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Showing Collections: 91 - 120 of 1249

Brother Gregory Diary

Identifier: ZDE
Scope and Content

Anonymous diary of life at the University of Notre Dame during the fall of 1867.

Dates: 1867

Brother James Papers

Identifier: ZCK
Scope and Content

Mimeographed notes concerning Sufism in Northern India and Bengal, based on A History of Sufi-ism in Bengal by Enamul Haq, and concerning the Bauls of Bangladesh, based on Anwarul Karim's book; and translations by Brother James of a few of Rabindranath Tagore's poems.

Dates: 1980-1982.

Brother Leo Donovan Papers

Identifier: LEF
Scope and Content

Correspondence, 1918-1953; account books, 1913-1928 and 1934-1935; ribbons won at livestock shows, 1913-1937; list of births and deaths in the Donovan family, 1802-1877; autobiographical sketch of brother Leo, 1938; writings and lectures by Brother Leo; and clippings about Brother Leo.

Dates: 1802-1953.

Brothers of the Good Shepherd Records

Identifier: BGS
Scope and Content Correspondence files of the founder, Brother Mathias Barrett, and financial records of the organization in its early years; correspondence files of the second Superior General Brother Camillus Harbinson, and records of council meetings and minutes, General Chapter papers, and information on individual houses during the years 1977-1986; correspondence files of the third Superior General Brother Justin Howson, and circulars and memos of the organization; General Chapter records; formation /...
Dates: 1950-[ongoing]

Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis Records

Identifier: PSF
Scope and Content Constitutions and statutes from the North American Province (1903-1986); rules from foreign provinces; CFP prayer books; statistical documents and directories; provincial newsletters; chronicles, commemoratives and necrologies collected and processed in the early 1990s under the supervision of Superior General Mark Gastel, CFP; newsletters and publications received from the provinces in Germany, Holland and Brazil; biographies of John Höver (Hoever) gathered during a translation project in...
Dates: 1871-[ongoing]

Breandán Ó Buachalla Papers

Identifier: BOB
Scope and Contents

Collection includes course materials (syllabi, readings, notes, course packets); journal article and chapter reprints; grant application materials; scattered correspondence and reference letters; a letter box of travel brochures, transit maps, and booking confirmations; and miscellaneous published materials including newspapers, periodicals, press catalogs, and a phone directory.

Dates: Majority of material found within 2002 - 2010

Burke Family Papers

Identifier: ZBR
Scope and Content

Civil War pension documents of private Mathew Burke (Company I 23rd Regiment of New York National Guard); a contract involving Annie J. Cunningham (1893) and an undertaker's bill for the funeral of Mary C. Cunningham (1906); and jubilee cards for Sister Mary Dominic (1913). These persons are likely forebears of Joseph P. Burke, Notre Dame class of 1925.

Dates: 1863-1913.

Burnett C. Bauer Papers

Identifier: BCB
Scope and Content Papers documenting the history of the Christian Family Movement of which Bauer was a founder, dating chiefly 1940s-1990s; consisting of issues of CFM ACT, photocopies, minutes, meeting material, printed ephemera, and letters, including correspondence with Pat and Patty Crowley and others; also lecture notes, and newsletters (Christian Family Notes, 1948, and Christian Family Bulletin, 1949-1950) concerning Bauer's involvement in the founding and early activities of CFM; with CFM Inquiry...
Dates: 1947-1962.

Josephine Byerley Album Amicorum

Identifier: CBYE
Abstract Album amicorum maintained by Josephine Byerley (1835-1896) of South Bend, Indiana. Josephine was one of the daughters of Samuel Byerley (1796-1870), an English businessman who became an important early settler of South Bend and is credited as University of Notre Dame founder Father Edward Sorin’s first benefactor. The entries in the album span 1852-1857, during which time Josephine attended St. Mary's Academy, and consist of at least 45 pages of holograph poetry, remembrances, and original...
Dates: 1852 - 1857

C. Joseph Nuesse Papers

Identifier: CJN
Scope and Content Research files related to Nuesse's interest in rural Wisconsin parishes (though much of the data here is not religious), including offprints raw data from his studies "The Relation of Financial Assessment to Status in a Rural Prish," published in the American Catholic Sociological Review, March 1948, "Membership Trends in a Rural Parish," published in Rural Sociology, XXIII (June 1957), and "Recent Catholic...
Dates: 1940-1966.

