Showing Collections: 61 - 90 of 159
Jesús González Ortega Papers
A collection of letters and other papers belonging to Jesús González Ortega, an important political and military figure in mid-19th century Mexico. The papers mainly relate to González Ortega's stay in the United States in 1865-1867, the efforts of Benito Juárez's government in Mexico to remove him from political office while he was away, and his detainment by the U.S. government in November 1866.
J.J. O'Kelly (Sceilg) Collection
Joe Garagiola Jr. Papers
John Carrington Cross Papers
John Dinsmore, Jr. Papers
The personal papers and court records of the New Hampshire farmer, innkeeper, and justice of the peace John Dinsmore, Jr. (1759-1814). The greater part of the collection consists of Rockingham County court records.
John E. and Elizabeth Savage Brownlee Family Papers
Around 80 manuscripts retained by John E. and Elizabeth Savage Brownlee in the decades following their emigration from Ireland to the United States in 1851. The greater number are personal letters written by family members.
John E. Rothensteiner Papers
John F. Delaney Letters
A group of 38 manuscript personal letters of John F. Delaney, chronicling his experiences as a gold prospector in the Yukon and Alaska, 1898-1899.
John Joseph "Jack" McGrath Papers
John Kelly Temperance Letter
A single manuscript letter from John Kelly, a Catholic priest, to an unnamed Protestant clergyman and the Chairman of the local Clerical Meeting, 1837 or 1838. Kelly explains why Catholic clergy generally remain aloof from temperance societies.
John M. Jackson Letters
John Thelwall Letters
The bulk of this collection is a group of eight manuscript letters from John Thelwall, British poet and reformer (1764-1834), to Thomas Hardy, one of the main proponents for parliamentary reform (1752-1832).
Joseph P. Roles Letters received
Letters that Roles received while rector of St. Mary's Church, Chicago, primarily concerning financial and real estate transactions and investments.
Julia P. Brown Letters
A collection of letters addressed to Julia Pomeroy Brown from three women: Constance L., Emily Drummond, and Elizabeth Spooner. Letters detail life during WWI, the sinking of the Lusitania, and the death of a British soldier.
Jutta Schütt Collection
A series of documents and letters from Jutta Schütt, Rose Elvira Grandinetti, Nicholas Emerson Dante Russo, and others, beginning in July 1916 and ending in July 1939.
Lawrence Shields Letters
More than 300 personal letters written by Dr. Lawrence Shields (1872-1946), mostly as a member of the American expatriate community in Mexico City, 1898 to 1902. The letters are directed to Shields's future wife, Clara Kinney, of Xenia, Ohio.
Lenore Mooney Papers
The correspondence and other papers of the American Lenore Mooney (1859-1941), dating especially from her time as a relief worker in Paris during World War I. There are many letters to Mooney from French soldiers and others victimized by the war, as well as a substantial correspondence with nephew Charles E. Bayly, Jr., an ambulance driver with the American Field Service who subsequently served as sous-lieutenant in the French army.
Leonard Family Papers
Manuscripts and other materials relating to the Confederate army service of the brothers Henry, Martin, Robert, and Joseph Leonard, of Iredell County, North Carolina, including records of Co. C, 48th North Carolina Infantry.
Leonard Williams Letters
Leslie Pollard Letters
Letters to Joe Jackson Collection
Liam Creagh Collection on Brendan Behan
Correspondence and ephemera relating to Brendan Behan.
Loome Catholic Modernism Collection
Lord Dunsany Letters to Mrs. Wieland
This collection consists of ten letters sent from Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany to a Mrs. Wieland, largely concerning advice and critiques of her poetry. Additionally discusses Dunsany’s opinions on the publishing world.
Louisa May Alcott Collection
This small collection consists of one letter written by Louisa May Alcott, one letter written on her behalf by her London publisher, one inscribed photographic portrait, and one page from the manuscript of the novel, Jack and Jill: a Village Story.
Louise Chandler Moulton Letters
A group of 33 manuscript letters, written by Louise Chandler Moulton (1835-1908), who wrote poetry, fiction, and literary criticism. Many of the letters, for example, those addressed to Fred Holland Day (1864-1933), a publisher and photographer, deal with the literature of the day.
Louise Imogen Guiney Papers
The papers of Louise Imogen Guiney (1861-1920) are comprised of letters, postcards, and a limited number of papers. The majority of the letters and postcards were written by Guiney to J. R. Tutin, a publisher located in Hull, Yorkshire, who hoped to revive interest in 17th c. literature.
M.A. Harvey Letter
A 4-page folio-sized letter written on 15 November 1862 by Confederate private M. A. Harvey, Co. B, 8th Texas Cavalry, describing actions during Bragg's invasion of Kentucky in September-October.
Marcellus Ovando Messer Correspondence
Marian Stoll Letters to Elizabeth Morison
A collection of 100 manuscript personal letters written by American textile artist Marian Stoll to her friend Elizabeth Morison, all dated between 1928 and 1938. The letters describe aspects of her professional life as well as her experiences living in Paris, Athens, and later, the U.S.