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Showing Collections: 331 - 360 of 362

United States Football League (USFL) Team Media Guides Collection

Identifier: FBP 543
Scope and Contents This collection consists of media guides for the original incarnation of the United States Football League during its three seasons of play in 1983, 1984, and 1985. The media guides typically contain pictures, articles, bios, and statistics about the players on the teams, as well as pictures, information, and bios about coaches and other team personnel, including owners, administrators, trainers, and cheerleaders. The guides usually also contain historical and contemporary information about...
Dates: 1983-1985

Upton Sinclair Letters to Melville Kress

Identifier: MSN/MN 3014

Fifty-five letters written by American novelist, playwright, and essayist Upton Sinclair to Melville L. Kress, dated between 1933 and 1958.

Dates: 1933-1958; Majority of material found in 1938-1948

U.S.S. Bonita Mexican War Journal

Identifier: MSN/EA 8006

A personal journal kept by the purser of the schooner-gunboat U.S.S. Bonita during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1847.

Dates: 1846-1847

Vagrich and Irene Bakhchanyan Collections

Identifier: MSE/REE 0006

The materials include collections assembled by Vagrich Bakhchanyan (1938-2009), a prominent Soviet and, after emigration, American artist, writer, and poet, and his wife Irene: The Stalin Test (drawings of Joseph Stalin by leading Russian and émigré artists, writers, and cultural figures), the Eduard Limonov Papers, the Mail Art Collection, and the Vagrich and Irene Bakhchanyan papers, which consist of correspondence, materials from Bakhchanyan's library, photographs, and visual ephemera.

Dates: 1960-2009

Vatican II Collection

Identifier: MSE/MD 3828

Includes copies of materials pertaining to the development of the sixteen official texts promulgated by the Second Vatican Council, three schemas discussed but not officially accepted by the Council, assorted materials pertaining to the nineteen conciliar documents discussed, items relevant to the period of the Council that include booklets, directories, notices, schedules, summaries, and other items. Post-conciliar liturgical documents are also included.

Dates: 1948-1986, bulk 1962-1965

Vladimir Lifshits, Asya Genkina, and Lev Loseff Papers

Identifier: MSE/REE 0016

The papers consist of letters, manuscripts, and phototgraphs, as well as book and journal publications, related to Lifshits, Genkina, and Loseff. The collection also includes material of Irina Kichanova-Lifshits, Boris Semenov, and Mikahil Eremin.

Dates: 1890s-2009; Majority of material found within ( 1940-1990)

Walter de la Mare Letters to Lord Dunsany

Identifier: MSE/IR 1003
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of eight letters sent from English poet Walter de la Mare to Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany.

Dates: 1923 - 1951

Walter South Illustrated Cycling Journals

Identifier: MSSP_7000

Three oversized and densely illustrated journals compiled by a Philadelphia bookkeeper named Walter South, recording twenty bicycle trips or vacations around the American Northeast undertaken over a period of ten years, 1894 to 1904.

Dates: 1894-1904

Watson Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 10011
Scope and Contents

This collection contains manuscript material created by or related to the Watson Family of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Included are various autograph manuscripts, indenture releases and a mortgage, poetry, legal manuscripts, a passport, two diaries belonging to John and Martha Watson, and a manuscript containing a personal memoir and a Native American speech.

Dates: circa 1700, 1792-1878

West Philadelphia Base Ball Club Collection

Identifier: MSSP 0002
Scope and Contents This collection consists primarily of letters addressed to the West Philadelphia Base Ball Club during the season of 1867 with a few letters from 1866. Many items are challenge letters or letters otherwise scheduling matches. There is also a 6-page letter from the Excelsior Base Ball Club of Milford, Delaware, inquiring about a player named Fisher, who pitched for the West Philadelphia Base Ball Club and another team during the 1867 season. Most of the correspondents are from the...
Dates: 1866-09-01 - 1867-09-07

Wheelchair Sports Photographs Collection (c. 1969-1975)

Identifier: MSSP_10109
Scope and Contents This collection includes 438 photographs of international, state, and unidentified wheelchair sports competitions and unidentified wheelchair athletes in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Pictured competitions include the second biennial 1969 Pan American Wheelchair Games held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the 1972 Paralympic Games held in Heidelberg, Germany, the 1973 and 1974 third and fourth Ohio Wheelchair Games competitions, and several other unidentified competitions. Many different sports...
Dates: c. 1969-1975

Wicker Buydden Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 10034
Scope and Contents This collection centers on the familial correspondence of Clifford Wicker Buydden, Wade James Buydden, Rachel Reno Wicker, and other members of the Wicker and Buydden families in the early twentieth century. Over a third of the collection is devoted to courtship correspondence between Clifford Wicker Buydden and Wade James Buydden. Of particular note within the collection are Clifford’s manuscript on health and food, Wade’s college application materials, Wade’s letters from Masonic...
Dates: 1898-1919; Majority of material found within 1901 - 1909

Willa Cather Letters

Identifier: MSN/MN 3001

Two unrelated letters written by the major American author Willa Cather (1873-1947). The first is to a "Mr. Towne" and is dated 17 November [1922]. The second is written to Brother Emil Mohr, CSC, and is dated 7 May 1937.