Cadotte Family Papers

Identifier: CAD
Scope and Content Ledger containing records dating from 1773 to 1798 with a few notes added in 1846 and 1863; mostly financial accounts with a few notations concerning more personal matters; and related material, 1963-1975, including photostats of the ledger, drafts and the final copy of an English translation by Evan Hart and Elizabeth Hart Bennett, notes for the translation, periodicals containing articles dealing with the fur trade, and background information on Jean Baptiste Cadot. In French...
Dates: 1783-1975.

Campus Ministry

Identifier: OCM
Scope and Contents

Records of Notre Dame's Office of Campus Ministry, including photographs and many audio and video recordings.

Dates: 1930-

Campus Views of the University of Notre Dame Scrapbooks

Identifier: SBD
Scope and Contents

These scrapbooks contain photographs of campus buildings, particularly dormitories and other campus landmarks. They also contain an aerial view of campus, ROTC cadet formation, Rev. John Francis O'Hara, and Rev. Hugh O'Donnell.

Dates: ca. 1935.

Canon Law Society of America Records

Identifier: LSA
Scope and Content Minutes and other records of the Board of Governors; files kept by the Executive Coordinators, Presidents, Treasurers, and other officers; committee files; publications files; newsletters, bulletins, mailings, press releases, subject files, correspondence, and audio and video tapes; with material on the revision of the Code of Canon Law after the Second Vatical Council, marriage and divorce, annual conventions, regional conferences, workshops, interaction with other organizations including...
Dates: 1953-[ongoing]

Carl Hager Papers

Identifier: HGR
Scope and Content

Musical compositions by Carl Hager, including works for string quartet, orchestra, three male voices, solo voice and guitar, solo voice and string quartet, organ, piano, and classical guitar.

Dates: 1951-1989.

Carl Mathes Papers

Identifier: MAT
Scope and Content

Manuscripts of his work; letters written by friends, 1974- 1975; passport; will of his wife, Mary Mathes; and tape recordings of his Masses and other music.

Dates: 1950s-1975

Carmel of Reno Records

Identifier: OCD
Scope and Content

Records of the Carmel of Reno, consisting of files documenting interaction with bishops of Reno, with the Carmelites Fathers, and with other Carmelite nuns; files on meetings; surveys regarding Carmelite nuns; clippings; correspondence; files on deceased sisters and friends; and Clem Family papers.

Dates: 1953-2011.

Carol J. Jablonski Papers

Identifier: CJJ
Scope and Content

Correspondence, records of research, articles, and other papers documenting Carol J. Jablonski's research into pastoral letters written by America Roman Catholic Bishops between 1947 and 1981; also the pastoral letters themselves, which Jablonski collected in support of her research.

Dates: 1937-1991

Caryll Houselander Papers

Identifier: HLD
Scope and Content Typewritten transcripts of correspondence (1940-1958) used by Maisie Ward in the preparation of her edition of Houselander's letters; stories and poems by Houselander; autobiographical passages not used in A Rocking Horse Catholic ; notebooks containing notes for Guilt , The Reed of God , and other works; a scrapbook containing stories she published in periodicals (1929-1937); issues of the ...
Dates: 1929-2005.

Caspar A. Schwab Collection

Identifier: SHW
Scope and Content

Newspaper clippings, bulletins, operations locations, and field orders of the First Division; terrain, position, and operations maps from First Division Headquarters, including a boxed set of official maps of the history of the First Division (1919) and some troop position and objective maps of artillery, infantry, and tanks.

Dates: 1917-1919

Catholic Art Association Records

Identifier: CAA
Scope and Content Correspondence of CAA executive secretaries Ann Grill (1948-1955), Isabelle Mercer (1955-1967), and Maureen Murphy (1968-1975) with members, including Graham Carey, Ade Bethune, E.M. Catich, Thomas Phelan, Paul Furfey, Lavina Finin, William Finin, Edward Rice, and Esther Newport; annual reports (1958-1967) and minutes and meeting material from CAA meetings and conventions (1930s-1960s); articles by CAA members such as Carey and Bethune; drafts and revisions of CAA constitutions; copies of...
Dates: 1937-1970.

