Showing Collections: 1111 - 1140 of 1248
Sisters of the Holy Cross Collection
Documents by and about the Sisters of the Holy Cross at Notre Dame, Indiana, including papers of Mother Ascension and Mother Angela; last wills of eighteen Holy Cross Sisters; papers of three alumnae of St. Mary's College; correspondence of various sisters; and material concerning St. Mary's Academy (later St. Mary's College). Correspondents of Mother Ascension include Father Edward Sorin.
S.L. Derrick Diary
Photocopies of entries Derrick wrote while at Notre Dame installing an organ in the original Church of the Sacred Heart; with related clippings and a letter, 1956.
Also available on microfilm.
Social Issues Collection
Social Justice Papers
Societas Liturgica Collection
Newsletters 1969-1998; convention material 1969-1995.
Society for the Propagation of the Faith Records
Society for the Renewal of Christian Art Papers
Correspondence, articles, offprints, clippings, newsletters, brochures, photographs, and other documents representing Maurice Lavanoux continuing interest in modern liturgical art and architecture and his efforts to organize a Society for the Renewal of Christian Art to carry on the work of the Liturgical Arts Society.
Society of Priests for a Free Ministry Records
Files kept by Rocco Caporale, officer of the Society of Priests for a Free Ministry, which worked to achieve its vision of a renewed church and proposed alternative liberating structures; consisting of correspondence, memoranda, newsletters, proposals, proceedings, clippings, and other papers.
Sollitt Construction Company
Sonia Gernes Papers
Chiefly drafts of her poetry and prose.
Sorin Birthplace Commemoration Collection
Material concerning the commemoration of Fr. Sorin's birth in Ahuillé, France. The commemoration took place in Ahuillé on 14 September 1978, with Father Theodore Hesburgh, CSC, participating. Consists of correspondence received by the Archives in connection with the event; Hesburgh's speech at the commemoration; and xerox copies of newspaper articles concerning the event.
Sorin Jubilee and Monument Correspondence
Letters received from donors regarding the Jubilee of Father Sorin (1888) and the fundraising for a memorial statue to Father Sorin (1905-1906). Letters were received by Professors Orville Chamberlain and J. A. Lyons, James Cardinal Gibbons, John Zahm, CSC, William J. Marr, CSC, John W. Cavanaugh, CSC, Thomas E. Walsh, CSC, and William Corby, CSC, from friends of the University.
South Bend (Ind.) Records
City Court Clerk's docket and fee book (1937-1939); and South Bend Treasurer's journal (1845-1863) listing income and expenditures.
South Bend Tribune (Firm) Printed material
Reproductions of historic front pages of the South Bend Tribune from the newspaper's first hundred years, 1872-1972; a special centennial edition of the Tribune; 100 Years on the Road, a history of the Studebaker Corporation, 1952; and a South Bend Tribune clipping concerning the Studebaker Corporation, 1978.
Spanish-American War Photographs
Nine black-and-white prints dating from 1898, most of them showing the 69th Regiment New York Infantry, a few of them showing Catholic chaplains saying Mass for the troops.
Sports Marketing Papers
Records of James Fraleigh's Varsity Shops, chiefly financial, with some regarding the Stadium artifacts auction.
St. John's Cathedral School for Boys (Milwaukee, Wis.) Records
Account books of Brother Philemon (director of the school), receipts of expenditures, and bulletins from the school's annual play, 1885.
Stanislas Fitte Papers
Notes for sermons, lectures, and classes, with his views of church history, history of philosophy, morals, logic, and French drama; a few letters; manuscripts of lectures, papers, and sermons; a transcript of his philosophy lectures, 1893-1894; and printed lectures, 1897-1898.
ms 67-903
Stephen Denis Kertesz Papers
Correspondence with Birch Bayh, 1975-1980; and clippings and biographical material concerning Kertesz, 1950-1975.
Stephen R. Moriarty Photographs
Photographs, contact sheets, and negatives relating to the activities of the Peace Institute and the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, circa 1990-1993. Also included are photographs (primarily portraits of University faculty and administrators) taken for Robert Schmuhl's "Notre Dame: A Contemporary Portrait," (1988).
Stephen T. Badin Papers
Steve Boda Collection
Student Activities
Records of Notre Dame's Student Activities Office, including audio-visual and printed material.
Teachers as Scholars Records
Records of Notre Dame's Teachers as Scholars program.
Texas Collection
Calendar cards followed by manuscripts of Texas material in the Archives of University of Notre Dame.
Texas Knights of Columbus Historical Commission Records
The Grail Records
The Liturgical Conference Records
General Correspondence Files, Subject Files, President's Files, Directors' Files, Executive Committee Files, Rachel Reeder's Files, Editing Department Files, and "Liturgy" Magazine Files.
The New Scholasticism Records
Booklets, brochures, correspondence, financial records, manuscripts, and memoranda.