Dates: 1922, 1937

William Allingham Letters

Identifier: MSE/IR 1014

Letters from William Allingham of Ballyshannon to his brother John Allingham of Dublin.

Dates: 1829-1865

William Beatty, Jr. Letters

Identifier: MSN/COL 8500

Five manuscript personal letters written in 1777-78 by William Beatty, Jr., an officer in the Maryland Line of Continental Troops.

Dates: 1777-1778

William Cline Diary

Identifier: MSN/CW 8007

A volume including manuscript diary entries dated from August 1863 to October 1864 written by Civil War soldier William Cline, as a member of Co. B, 73rd Ohio Infantry. The book also includes a 53-page memoir chronicling Cline's service from 1861-1863.

Dates: 1863-1864

William Combs Letters

Identifier: MSN/CW 5011

9 Civil War letters written by Union private William Combs, during his service in Co. C, 14th New Hampshire Infantry. Also present is a ferrotype portrait of Combs in uniform.

Dates: 1862-1865

William H. Anderson Letters

Identifier: MSN/EA 5038

A collection of about 50 manuscript personal letters directed to the Lowell, Massachusetts law student William H. Anderson. Many are written from friends around Natchez, Mississippi, during the secession crisis of 1860-61.

Dates: 1859-1862

William H. Zerbe Diary

Identifier: MSN/EA_8000-1

A manuscript diary recording the experiences during the California gold rush of William H. Zerbe of Berks County, Pennsylvania.

Dates: 1850-1852

William Harris Crawford Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 0511

Political correspondence, family letters, and miscellaneous personal papers of William Harris Crawford, Republican of Georgia, who from 1807 to 1825 served as U. S. senator, U. S. minister to France, secretary of war, and secretary of the treasury. Crawford was also a candidate in the contentious presidential campaign of 1824. The collection includes around 175 manuscript letters, 1806-1868, and around 35 additional manuscripts.

Dates: 1804-1868

William Judson Howe Papers

Identifier: MSN/CW 1015

The Civil War letters, wartime manuscripts and postwar family papers of William Judson Howe (1838-1925) of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, who served in Company C of the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.

Dates: 1857-1993; Majority of material found in 1861-1865

William King Journal

Identifier: MSN/EA 8007-01-B

A manuscript journal and book of verse kept by a young Ohio evangelical named William King, from 1831 to 1842.

Dates: 1831-1842

William Pfaff Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 10026
Scope and Contents This collection consists of the personal and professional papers of journalist William Pfaff. Pfaff’s professional materials include his writings from each stage of the writing process, such as research notes, drafts, proofs, and published materials. The collection also contains conference materials and speeches, financial records, and materials from Pfaff’s work at the Hudson Institute, a non-profit research center on public policy. Also included are Pfaff’s personal papers which consist of...
Dates: 1942-2015; Majority of material found in 1965-2015

William Pickering Papers

Identifier: MSN/COL 0500

A collection of documents relating to the commercial interests of William Pickering, a Salem, Massachusetts shipmaster and trader of the early eighteenth century.

Dates: 1703-1713

William S. Wetmore Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 0509

The greater part of this collection consists of business and some personal correspondence of the American mercantile trader William S. Wetmore (1801-1862). Many of the 360-odd manuscript letters date from the 1820s, when Wetmore was establishing himself in trade on the west coast of South America

Dates: 1819-1837

William Shepherd Diaries

Identifier: MSN/EA 8005

Three diaries with daily entries for 1854, 1855, and 1859 kept by William Shepherd, a textile factory worker from Blackstone, Worcester County, Massachusetts. A fourth volume in the group is a sort of mourning notebook kept by Shepherd in the 1850s.

Dates: 1851-1862

Williams Family Land Deeds

Identifier: MSN/COL 1000
Scope and Contents

A group of 28 deeds of sale recording land purchases made by Ephraim Williams (1691-1761) and his son, Captain Elias Williams (1718-1798), of Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut. The transactions involved many different individuals, though 24 of the 28 parcels thus acquired were located in Wethersfield. The nine earliest deeds (1726-1758) cite Ephraim Williams as purchaser; all thereafter cite Elias Williams.

Dates: 1726 - 1776

Women's College Basketball Team Media Guide Collection

Identifier: EPH 7500

A collection of women's college basketball team media guides from more than 200 individual colleges and universities. Most date from the 1990s and early 2000s.

Dates: 1977-2008

World War II Correspondence of David MacGillivray

Identifier: MSN/MN 5025
Scope and Contents This collection contains correspondence written by Private First Class (Pfc.) David MacGillivray to his fiance, Eleanor Gamber, during World War II. Pfc. David MacGillivray was assigned to the 102nd Infantry Division and was initially stationed at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The letters offer a first-hand account of the actions of the 102nd Infantry Division in the European Theater of Operations during World War II with notable locations that include the Cherbourg Peninsula in France and the Rhine...
Dates: 1944-08-1945-11

Wu Jingxiong Collection

Identifier: EPH 5038

A collection of publications (magazines, and books), authored by, or about Wu Jingxiong, Wu's personal notes, and materials related to his funeral.

Dates: 1936-1989

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Letters (correspondence) 139
Manuscripts (documents) 64
Clippings (information artifacts) 45
Correspondence 38
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence 37