Catholic Central Verein of America Records

Identifier: CCV
Scope and Content Correspondence files from the Central Bureau, most of them involving Frederick P. Kenkel and dating from his term as director (1908-1952); concerning Central Verein business and Catholic topics of the day, including a large file on anti-Catholic speakers claiming to be ex-priests and nuns. Correspondents include John J. Cochran, Brother Joseph Dutton, Mary Filser Lohr, Joseph Matt, John Rothensteiner, and George Shuster, and many prominent German Catholics. Microfilm contains...
Dates: 1826-1972 (bulk 1908-1952).

Catholic Choirmasters Correspondence Course

Identifier: CCC
Scope and Content The Catholic choirmasters correspondence course consists of college-accredited lessons in sacred music and liturgy edited by Clifford A. Bennett and published by the Gregorian Institute of America, Toledo, Ohio, 1942-1945. The lessons may have been sent one by one, but have been gathered into a binder designed for them. Some lessons are missing. The course covers liturgy, liturgical aesthetics, Latin pronunciation, children's and boys' choirs, male choir training, polyphony, Gregorian chant,...
Dates: 1942-1945.

Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide Records

Identifier: PRF
Scope and Content

Records pertaining to the United States and territories that became part of it; consisting of decisions and decrees of the Congregation, correspondence with interested parties (often bishops and priests in the United States), and papers consulted or generated in monthly and weekly meetings, in audiences with the pope, or in meetings of commissions.

ms 67-889

Dates: 1622-1903.

Catholic Church Councils and Synods

Identifier: SYN
Scope and Content Proceedings, statutes, acts, decrees, and constitutions of diocesan and provincial synods of Little Rock, Denver, Wilmington, Savannah, Alton, Chicago, Springfield, Fort Wayne, Vincennes, Kansas City, Leavenworth, Louisville, Baltimore, Boston, Fall River, Crookston, Duluth, Natchez, Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Newark, New York, Rochester, Syracuse, Fargo, Cincinnati, Oklahoma, Oregon City, Altoona, Erie, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Richmond, Nesqually, and Superior. ...
Dates: 1829-1963

Catholic Church. Diocese of Davenport (Iowa) Collection

Identifier: DDA
Scope and Content A 65-page handwritten manuscript of a biography of John McMullen by an unknown author; two newspaper clippings about the death of Chicago's bishop Thomas Patrick Foley and McMullen's appointment as administrator of the diocese of Chicago; one newspaper clipping about Davenport's "new Bishop" McMullen; two newspaper clippings about the death of McMullen in 1883. Also two bulls of appointment for Henry Cosgrove as bishop of Davenport, one from the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda...
Dates: 1879-1909.

Catholic Church. Diocese of Newark (N.J.). Bishop (1881-1901 : Wigger) Pastoral letter

Identifier: WIG
Scope and Content

Manuscript of a pastoral letter on the insult offered to Pope Leo XIII and the whole Christian church by the erection of a monument to Giordano Bruno in Rome.

Dates: 1889 September 23.

Catholic Comic Book Collection

Identifier: CBC
Scope and Content Many issues (3 linear feet) of "Treasure Chest," a Catholic comic book, dating from 1947 to 1972; issues of other Catholic comic books, including "Catholic Comics" and "Topix"; a small collection of Lives of the Saints comic books; and 13 Catholic cartoon books, 11 of them about nuns (1 by Bill O'Malley, 6 by Joe Lane, 4 by Margaret Carroll, Jerry McCue, and Don Cornelius), one about priests by Joe Lane, and one about children by Cliff Wirth. Duplicates are filed separately at...
Dates: 1947-1995.

Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry

Identifier: CUM
Scope and Contents

Records of the Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry, including audio-visual material and photographs.

Dates: 1967-1982

Catholic Directories Collection

Identifier: DIR
Scope and Content The Catholic Directories or Almanacs provide information concerning the Roman Catholic archdioceses and dioceses of the United States, their clergy and parishes, and the religious orders and Catholic institutions that operate within them, including schools, seminaries, monasteries, convents, hospitals, and orphanages. They often have similar information on the Catholic Church in Canada, Great Britain, and Ireland. In 1995 Mark G. Thiel compiled an Index to...
Dates: 1817, 1822, 1833-[ongoing]

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  • Language: English X
  • Repository: University of Notre Dame Archives X

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University records 270
Clippings (information artifacts) 65
Laity -- Catholic Church 48
Monasticism and religious orders 44
Catholic press 39