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Showing Collections: 31 - 60 of 1672

American Federation of Catholic Societies Collection

Identifier: AFC
Scope and Content Material concerning the American Federation of Catholic Societies and Anthony Matre, its National Secretary; consisting of proceedings of annual meetings, the federation's bulletin, 1906-1919, issues from the weekly press service of the federation's Social Service Commission, 1913-1918, scrapbooks and newspaper clippings, and various editions of the federation's constitution and bylaws; with correspondence of Anthony Matre and other federation officials to Catholic and secular organizations...
Dates: 1901-1961.

American Football League (AFL) Team Media Guides Collection

Identifier: FBP 541
Scope and Contents This collection contains media guides published by teams in the American Football League (AFL). The annual guides published prior to each season generally included a review of the previous season (including statistics), a preview of the upcoming season (including schedules and opponent information), and photographs and bios of players, coaches, and staff. Other content sometimes included broader material about the history of the franchise, information about the city, and other information...
Dates: 1960-1969

American Football League (AFL) Team Pre-Season Prospectus Collection

Identifier: FBP536
Scope and Contents

This collection contains pre-season prospectuses published by teams in the American Football League. The annual prospectuses generally included biographies of coaches and players, statistics, schedules, and other information. The prospectuses—produced closer to the beginning of the pre-season—were often typed and mimeographed and were less extensive than the contemporaneous team media guides.

Formats include prospectuses.

Dates: 1966-1970

American Football League (AFL) Team Yearbooks Collection

Identifier: FBP 571
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of American Football League annual team yearbooks. Aimed at fans, yearbooks typically contained information and articles about players, managers, and coaches, as well as statistics and schedules. Most yearbooks also featured numerous photographs of players and personnel and other team-related images. Some yearbooks contained advertisements.

Formats include yearbooks.

Dates: 1961-1969

American Maritain Association Records

Identifier: AMA
Scope and Content

Records of the American Maritain Association, concerning conferences of the organization and publications related to those conferences; financial records, including papers concerning Indiana non-profit status for the organization; correspondence, reports, membership directories, and material from meetings; with digital data including HTML files from the website and PDF files containing published proceedings of meetings.

Dates: 1981-[ongoing].

American Slavery Manuscript Collection

Identifier: MSN/EA 0200

An accumulation of 19 documents and letters, unrelated in origin, with a bearing on slavery in colonial North America and the United States, 1771-1864.

Dates: 1771-1864

Americanism Collection

Identifier: AMR
Scope and Content Correspondence of William Henry O'Connell, rector of the North American College in Rome (1895-1901) and Cardinal Archbishop of Boston (1907-1944), and John Ireland, Archbishop of Saint Paul (1888-1918), with Countess Sabina di Parravicino of Milan, the Italian translator of Ireland's speeches; correspondence of John Joseph Glennon, Cardinal Archbishop of St. Louis (1903-1946); John Joseph Keane (1839-1918), Bishop of Richmond (1878-1888), first rector of Catholic University (1889-1896),...
Dates: 1887-1953.

Amerika Publishing Company Records

Identifier: APC
Scope and Content

Minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors, 1923-1925; stock certificates; and a letter to the director of the German Literary Society, dated 1905.

Dates: 1905-1925, (bulk 1923-1925.)

Ancient Order of Hibernians Collection

Identifier: AOH
Scope and Content CD-ROMS containing images of pages from printed directories, including the 1884 Ancient Order of Hibernians Officer's Directory, the 1902-1904 AOH National Directory of Officers, the 1878 AOH Journal (Richmond, Virginia), the Hibernian Digest for 2002 and 2003, and History of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians in Ohio: a Comparative Analysis (Univ. of Toledo, OH, M.A. thesis, May 2005, by Nicole M. Creech); CD-ROMS containing...
Dates: 1847-2005.

Anderson-Reavis Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/CW 5004

A small Civil War manuscript group consisting mostly of personal letters written home to Alabama by civilian medical doctor Leroy Hammond Anderson.

Dates: 1857-1863; Majority of material found in 1862-1863

Andrew Arnold Lambing Manuscripts

Identifier: LAM
Scope and Content

Disorganized and fragmentary manuscript writings concerning the Catholic Church in western Pennsylvania which were evidently later incorporated into Lambing's A History of the Catholic Church in the Dioceses of Pittsburgh and Allegheny (1880).

Dates: 1870s.

