Showing Collections: 61 - 90 of 1249
Austin E. Ford Papers
Austin O'Malley Papers
Ave Maria Magazine Records
Ave Maria Press Records
Baestlé - Bonté - DeSeille Family Papers
Correspondence, passports, death notices, memorial cards, holy cards,
Bagby Negatives
Images of Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Golf, Fencing, Boxing, Tennis, Minor Sports, and Miscellaneous.
Types of Negatives: Films (F) and Glass Plates (G). Sizes: 45 (4"x5") 57 (5"x7") 81 (8"x10") OV (Oversize).
Barbara Allen Oral histories
Interviews concerning military and wartime experiences and how those experiences influenced perceptions of the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq. Interviews were conducted by eight students in Barbara Allen's oral history class (Spring semester 1991)
Bardstown (Ky.). Board of Trustees Records
Typescript minutes of the Board of Trustees of the town of Bardstown, Kentucky, including sale of lots with names, deeds and transfers, construction of market houses, slave rules, expenses, elected officials,election results, and fire protection.
Benedict Joseph Spalding Papers
Benedictine Periodicals
Sponsa Regis 1933-1965, which became Sisters Today 1966-2000; American Benedictine Review 1951-2000; Orate Fratres 1926-1951, which became Worship 1951-2000. Some issues, even whole volumes, missing.
Benjamin Marie Petit Collection
Bernard A. Garber Papers
Personal Letters received from Richard Parrish and Joseph Lally Brennan (1980s); and miscellaneous letters received as President of the Class of 1928.
Bernard D. Cullity Papers
Bernard E. Doering Papers
Bernard H. B. Lange Collection
Bernard Smith Letters received
Letters from Archbishop John Hughes of New York, Bishop Michael O'Connor of Pittsburgh, and others; with some letters addressed to Tobias Kirby, Rector of the Irish College, Rome.
Bernard Waldman Papers
Bernardus Vornholt Papers
Correspondence, 1891-1950, and a manuscript record of American Catholic missions arranged by state and city, 1600s-1900s.
Bertrand Family Genealogical material
Photocopies of lineages and official documents concerning the Bertrand family of Niles, Michigan, and its forebears.
Beyond Our Control Records
Bill Farmer Collection
Black and white prints of the ld Band Building and Holy Cross Hall before their eventual demolition, c1990. Also samples of trim and moldings from Notre Dame buildings.
Bill Farmer commissioned Law Graphics to take these photographs; Farmer then donated them to the Archives
Bishop Ricardo Ramírez Papers
Digitized copies of articles, speeches, homilies, statements, and other writings of Ricardo Ramírez, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Las Cruces (New Mexico).
Bishops' Memorial Hall
Book Collection
Books having to do with the history of the Catholic Church in the United States and territories that eventually became part of the U.S.; reference works likely to be helpful to researchers in the Notre Dame Archives; and books collected by Francis P. Clark.
Boys and Girls Haven Records
Brother Agatho Heiser Papers
Typewritten transcription of diary entries concerning Rev. James Burns, CSC, during January and February of the last year of his life, 1940.
Brother Aidan's Extracts
Extracts (quotations) of passages concerning the history of the Congregation of Holy Cross taken from manuscript records and printed sources.
Brother Alban Ledgers
Books appearing to be book-keeping workbooks or, less likely, actual accounts, tentatively identified as belonging to Brother Alban; the books, written in shorthand, refer to transactions between persons who could not be identified as Notre Dame students, large shipments to cities of materials that could not be identified, and very large exchanges of money. The ledgers are most likely work-books used for the purpose of short-hand and accounting instruction at the University of Notre Dame.
Brother Charles McBride Records
Black and white and color negatives taken by Brother Charles McBride regarding Notre Dame athletics.
Brother Franklin Cullen Collection
Essays by Brother Franklin Cullen concerning the history of the Congregation of Holy Cross, many of them presented at Conferences on the History of the Congregations of Holy Cross.