Showing Collections: 61 - 90 of 1672
Archdiocese of Dubuque Collection
Letters sent by Bishops Loras and Hennessy; manuscripts of lectures by Bishop Loras; drawings of saints for the Dubuque Cathedral; and a Denkschrift of Adam Handl, Richmond (Washington County), Iowa, 1861.
Archdiocese of Louisville Records
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Collection
Collected material having to do with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee or activities in the geographical region associated with it: a manuscript concerning Archbishop Henni; two letters; and newspaper clippings.
Archdiocese of New Orleans Collection
Archdiocese of New York Collection
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Collection
Archdiocese of Saint Louis Collection
Archdiocese of San Antonio Collection
Issue of the Southern Messenger regarding the death of Bishop Neraz; invitation and clippings having to do with the third anniversary of the Catholic Archives at San Antonio.
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Collection
Archdiocese of Westminster Collection
Letters, pamphlets, and documents dealing with Catholicism, religion, and government in the English colonies of North America and in the United States; with notations of volume, number, and page of the location in the Archives of the Archdiocese of Westminster.
Archivio vaticano Fondo Bolognetti
Volumes 3, 4, 19, and 108 of the Fondo Bolognetti in the Vatican Archives. Papers concerning the English colonization of Maryland, some of them involving Lord Calvert, Baron of Baltimore; correspondence of Gregorio Panzani, Pope Urban VIII's secret agent in England, along with a handwritten copy of his diary (1634-1636); letters received by Giorgio Coneo concerning Panzani's mission; and other correspondence of Coneo (1634-1639).
Arina S. and Aleksandr I. Ginzburg Papers
Arthur Harvey Papers
Correspondence, memoranda, essays, talks, bibliographies, term papers, critiques, scripts, and other material, dating from 1947 to 1999, documenting Father Harvey's career as a priest, teacher of speech and drama, and producer and director of plays at the University of Notre Dame; photographs, 1954-1991, and audio tapes, 1950-1969, most of them from Notre Dame theatrical productions.
Arthur J. Hope Papers
Correspondence; manuscripts of his History of Notre Dame, Life of J.W. Cavanaugh, Life of James French, and Life of John F. O'Hara; research material used in his works; James Corbett's typewritten History of Notre Dame, used by Hope; yearly chronicles of Notre Dame life prepared by Hope, 1955-1961; and photographs.
Arthur J. Quigley Papers
Files representing Quigley's association with the Christian Family Movement South Bend Federation, including files on CFM conventions at Notre Dame, 1950s; and University of Notre Dame Faculty Senate documents, 1967-1971, including a few manuscripts and annotations.
Arthur J. Riley Papers
Correspondence, notes, and drafts of manuscripts regarding the organization and subsequent history of San Salvador Council, No. 1, Knights of Columbus, New Haven, Connecticut, established in 1882; the history of the Knights of Columbus in Connecticut; early councils of the Knights of Columbus; and the financial difficulties of Catholic University in 1904. Correspondents include Thomas T. McAvoy, CSC. These papers seem to have been separated from Fr McAvoy's papers.
Arthur J. Stace Papers
Manuscript of his book of humorous pieces, Vapid Vaporings ; a book of scholarly and general-interest notes (ca.1880); a few certificates; and nine letters (1888- 1890) mainly concerning the Paris Exposition and recent academic publications.
Arthur Jones Papers
Arthur Preuss Papers
Arthur W. Terminiello Papers
Arts and Letters Core Course / College Seminar Records
Records of the Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters Core Course, including many audio cassette tapes, several videos, and four CD-ROMS.
Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church: Records
Minutes of meetings, financial statements, press releases, position papers, articles, correspondence, publications, newsletters, address lists, records of the board of directors, foundational documents, working papers, advocacy files, publicity files, and action alerts.
Association of Chicago Priests Records
Association of Contemplative Sisters Records
Astrik L. Gabriel Papers
Atomic Bomb Board Game
Aubrey De Vere Letters to Robert Perceval Graves
Aubrey De Vere Poems
This collection consists of three manuscript poems by Aubrey de Vere.
Aubrey DeVere Papers
Four letters written by Aubrey DeVere -- one to Professor Lyons (20 June 1884), one to Father Burtsell (21 August 1897), and two to "Dear Sir" (4 July 1856 and 14 February 1877); manuscript of a poem "The Chivalry of Industry"; and "Unpublished Letters of Aubrey DeVere" (pages from the Irish Monthly , 1911-1914).
Auguste Lemonnier Papers
Letters received, 1856-1874; transcriptions of letters to his family in Ahuillé, France, 1857-1874; diaries, sermons, notebooks, and essays generated during his seminary study and his tenure at Notre Dame; a scrapbook about Lemonnier's life, compiled after his death; a Mass card; and a lock of hair.