Showing Collections: 91 - 120 of 1249
Brother Gregory Diary
Anonymous diary of life at the University of Notre Dame during the fall of 1867.
Brother James Papers
Mimeographed notes concerning Sufism in Northern India and Bengal, based on A History of Sufi-ism in Bengal by Enamul Haq, and concerning the Bauls of Bangladesh, based on Anwarul Karim's book; and translations by Brother James of a few of Rabindranath Tagore's poems.
Brother Leo Donovan Papers
Correspondence, 1918-1953; account books, 1913-1928 and 1934-1935; ribbons won at livestock shows, 1913-1937; list of births and deaths in the Donovan family, 1802-1877; autobiographical sketch of brother Leo, 1938; writings and lectures by Brother Leo; and clippings about Brother Leo.
Brothers of the Good Shepherd Records
Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis Records
Breandán Ó Buachalla Papers
Collection includes course materials (syllabi, readings, notes, course packets); journal article and chapter reprints; grant application materials; scattered correspondence and reference letters; a letter box of travel brochures, transit maps, and booking confirmations; and miscellaneous published materials including newspapers, periodicals, press catalogs, and a phone directory.
Burke Family Papers
Civil War pension documents of private Mathew Burke (Company I 23rd Regiment of New York National Guard); a contract involving Annie J. Cunningham (1893) and an undertaker's bill for the funeral of Mary C. Cunningham (1906); and jubilee cards for Sister Mary Dominic (1913). These persons are likely forebears of Joseph P. Burke, Notre Dame class of 1925.
Burnett C. Bauer Papers
Josephine Byerley Album Amicorum
C. Joseph Nuesse Papers
Cadotte Family Papers
Campus Ministry
Records of Notre Dame's Office of Campus Ministry, including photographs and many audio and video recordings.
Campus Views of the University of Notre Dame Scrapbooks
These scrapbooks contain photographs of campus buildings, particularly dormitories and other campus landmarks. They also contain an aerial view of campus, ROTC cadet formation, Rev. John Francis O'Hara, and Rev. Hugh O'Donnell.
Canon Law Society of America Records
Carl Hager Papers
Musical compositions by Carl Hager, including works for string quartet, orchestra, three male voices, solo voice and guitar, solo voice and string quartet, organ, piano, and classical guitar.
Carl Mathes Papers
Manuscripts of his work; letters written by friends, 1974- 1975; passport; will of his wife, Mary Mathes; and tape recordings of his Masses and other music.
Carmel of Reno Records
Records of the Carmel of Reno, consisting of files documenting interaction with bishops of Reno, with the Carmelites Fathers, and with other Carmelite nuns; files on meetings; surveys regarding Carmelite nuns; clippings; correspondence; files on deceased sisters and friends; and Clem Family papers.
Carol J. Jablonski Papers
Correspondence, records of research, articles, and other papers documenting Carol J. Jablonski's research into pastoral letters written by America Roman Catholic Bishops between 1947 and 1981; also the pastoral letters themselves, which Jablonski collected in support of her research.
Caryll Houselander Papers
Caspar A. Schwab Collection
Newspaper clippings, bulletins, operations locations, and field orders of the First Division; terrain, position, and operations maps from First Division Headquarters, including a boxed set of official maps of the history of the First Division (1919) and some troop position and objective maps of artillery, infantry, and tanks.
Catholic Art Association Records
Catholic Central Verein of America Records
Catholic Choirmasters Correspondence Course
Catholic Church. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide Records
Records pertaining to the United States and territories that became part of it; consisting of decisions and decrees of the Congregation, correspondence with interested parties (often bishops and priests in the United States), and papers consulted or generated in monthly and weekly meetings, in audiences with the pope, or in meetings of commissions.
ms 67-889
Catholic Church Councils and Synods
Catholic Church. Diocese of Davenport (Iowa) Collection
Catholic Church. Diocese of Newark (N.J.). Bishop (1881-1901 : Wigger) Pastoral letter
Manuscript of a pastoral letter on the insult offered to Pope Leo XIII and the whole Christian church by the erection of a monument to Giordano Bruno in Rome.
Catholic Comic Book Collection
Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry
Records of the Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry, including audio-visual material and photographs.