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Showing Collections: 151 - 180 of 1249

Charles M. Carey Photographs

Identifier: CAR
Scope and Content

Chiefly photographs of scenes and individuals associated with the University of Notre Dame or with the Congregation of Holy Cross.

Dates: 1908-1940s.

Charles Martin Callahan Papers

Identifier: CHN
Scope and Content Primarily clippings, articles, letters received, and photographs concerning Callahan's 1966 departure from Notre Dame, his 1982 retirement from the Miami Dolphins organization, and his 1995 death. Also includes Callahan's 1938 BA thesis and diploma from Notre Dame, originals and copies of various certificates and awards he received, a few press releases, copies of articles he wrote, and many clippings about his life and career. Consists of six scrapbooks, several loose folders and envelopes,...
Dates: 1938-1995.

Charles Phillips Papers

Identifier: PHI
Scope and Content Manuscripts of poems, plays, fiction, and non-fiction by Charles Phillips; correspondence with Charles Warren Stoddard, 1905-1909; correspondence with others; a letter and a few poems by Vachel Lindsay (1926); and the manuscript of Phillips' book Paderewski: the Story of a Modern Immortal published in 1933; also a notebook on the origins of Virgil's description of Hades in the Aeneid; stories by Charles Warren Stoddard about bohemian life in San Francisco; and...
Dates: 1905-1934, 1960.

Charles S. Hayes Collection

Identifier: HYS
Scope and Content

About forty-eight Department of Art Industrial Design student drawings of automobiles together with a spiral bound booklet containing an inventory and photographs of the drawings. Digital copy of an appraisal of the donation was received and filed with digital packing lists on 14 April 2014.

Dates: 1955-1975.

Charles Warren Stoddard Papers

Identifier: STO
Scope and Content

Diaries, 1884-1885; correspondence, 1870-1908, including a letter concerning religion from Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain), 1 June 1885; manuscripts of Stoddard's work such as For the Pleasure of His Company, "St. Anthony, Wonder Worker of Padua," and "School Days at Notre Dame, 1885-1886"; and articles about Stoddard. Correspondents include Theodore F. Dwight, Daniel Hudson, CSC, William H. Rideing, and Richard Henry Savage.

Diaries also available on 3 reels of microfilm.

Dates: 1870-1927.

Charlotte Ames Collection

Identifier: AME
Scope and Content

Charlotte Ames' correspondence with Carmelite sisters in Wisconsin and Nevada, including some involving Jessica Powers; also printed ephemera collected at Catholic Library Association conferences and other conferences; printed ephemera from the University of Notre Dame; and a few email messages printed out on paper.

Dates: 1988-2009.

Chestertonians of Notre Dame Records

Identifier: CND
Scope and Content This collection consists of administrative records and correspondence relating to the activities of the Chestertonians, including meeting minutes, publicity materials, and financial records, as well as cassette audio tapes of several speakers. The correspondence files of Rufus Rauch and Anton Masin are primarily concerned with administrative matters pertaining to the Chestertonians, but also touch on the acquisition of Chesterton-related materials and the activities of related organizations,...
Dates: 1974 - 1984

Chicago Conference of Laymen Records

Identifier: CCL
Scope and Content

Minutes, memoranda, newsletters, clippings, and a scrapbook.

Dates: 1966-1968.

Christian Family Movement. Milwaukee Chapter Records

Identifier: MLW
Scope and Content

Correspondence, minutes, reports, newsletters (1962-1968), notes taken by Bill and Mary Connolly, leaders of the chapter, and subject files on such topics as school integration, E. Michael McCann's 1968 Milwaukee County district attorney campaign, George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign, the John XXIII Community (1967), and the St. Martin de Porres Group (1963-1967).

Dates: [195-]-1972.

Christian Family Movement Records

Identifier: CFM
Scope and Content Correspondence (1946-1969); files on CFM chaplains; correspondence, agenda, and minutes of the national coordinating committee (1949-1969); correspondence, minutes, and research material associated with the publication of the CFM monthly magazine Act, and copies of the magazine itself (1946-1971); newsletters of local CFM federations; programs, reports, financial records, evaluation forms and speeches, including speeches of Monsignor Reynold Hillenbrand, from CFM national conventions; a...
Dates: 1946-2016

Christman Construction Company Architectural Plans

Identifier: CMN
Scope and Content

Seven sets of architectural plans, drawings, and specifications from Notre Dame buildings constructed by the H.G. Christman Company. Buildings include music hall and boiler house (as one set), Stadium, Hesburgh Library (2 sets), Lemonnier Library (now School of Architecture), Chemistry Building (now Riley Hall), and the Computing Center. The set that includes the music hall and boiler house includes handwritten notes by Brother Charles (Harding?) with his signature.

