Showing Collections: 211 - 240 of 1249
David Power Conyngham Papers
Denis Goulet Papers
Office files representing his teaching, his interest in developing countries in Latin America, and his publications, including offprints or copies of his articles; conference files A-Z; subjects A-Z; book reviews; teaching files; country files (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America); research files A-Z; and a Goulet biogaphical file.
Dennis Clark Papers
Photocopy of Clark's diaries, 1948-1989; manuscripts of essays, bibliographies, articles, book reviews, proposals, clippings, and offprints; concerning Irish studies, urban history, labor, public housing, desegregation, and Catholic Action; with a few letters and memoranda, a register of the Clark Papers in the Balch Institute of Ethnic Studies, a television script, and an interview with Clark (1976).
Department of Anthropology Records
Records of Notre Dame's Department of Anthropology, including three photographs.
Diocesan and Archdiocesan Printed Material
Anniversary booklets, yearbooks, necrologies, directories, ordos, statutes, books, pamphlets, clippings, and other printed material pertaining to dioceses and archdioceses in the United States; providing information on ecclesiastical sees, Catholic institutions, religious education, episcopal appointments, and ordinations; with biographies of priests diocesan histories, parish histories, and diocesan school board reports.
Diocese of Albany Collection
Miscellaneous papers having to do with the Diocese of Albany or with activities within it; with material relating to bishops John McCloskey and John J. Conroy.
Diocese of Alton Collection
A few letters dating 1877-1881 with typewritten abstracts, legal documents, and clippings, having to do with the diocese and Bishop Peter Joseph Baltes; also a twentieth-century handwritten biographical sketch of Bishop Baltes.
Diocese of Brooklyn Collection
Photostats of letters received by Mother M. de Chantal Keating from H. Braun, Bishop Peter J. Hurth, CSC, and Archbishop George Mundelein.
Diocese of Buffalo Collection
Two letters received by Bishop John Timon, one letter sent by Bishop Stephen Ryan, and photostats of a life of John B. Merz and a sacramental record book.
Diocese of Charleston Collection
Letters (originals and photostats) from Simon Gabriel Bruté, later Bishop of Vincennes, to William Gaston, North Carolina jurist, 1814-1839; other letters, including one (photostat) from John England (1834); one (photostat) from William Gaston (1811); and one (original) from Patrick N. Lynch, third bishop of Charleston (1882); and a photostat of a journal, 1820-1823, written by Bishop John England.
Diocese of Cleveland Collection
Diocese of Columbus Collection
A 242-page diary kept by Sylvester H. Rosecrans, 1847-1852, which covers his journey to Rome, travels in Italy and preparation for the priesthood; a typewritten transcript of the same diary; letters, poems and clippings by and about Sylvester H. Rosecrans; photostats of some 25 letters concerning the Dominican Sisters at St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus, Ohio, 1829-1860; and a few other items concerning the Catholic Church in Columbus.
Diocese of Corpus Christi Collection
"History of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas" by Sister Mary Xavier Holworthy (a Master's Thesis at St. Mary's Univesrity of San Antonio, Texas, August 1939); and a map of the Diocese of Corpus Christi associated with the thesis.
Diocese of Covington Collection
Correspondence of Bishop Maes; the manuscript of his History of the Catholic Church in Monroe City and County, Michigan ; minutes of the second preparatory meeting for the Eucharistic convention, 2 June 1894; and other correspondence, papers, and pamphlets relating to Catholic affairs in the diocese, 1858-1922.
Diocese of Erie Collection
Diocese of Fort Wayne Collection
Diocese of Galveston-Houston Collection
Collected papers having to do with activities in the territory of the Diocese of Galveston-Houston.
Diocese of Grand Rapids Letters
Six letters (1890-1893) from Grand Rapids Bishop Henry Joseph Richter to Rev. Frederick H. Ruessmann, granting permissions and approvals or expressing disapproval.
Diocese of Harrisburg Collection
Clippings concerning Bishop Jeremiah Francis Shanahan and the Diocese of Harrisburg.
Diocese of Hartford Collection
Diocese of Helena Letter
A letter sent from Helena by Bishop Brondel, addressed to "Madam," identifying the American Catholic as a paper recently begun by Mr Hickey of Brooklyn, editor of the Catholic Review. Bishop Brondel says that he does not know the price.
Diocese of Kansas City (Mo.) Collection
Diocesan records, 1892-1952, consisting of minutes of council and consultants' meetings, announcements, and a record of clerical appointments; manuscripts of three works relating to the diocese; and scrapbooks compiled by Bishop John J. Hogan concerning Catholic and diocesan topics, 1870-1913.
Diocese of La Crosse Collection
Papal Bull (Pope Pius IX) establishing the Diocese of La Crosse, 3 March 1868; and a receipt signed by Rev. M. Connolly for $9.25 received in a Christmas Collection from "Carmelite Ladies", 28 December 1881.
Diocese of Marquette Collection
Diocese of Nashville Collection
Diocese of Natchez Collection
Six letters received by Bishop John Chanche (1852-1853); three letters received by Bishop James O. Van de Velde (1855); three letters sent by Bishop William Henry Elder (1861-1864) and a document in Elder's hand, dating from the 1870s, characterizing the Society of the Knights of the Legion of Honor as a secret society; clippings of pastoral letters and articles by Elder (1873-1881); and a few other letters and clippings.
In English, French, German, and Latin.
Diocese of Natchitoches Collection
Testament of Bishop Augustus Mary Martin, 1 May 1872 (French); printed letter from Bishop Martin approving the Catholic Militant Union of the Cross; obituary clipping "The Late Rt. Rev. A.M. Martin, Bishop of Natchitoches"; Succession of Bishop Martin, deceased, Bishop Francis Xavier Leray, executor, December 1880; and a document written by Bishop Leray commending Rev. Celestine Mahé and releasing him for a five-month leave of absence in his native country, circa 1884 (Latin).
Diocese of Peoria Collection
Manuscript of an oration by Bishop Spalding delivered at the University of Notre Dame in 1886; and material concerning Peoria collected by Sister M. Annella, OP, most of it in the form of letters in reply to Sr. Annella's requests for information, 1949-1953.
Diocese of Pittsburgh Collection
Miscellaneous correspondence of bishops Michael O'Connor, Michael Domenec, John Tuigg, and other letters associated with the territory of the diocese; biographical information, newspaper clippings, and printed ephemera.
Diocese of Portland (Me.) Collection
Letter from Bishop David W. Bacon, Portland, to Rev. Joseph O'Brien, Cathedral, Providence, R.I.; typewritten notes concerning Bishop Bacon's ancestry, education, and episcopate (1855-1874); handwritten table of statistics for the Diocese of Portland (1855-1875); funeral announcement for Mrs. Eliza Bacon.