Showing Collections: 451 - 480 of 1671
Francis Norbert Blanchet Papers
Francis P. Cavanaugh Papers
Sermons and speeches by Cavanaugh and a draft of a letter by Cavanaugh to Estes Kefauver on juvenile delinquency.
Francis P. Clark Collection
Francis P. Clark Movies and Comics Collection
Periodicals having to do with films and the film industry, with a few comic books and comic strips, and one scrapbook, all on microfilm.
Francis P. Clark Papers
Correspondence, microfilm center records, financial papers, family papers, checklists, finding aids, and printed material documenting Francis P. Clark's collecting and microfilming activities, with information concerning some of the collections that came to the University of Notre Dame Archives through his agency.
Francis P. Clark Sports Collection
Microfilm of various sporting newspapers made by Francis P. Clark: Sporting Life, Sporting News, Cleveland Plain Dealer Sports Pages, Baseball Players Chronicle, American Chronicle of Sports and Pastimes, Michigan Sportsman, New England Base Ballist, National Chronicle, New York Clipper, Official Baseball Record, and Weekly Baseball Guide; also Baseball Scrapbooks.
Francis P. Mulcahy Papers
Memoirs of Lieutenant General Francis P. Mulcahy, United States Marine Corps (retired): a photocopy of the typewritten transcript of oral history interviews conducted by Benis M. Frank for the Marine Corps Oral History Program, 11-15 February 1967, and approved by Mulcahy 3 December 1969; with a photograph of Mulcahy and correspondence concerning the donation of the transcript to the University of Notre Dame in 1970.
Francis Silas Chatard Letters received
Letters from family, friends, and American bishops, most of them dating from the time when Chatard lived in Rome; concerning the North American College and its students and European travels of American friends; with requests from American bishops for assistance in dealing with Vatican officials, inquiries about political conditions in Rome, and requests for accomodations at the College for the First Vatican Council.
Francis W. Kervick Papers
Correspondence, 1902-1962; magazine articles by Kervick; floor plans for Sorin Hall, Corby Hall, Walsh Hall, and Cushing Hall of Engineering on the Notre Dame campus; electrical specifications for the mission house of the Congregation of Holy Cross; proof sheets of Kervick's Architects in America of Catholic Tradition; his autograph collection (e.g., Sinclair Lewis, Lucy Stone, John Forsyth); a list of Notre Dame WWII dead as of May, 17, 1946; and photographs.
Francis Wallace Papers
Pigskin Review files 1937-1957; manuscripts of books, screenplays, short stories, and magazine serials; correspondence with Notre Dame, literary agents, sports figures, etc.; press guides and game programs; magazines from the 1920s through 1950s, most containing Wallace by-lines; galley proofs of books relating to Notre Dame; clippings; books; and photographs.
Francis Wenninger Papers
Notebooks; scrapbook and clippings about Wenninger; pamphlets, articles, lectures, and sermons (many by Wenninger); a copy of his M.A. thesis "A Biological Study of Miranda Aurantia," 1917; grade books, 1916-1940; a card catalog, prepared by Wenninger, of books on biology and evolution; articles on science in the Notre Dame Scholastic, 1875-1887; maps of South Bend and Mishawaka, Indiana; and photographs.
Francis X. Pierz Papers
Francis Xavier Ackerman Family Papers
Franciscan Sisters of Oldenburg Records
Franciscans. Province of St. John the Baptist Circular letters
Mimeographed letters chiefly from provincial superiors Dominic Limacher, Vincent Kroger and Sylvan R. Becker to members of the province of Saint John the Baptist of the Order of Friars Minor (OFM), 1951-1962.
Frank A. Youngerman Photograph Collection
Photographs of Notre Dame campus scenes, the Ice House fire, Walsh Hall, the Stations of the Cross, dormitory life, baseball player Ray Scanlan, and the football train to Purdue.
Frank Byrne Flynn Papers
Frank C. Walker Papers
Frank Duffy Speeches and articles
Speeches and articles from The Carpenter (a trade union magazine); concerning labor-management issues from a strongly pro-labor position, with emphasis on the importance of persistence in the labor wars and of union membership.
Frank J. Cavaioli Papers
Papers concerning Geno Baroni collected by Frank J. Cavaioli; and six cassette audio tapes containing Cavaioli's interviews with Baroni.
Frank Leahy Papers
Frank M. Folsom Papers
Correspondence, 1923-1960s; speeches by Folsom, 1940s; diaries and daily logs, 1940s-1960s; photographs, scrapbooks, and clippings involving Folsom, 1943-1963; and printed material including reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 1957-1963.
Frank Montana Collection
Frank N. M. Brown Papers
Papers documenting Brown's work in flow visualization, including manuscripts, printed material, 35mm slides, and 8mm and 16mm film.
Frank O'Brien Papers
Letters received by Rev. Frank O'Brien, including one appointing him Dean of the new Kalamazoo Deanery (7 December 1886); and documents concerning his appointment by Governor of Michigan Russell A. Alger to the State Board of Corrections and Charities, an appointment that O'Brien did not accept.
Frank W. Kelly Papers
Fransen Brothers Papers
Letters of the Fransen brothers (Albert, Rene, Vondel, and Adolph) to their parents, 1917-1925; photocopies of related material; photographs of Notre Dame sports; and snapshots of minim life.
Fred L. Steers Papers
The athletic papers and attendant printed matter of Chicagoan Fred L. Steers, deriving from his years of administrative service to the Central Association of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States, the national AAU, and the American Olympic Committee. The collection includes substantial materials on the Olympic Games of 1928 (Amsterdam), 1932 (Los Angeles), and 1936 (Berlin), all of which Steers attended as manager of the U.S. women's track and field team.
Frederic Baraga Papers
Frederic Syburg Papers
Papers of Frederic Syburg, including theatre programs, posters, telegrams, correspondence, printed ephemera, and other papers, dating chiefly from the second half of the twentieth century, representing his many years of service to the University of Notre Dame as a teacher of dramatic arts and director of over 50 theatrical productions.