Dates: 1900s

Christopher Dawson Papers

Identifier: DAW
Scope and Content

Chiefly letters to John J. Mulloy with a few typewritten or photocopied manuscripts of essays and lectures by Dawson and a summary of Mulloy's conversations with Dawson in August and September of 1953.

Dates: 1948-1969.

Civil War Collection

Identifier: CIV
Scope and Content

Dropfiles containing clippings, offprints, newsletters, and ephemera concerning the Civil War, and specifically the Irish Brigade, the Holy Cross Fathers as chaplains during the war, and the Holy Cross Sisters and other nuns and sisters who served as nurses during the war; also books, many of them published in the nineteenth century, and many with illustrations, concerning the Civil War. Also related photographs and objects.

Dates: 1850-2013

Clarence Manion Papers

Identifier: MNN
Scope and Content Copy of a letter that Manion, the Dean of Notre Dame's Law School between 1941 and 1952, wrote to Phillip Moore, CSC, recounting his years as professor and Dean (30 January 1969); a list of the titles of and guests on each installment of the Manion Forum radio program, 1954-1979; an alphabetized card index version of the same; notes, obituaries and biographical sketches of Manion; eleven books and articles written or published by Manion; and issues of the ...
Dates: 1954-1979

Clarence Powell Scrapbook

Identifier: POW
Scope and Content

Scrapbook compiled by Clarence and Mabel Powell concerning Notre Dame midshipmen in World War II. The Powells claimed to have hosted 150 midshipmen from Notre Dame at their home in Mishawaka, Indiana. Includes newspaper clippings, correspondence, and photos sent by the midshipmen to the Powells.

Dates: 1942-1945

Clergy and Religious Printed Material

Identifier: CLR
Scope and Content

Clippings, obituaries, memorial cards, ordination cards, invitations, programs, jubilee booklets, biographical sketches, pamphlets, books, issues of periodicals, musical scores, circulars letters, and correspondence; pertaining to lives of Catholic clergy and religious (bishops, priests, nuns, and brothers) most of them from Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio.

Dates: 1830-1964.

Clergy Writings Collection

Identifier: CLW
Scope and Content

Writings of Roman Catholic clergy (bishops and priests, secular and religious); including pamphlets, pastoral letters, discourses, newspaper clippings, sermons, speeches, offprints, and anniversary booklets.

Dates: 1808-1978

Cletus S. Bachofer Papers

Identifier: BAC
Scope and Content

Correspondence (1938-1964) with AEC officials, colleagues, and students; grant applications, contracts, reports and other material relating to his experimentation in radiation biology and neuro-physiology for the AEC (1951-1964); personal documents; a scrapbook; and photographs.

Dates: 1931-1964. .

Clifford Brooks Collection

Identifier: BRS
Scope and Content Cards, pamphlets, articles, constitutions, rules, ephemera, and snapshots having to do with the Dominican Sisters of the Perpetual Rosary in America, with some unrelated holy cards and printed material of general interest; artwork, illustrations, and cards by Mary of the Compassion, OP, along with related documents and printed material; also "Novitiate Regulations" for the Blue Chapel Monastery and a Dowry Book; with the Report of the Second Annual Meeting of Contemplative Nuns held at...
Dates: 1960s-2010s.

Clifford M. Collins Papers

Identifier: ZEM
Scope and Content

Personal letters received by Clifford M. Collins from the University of Notre Dame and a few other correspondents in the 1930s; copies of letters sent by Clifford M. Collins and Ruth Collins, 1930-1935; teaching and military appointments, 1918-1924; and a few clippings.

Dates: 1918-1935

Clinton County (Ill.) Dept. of the County Clerk Records

Identifier: ZBB
Scope and Content

Marriage licenses and notes from local priests requesting marriage licenses, each showing the names, ages, and residences of the persons to be wed; also naturalization papers, tavern petitions, summonses, warrants, depositions, and other court documents.