Andrew Morrissey Papers

Identifier: AMM
Scope and Content

Correspondence and manuscripts of speeches given by Morrissey during his tenure as president of the University of Notre Dame (1893-1905).

Dates: 1893-1921.

Angelina Vértiz de Barthez Scrapbook

Identifier: MSH/LAT 0102
Scope and Contents

The personal scrapbook of Angelina Vértiz de Barthez. Included are numerous comments from admirers, autographs, and newspaper clippings, as well as some enclosures. Materials date from her first exhibition in 1946 to 1976. Included are exhibition announcements from 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1956, and 1976.

Dates: 1946 - 1976

Ann Catherine McDonald Scrapbook

Identifier: ZAT
Scope and Content

Autographs, letters, and clippings of various Catholic authors which Sister Catherine accumulated while writing book reviews for the Catholic Literary World.

Dates: 1920s-1930s.

Ann Harrigan Makletzoff Papers

Identifier: MAK
Scope and Content Correspondence (1930s-1983) with Catherine de Hueck Doherty, Paul Hanley Furfey, Reynold Hillenbrand, Bernard J. Sheil, and Leo R. Ward, and a letter from Dorothy Day; diaries, 1940s-1980s; her writings, including articles and lectures; original notes and multiple drafts of the manuscript of her unpublished memoirs; scrapbooks and clippings about both Makletzoff and Friendship House, with a folder concerning the court- martial case of Bernard James; minutes of directors' meetings and other...
Dates: 1938-1983.

Anna de Noailles Collection

Identifier: MSE/MD 2819

Collection of various items by and about the early twentieth century French poet Anna de Noailles, consisting largely of autograph letters from Noailles to various correspondents, and reviews and criticism of Noailles' work in various early twentieth century publications. A number of images and photographs of Noailles are also included, some of which carry inscriptions in her hand.

Dates: 1901 - 2009; Majority of material found within 1904 - 1933

Anna Quincy Thaxter Cushing Diary

Identifier: MSN/EA 8019-1-B

A diary maintained by Anna Quincy Thaxter Cushing (1825-1900) of Dorchester, Massachusetts, with daily entries running from March 1858 to August 1861. The entries describe Cushing's personal, family, and social life in considerable detail.

Dates: 1858-1861

Anne Isabella Milbanke Byron and Lucy Elizabeth Jane Byron Correspondence

Identifier: MSE/MD 3713
Scope and Contents

Two letters and one fragment written by Anne Isabella (Annabella) Milbanke Byron (Lady Byron). One letter written by Lucy Elizabeth Jane Byron.

Dates: 1812 - 1874

Anthony Kerrigan Papers

Identifier: KRG
Scope and Content Correspondence, including letters from Saul Bellow, John Dos Passos, Robert Graves, Edwin Honig, Russell Kirk, and Mark Mirsky; manuscripts of book reviews, essays, poetry, short stories and translations, including works by Jorge Luis Borges, Camilo Jose Cela, Reinaldo Arenas, Jose Ortega y Gasset, and Miguel de Unamuno; personal records and documents, including the FBI's file on Kerrigan; clippings on Cuba and Nicaragua under Communist regimes; and books and journals containing Kerrigan's...
Dates: 1955-1990.; 1955-1990.

Anthony Lauck Papers

Identifier: LAU
Scope and Content Papers dating from 1928 through 1993, collected by Anthony Lauck, C.S.C., relating to: 1. Anthony Lauck's projects and artwork; sales, exhibitions, commissions, works-in-progress; for both private collectors/institutions and public display; 2. Exhibits of Anthony Lauck's artwork in museums and private homes; planning, shipping, insuring, and returning artwork, as well as publicity; ...
Dates: 1928-1993.

Anthony M. Trozzolo Papers

Identifier: AMT
Scope and Content

Alphabetical file by name of author containing correspondence, enclosures, offprints, mimeographed articles, and other documents; with some documents touching on his career at Notre Dame, his research, his teaching. his service on committees, his participation in conferences, his other professional activities, his earlier research at Bell Labs and his awards.

Dates: 1953-2006.

Anthony Padovano Papers

Identifier: PAD
Scope and Content Papers, audio-visual material, and printed material of Anthony Padovano; consisting of correspondence, journals, brochures, articles, translations, prefaces, audio and video tapes, and books; with critiques of and responses to his writings and lectures, papers having to do with the Justice and Peace Commission, his resignation from the active priesthood, his radio and television appearances, his service as Catholic pastor of the inclusive community at the First Congregational Church,...
Dates: 1889-[ongoing] (bulk 1951-1996)

Anti-Catholic Printed Material Collection

Identifier: ANT
Scope and Content

Anti-Catholic printed material and printed material concerning anti-Catholicism: books, pamphlets, leaflets, periodicals, offprints and printed ephemera.

