Showing Collections: 151 - 180 of 406
Jack Benny Program scripts
A collection of about 600 Jack Benny Program radio and television scripts, 1943 to 1965. The typescripts are original working copies of George M. Balzer, one of Benny's writers.
Jack Gamble Collection of Liam Miller and Dolmen Press
Jack Level Presidents Collection
Manuscript drafts and research materials for the unpublished book Sports and Pastimes of the Presidents, by Jack Level of Elmhurst, New York.
Jack Pfefer Wrestling Collection
Jackson Family Correspondence
A group of around 60 manuscript personal letters, almost all written by and/or to members of the Jackson family of Moore County, North Carolina before and during the Civil War. The collection includes letters of eleven Confederate States soldiers, serving in the 26th or 30th North Carolina Infantry or the 2nd North Carolina Cavalry.
Jacob P. Russel Diary
A manuscript diary kept by a young Philadelphia drug store worker named Jacob Russel, from October 1857 to February 1859.
Jacques Hilpert watercolor album
James A. Loughead Family Correspondence
A group of 22 family letters written by or to the merchant seaman James A. Loughead from 1827 to 1850, including seven written by his father, Robert L. Loughead, as United States Consul at Londonderry, Ireland.
James B. Jordan Letter
A Civil War letter written on 5 February 1865 by Confederate lieutenant James B. Jordan, 26th North Carolina Infantry, from the Federal prison camp at Johnson's Island, Ohio.
James Boardman Diary
A short-entry Civil War manuscript soldier's diary for the calendar year 1863, kept by James Boardman, Co. B, 3rd Minnesota Infantry.
James C. Woodworth Collection
Civil War papers and realia of James C. Woodworth of Worcester, Massachusetts, who from 1861 to 1864 served in Co. H of the 25th Massachusetts Infantry, rising to lieutenant. Included in the collection are a 6-volume wartime diary and an album containing 73 tintype portraits of members of Co. H.
James Parkison Letters
Consists of 11 letters (October 1864 to March 1866) written by the Newark, Ohio printer and pro-war Republican James Parkison. All are directed to his brother William, who for most of the correspondence was serving with the Union army in Tennessee.
James S. Swearingen Letter Book
A letter copy book containing about 125 pieces of outgoing military correspondence written by 1st Lt. James S. Swearingen of the U.S. Army, during service at the frontier post of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1806 to November 1807.
James Stephens Letter and Poem
This collection consists of a single letter sent from James Stephens to a woman named Nan, as well as a poem, “Optimist,” by Stephens.
James Witter Nicholson Family Letters
Jean Meyer Cristero Rebellion Oral History Collection
This collection consists of oral history interviews conducted by Jean Meyer and others about the Cristero Rebellion in Mexico. Included are interviews with former military and government personnel who witnessed or participated in the Rebellion, as well as interviews with citizens of Mexico, and some samples of popular music in Spanish and Nahuatl. Materials include open reel audio tapes, audiocassettes, compact discs, and digital versatile discs.
Jesús González Ortega Papers
A collection of letters and other papers belonging to Jesús González Ortega, an important political and military figure in mid-19th century Mexico. The papers mainly relate to González Ortega's stay in the United States in 1865-1867, the efforts of Benito Juárez's government in Mexico to remove him from political office while he was away, and his detainment by the U.S. government in November 1866.
Jim Newton Collection on Pete Rose
A collection of materials on the Pete Rose gambling investigation of 1989, assembled by journalist Jim Newton of the Fort Hamilton (OH) Press. The collection consists primarily of photocopied documents and news clips. Included is a copy of the Dowd Report (Major League Baseball's investigation into Rose's activities) with its many attendant volumes of exhibits.
J.J. O'Kelly (Sceilg) Collection
John and Sarah McMahon Journals
A group of seven manuscript volumes, mostly personal journals, kept by Methodist Episcopal clergyman John T. McMahon and his wife Sarah Douglas McMahon. Much of the content dates from the couple's years working at the Church's North India Mission, 1871-1897.
John Bennett Shaw Collection of Printed Ephemera for Modern Authors
Collection consists of programs, playbills, proof copy, publication announcements, press releases, and other ephemera. The authors in the collection are primarily 20th-century British and American writers. The collection also includes many single-issue journals, quite frequently the place where a story or poem was first published.
John Carrington Cross Papers
John Curtice Diary
An eighteenth-century manuscript copy of a diary kept by Capt. John Curtice of the Massachusetts militia in 1745-1745/6, during the siege and occupation of the French fortress of Louisbourg.
John Dinsmore, Jr. Papers
The personal papers and court records of the New Hampshire farmer, innkeeper, and justice of the peace John Dinsmore, Jr. (1759-1814). The greater part of the collection consists of Rockingham County court records.
John E. and Elizabeth Savage Brownlee Family Papers
Around 80 manuscripts retained by John E. and Elizabeth Savage Brownlee in the decades following their emigration from Ireland to the United States in 1851. The greater number are personal letters written by family members.
John F. Delaney Letters
A group of 38 manuscript personal letters of John F. Delaney, chronicling his experiences as a gold prospector in the Yukon and Alaska, 1898-1899.
John Kelly Temperance Letter
A single manuscript letter from John Kelly, a Catholic priest, to an unnamed Protestant clergyman and the Chairman of the local Clerical Meeting, 1837 or 1838. Kelly explains why Catholic clergy generally remain aloof from temperance societies.
John Lukacs Collection
John M. Jackson Letters
John Matthias Collection
The materials include small press poetry, criticism, and miscellaneous literary and art publications from the UK, the USA, and Scandinavia assembled by John Matthias (1941-), a prominent American poet, critic, translator, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Notre Dame.