Dates: 1842-1897.

Commonweal Records

Identifier: CWL
Scope and Content Editorial correspondence (1976-1989), original manuscripts accepted for publication (1967-1984), unused articles (1979-1983), financial records (1926-1978), subscription lists (1979 and 1982-1983), and photographs. Also material on the Charles E. Curran controversy, Synods of Bishops (1984-1989), and editorial correspondence (1938) relating to the journal's controversial stand on the Spanish Civil War, along with copies of speeches and biographical notes (ca. 1930) by Michael...
Dates: 1926-[ongoing]

Conference of Major Superiors of Men Records

Identifier: MSM
Scope and Content Correspondence of CMSM presidents, executive directors, executive comittee, and other committees; memoranda and reports from regional meetings and yearly general assemblies; an evaluation study of CMSM and records of the work of the CMSM Structures Task Force in response to the study; a copy of the book Who are my brothers? (1988) with related drafts, galleys, and correspondence; byproducts of a CMSM video, Brother is a Verb; microfilm of Joseph A. Varacalli's The American Catholic call for...
Dates: 1956-[ongoing]

Conference on the History of Women Religious Records

Identifier: HWR
Scope and Content

Records (1988-2010) of the Conference on the History of Women Religious, consisting chiefly of papers delivered at the triennial conferences; also the History of Women Religious News and Notes (1988-2000); and a small quantity of background information and mailing lists.

Dates: 1988-2010.

Congregation of Holy Cross Brothers Collection

Identifier: SCB
Scope and Content

Obituary book of deceased brothers (1822-1878); last wills of many brothers (1843-1885); carbon copy of a compilation of notes on the brothers (1842-1945); register of brothers at Notre Dame (1842-1850); list of brothers associated with Notre Dame (1923-1948); correspondence and personal documents of various brothers.

Dates: 1822-1974.

Congregation of Holy Cross. Canadian Province. Records

Identifier: CSQ
Scope and Content

Documents from the archives of the Canadian Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross having to do with the general history of the Congregation, including foundations in Europe, America, and India, and associated congregations of brothers and sisters.

Dates: 1763-1954

Congregation of Holy Cross Collection

Identifier: CSC
Scope and Content

Collected digital data, photographs and printed material having to do with the priests, brothers, and sisters of Holy Cross.

Dates: 1843-2011

Congregation of Holy Cross. Indiana Province Collection

Identifier: SCM
Scope and Content Papers of the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Father Basil Anthony Moreau; reports of Fathers Edward Sorin and William Corby to the superior general of the congregation concerning the affairs of the University of Notre Dame; material concerning the history and role of Holy Cross Brothers and Sisters at Notre Dame; minutes and deliberations of provincial meetings; weight receipts and minutes from the Notre Dame Farm Committee; reports on schools and missions operated by the...
Dates: 1842-1967.

Congregation of Holy Cross. Indiana Province. Commission on Province Education Records

Identifier: PED
Scope and Content Material on seminary life gathered in 1965 by the Commission on Province Education (COPE), Congregation of Holy Cross, Province of Indiana, including manuals for students at the Maryknoll Seminary in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, and rules and records from the Holy Cross and Moreau Seminaries in Notre Dame, Indiana. Also information on seminary life from St. Meinrad Seminary in St. Meinrad, Indiana, the Holy Cross Foreign Mission Seminary in Washington, D.C., Holy Cross College in...
Dates: 1958-1965.

Congregation of Holy Cross Indiana Province Records

Identifier: UIP
Scope and Content Records and papers from the Indiana Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC); representing the careers of Fr. Edward Sorin 1830-1896; Fr. Alexis Granger 1832-1893; Fr. William Corby 1858-1897; Fr. John A. Zahm 1873-1922; and the provincial administrations of Fr. Andrew Morrissey 1906-1920; Fr. Charles O'Donnell 1920-1926; Fr. George Finnigan 1926-1927; Fr. James Burns 1927-1938; and Fr. Thomas Steiner 1938-1950. Also 1841-1926 records of the Notre Dame CSC Community; 1840-1982...
Dates: 1828-1973.

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  • Language: English X
  • Repository: University of Notre Dame Archives X

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University records 270
Clippings (information artifacts) 65
Laity -- Catholic Church 48
Monasticism and religious orders 44
Catholic press 39