Dates: 1827-1991

Antoine Garrigues de Flaujac Letters

Identifier: MSN/EA 5040

Thirteen personal letters written by the French immigrant Antoine Garrigues de Flaujac, mostly directed to his mother in France. The letters describe his experiences in Haiti and the Caribbean (1803-04) and in the area around New Orleans, Louisiana (1804-07).

Dates: 1803-1807

Anton-Herman Chroust Papers

Identifier: CHR
Scope and Content Personal and professional correspondence, 1930s-1981; correspondence, testimony, and financial records dealing with his divorce, 1940s-1950s; Chroust's writings including book-length manuscripts on Aristotle and on the rise of the legal profession in America (1965); his unpublished poetry, 1920s; articles collected by Chroust; exams, student evaluations of Chroust, student papers, and his class lecture notes; tax information and financial records, 1946-1980; photographs; and printed material...
Dates: 1924-1981.

Archdiocese of Baltimore Collection

Identifier: ABA
Scope and Content Correspondence and copies of correspondence, including three autographs of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, several autographs of Archbishop John Carroll, and correspondence of Bishop John Cheverus of Boston, Bishop Michael Egan of Philadelphia, Daniel Brent, John Carroll Brent, and Howes Goldsborough of Easton, Maryland; diary of Archbishop Ambrose Maréchal, 1818-1827; diary and account book of Archbishop James Whitfield, 1827-1828; clippings and related material. Also microfilm...
Dates: 1717-1960 (bulk 1800-1899).

Archdiocese of Boston Collection

Identifier: ABO
Scope and Content Correspondence, including original letters and photostats from the Archdiocesan Archives of Boston and the National Archives. Correspondents include missionary priests Stephen Theodore Badin and John Thayer; Jean Lefebvre de Cheverus, first bishop of Boston, and Benedict Joseph Fenwick, second bishop of Boston; and Joseph M. Finotti, collector of Catholic Americana. Also records of the Tabernacle Society of the Convent of Notre-Dame, Berkeley Street, Boston (1898-1906)...
Dates: 1817-1952.

Archdiocese of Chicago Collection

Identifier: ACH
Scope and Content Records of the Archdiocesan School Board (1968-1978) and material from the Archdiocesan Media Center and Justice Lending Library; occasional letters from Bishops Quarter, Van de Velde, O'Regan, Duggan, Foley, Feehan, and Quigley, and from Auxiliary Bishop Alexander J. McGavick and Bishop John McMullen, vicar general (1877-1879) and administrator (1879-1880) of the diocese; manuscripts by Bishop O'Regan, including a sermon on Immaculate Conception and a Biblical exegesis; and photostats of...
Dates: 1845-1978

Archdiocese of Cincinnati Collection

Identifier: ACI
Scope and Content Correspondence consisting chiefly of letters received by Bishops Edward Dominic Fenwick, O.P., and John Baptist Purcell, and representing also the first two years of the episcopacy of Archbishop William Henry Elder. Correspondents include Sylvester H. Rosecrans, who served as auxiliary bishop from 1862 to 1868; priests of the diocese; Fathers Stephen T. Badin and Edward Sorin, C.S.C.; and many members of the American hierarchy. Also miscellaneous related material, 1815-1885, including two...
Dates: 1815-1963 (bulk 1815-1885)

Archdiocese of Detroit Collection

Identifier: DET
Scope and Content Correspondence of Rev. Gabriel Richard, co-founder and vice-president of the University of Michigan and U.S. Representative from Michigan; of Frederic Baraga, missionary to the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan and later bishop of Marquette, Michigan; and of Bishops Frederic Résé, Peter Paul Lefevre, and Caspar Henry Borgess. Other correspondents include the missionary, Rev. Francis Xavier Pierz; the civic leader, Rev. Martin Kundig; Rev. Edward Sorin, founder of the...
Dates: 1797-1870.

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University of Notre Dame Archives 1266
University of Notre Dame Rare Books & Special Collections 406
University records 273
Letters (correspondence) 168
Clippings (information artifacts) 120
Manuscripts (documents) 80
Correspondence 53