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F., Clearfield, Pennsylvania, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1879 April 10
F. sends McMaster $1. for the Peter's Pence fund, and $1. for the Indian Missions of Father Isidore Robot O.S.B., Indian Territory. :: I-2-c A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
F , Mrs. Mary C., Altoona, Illinois, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1886 September 29
Mrs. Mary C. F encloses $1.50 and names three contributors. She requests prayers. :: I-2-g A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
F , N , Brooklyn, New York, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1886 received September 20
The writer sends $2.00 for Mount Carmel. :: I-2-g A.L.S. 1p. 32mo.
F., P., to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1879 March 12
Fabian, C.S.C., Brother Francis Murray, Chicago, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1889 May 28
Father Denis Tighe requested Fabian to ask Hudson to mention in the Ave Maria a mission that was recently given by Father Aloysuis Van der Eerden, S.J. in his parish. :: X-3-j A.L.S. 1p. 4to.
Fabian, C.S.C., Brother, Notre Dame, Indiana, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 January 1
Fabian met Hudson's Godmother who is a subscriber to the Ave Maria. She told Fabian that she stood for a child in Nahant, Massachusetts, near Boston about 36 or 37 years ago. The lady's name was then Bridget Roach, now it is Mrs. Sullivan. :: X-3-f A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Facile, F.S.C. Brother, Montreal, Canada, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1851 August 31
Fafard, Father Edward, Leves, Quebec, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1879
Fagan, Father Thomas Seminary of St. Francis,, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1871 January 24
Since some doubt exists whether the Oratio de Spiritu should still be said in the Mass, he states that according to a declaration of the Vicar General of His Holiness, Cardinal Patrizi, made to the clergy of Rome Oct. 28, 1870, the oratio imperata and the Miss de Spiritu Sancto on Thursday were no longer obligatory. Neither the Oratio de Spiritu Sancto nor the Oratio pro Papa can now be said unless prescribed by the Ordinary of the Diocese. :: I-1-o A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.
Fagan, Father Thomas, Seminary of St. Francis, Wisconsin, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1874 February 4
He is sending a copy of Salesianum for McMaster to read. He is sorry McMaster did not say more about Father Joseph Salzmann . He was a German, but that should not matter. There are many German priests who take the Journal and who will expect more from McMaster. He has told the simple truth in the Salesianum, in that Salzmann has done more for Milwaukee Diocese than any Bishop. Where is Columbia? Fagan is no German but he likes to see justice done. :: I-2-a A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Fagan, Father Thomas, St. Francis, Wisconsin, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1879 March 17
Fagan, James, Reading, Kansas, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1877 November 25
Fagan sends McMaster $20.00 for 6 new subscribers plus his own for the past year. He is trying to get four more. The subscribers are: William Geraghty, James Masterson, Denis O'Mara, Peter Fagan, John Fagan, and Michael Fagan, besides himself. Since Reading became a town they will all get their copies regularly. :: I-2-b A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.
Fagan, James, Salt Creek, Kansas, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1870 January 17
Fagan sends $3 for his subscription to the Freeman's Journal. He has been in Kansas for four years, and had not even seen a Catholic paper, until he ran across a copy of the Freeman. He read it and wants to continue reading. He feels that it suggests more than stock and lands, even to a Kansas farmer. :: I-1-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Faherty, P., Piedmont, West Virginia, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1883 January 8
Faherty sends McMaster $12.50 in fees for subscriptions to the Freeman's Journal, and names the five subscribers. Those parties who advertise in the paper are wise to do so since the readers know that McMaster accepts no fraudulen advertisements. :: I-2-d A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.
Fahey, Maggie, Oakdale, California, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1885 March 21
Fahey has moved and she is now teaching school in Oakdale. The neighborhood is principally Catholic. She will try to get some subscribers for the Ave Maria. Fahey is having trouble in her love affair and asks Hudson for advice. :: X-2-o A.L.S. 4pp. 12mo.
Fairbanks, Father H F., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 April 23
Fairbanks recalls his first meeting with Hudson in a Milwaukee restaurant. His mother became a Catholic two years before her death; his father is a Protestant minister retired because of ill health. :: X-3-g A. L. Incomplete 1p. 32mo.
Fairbanks, Father H F., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 November 1
Fairbanks thanks Hudson and Maurice F. Egan for their compliments of his book. He was sorry to see the New York Freeman's Journal lose Egan. :: X-3-h A.L.S. 3pp. 12mo.
Fairbanks, Father H.F., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1886 January 18
He sends a postal order for $6.55, for the Freeman's Journals already sent him, and an additional three copies of each number containing his article, except the last, of which he wants four copies. A note in pencil probably by McMaster's secretary directs that the money be applied to his subscription and that the papers be sent him without charge. :: I-2-f A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Fairbanks, Father H.F., Whitewater, Wisconsin, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1877 December 3
Fairbanks, H. F. Father, Whitewater, Wisconsin, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1877 November 22
Fallize, C.S.C., Father Michael Ph., Chittagong, India, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1889 January 27
Fallon, George, Waseca, Minn., to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1879 January 13
Seven dollars enclosed as subscription payment to the Journal. The Archbishop of New York, when but a bishop, confirmed him. Although ten years McMaster's junior, he hopes to read the Journal another quarter of a century. :: I-2-c A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Faneuf, W. A., Millbury, Massachusetts, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1878 May 16
Faneuf sends McMaster $40. to aid the Indian Missions. This money has been collected by Mrs. Chloe M. Woodis of Millbury, from 100 contributors. He also sends $3. in subscription fees for the Freeman's Journal for one year's subscription. He asks that receipts be sent him for these two different amounts. :: I-2-c A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Fanning, Father John A., London, England, to Henry F. Brownson, Detroit, Michigan, 1888 July 29
Fanning, Father John A., Southall, England, to Henry F. Brownson, Detroit, Michigan, 1888 August 29
Father Fanning is grateful for the recovery of his books. As he is not aware of the contents of the box his housekeeper and cousin who packed the box will write Brownson. :: III-3-b A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Fanning, William J., Secretary, New York, New York, to Richard Henry Clarke, 1891 December 18
Clarke was duly elected President of the New York Catholic Protectory for the year 1892 at the annual meeting of the Board of Managers, December 17, 1891. Fanning asks Clarke to inform him of his acceptance as soon as possible. :: I-2-n T.L.S. 1p. 4to.
Farley, Father John M., New York, New York, to Father A. Tanquerey S.S, ?Baltimore, Maryland?, 1878 June 15
Farley writes Tanquerey that he has shown his photograph of Pope Leo XIII to his Eminence Cardinal McCloskey who has promounced it the best he has yet seen. His Eminence considers Tanquerey's copy in Indian ink, admirable. :: I-2-c copy A.L.S. 1p. 16 to Contained in James Alphonsus McMaster's papers.
Farley, John M. and Donnelly, Arthur J., New York, New York, 1885 April 6
Farley, John M., Sec. and Arthur Donnelly, Tres., New York, New York, to, 1885 April 6
Farnham, M. J., Leroy, New York, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1879 January 7th
About five weeks previously, Farnham sent McMaster $5.25 for the Indian Missions in the form of an order on the National Bank of Leroy, but as yet he has not seen the acknowledgement of the amount. He asks that McMaster inform him if the money reached him. :: I-2-c A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.