicals, parish histories, post cards, holy cards, and printed ephemera, with a small quantity of manuscript material, artifacts, photographs, audio recordings, videos, and digital data.
Daniel E. Hudson Papers
Daniel E. Pilarczyk Papers
Papers from his education at St. Gregory Seminary (1948-1961), the Collegio Propaganda Fide (1953-1961), Xavier University in Cincinnati, and the University of Cincinnati; notebooks, scrapbooks, memorabilia, essays, dissertations, mimeographed circulars and booklets, printed material, correspondence, and diaries (1961, 1966, 1986-2005: closed until 50 years after his death). Also Tax returns (1961-1996), checkbook registers, financial notebooks, and mass intention books.
Daniel H. Winicur Papers
Personal files of Daniel H. Winicur, regarding teaching, research, recommendations, curricula vitae, Klezmorim, etc., 1960s-1980s.
Daniel J. Gentile Papers
Daniel J. O'Neill Papers
David B. Cortright Papers
Files representing David B. Cortright's writings (1988-2010), activities (1992-2017), and teaching career at Goshen College and the University of Notre Dame (1993-2008); concerning peacebuilding, sanctions, nuclear disarmament, war issues, the Fourth Freedom Forum, Notre Dame's Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, and related topics.
David Berta Photographs
Negatives and prints of photographs, including aerial photographs, of the 1995-1996 expansion of the stadium, and negatives and prints of aerial photographs of the games in the stadium during the 1996 football season. The donor asks that any publication of these photographs include credit to him as the photographer.
David Bowman Papers
David Burrell Papers
Files representing his career as a teacher and his research interests, including philosophy, theology, and Islam. Papers include reports of the University of Notre Dame Task Forces on academic discipline, enrollment, physical facilities, and research and instruction; correspondence, reports, and minutes, University of Notre Dame Committee on University Priorities, 1972-1974; an evaluation of the University of Notre Dame Philosophy department; and photographs.