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Cadieux and Derome, Montreal, Canada, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1885 August 13
Regarding Father Lacordaire's photograph they do not keep the article in stock. Since they are pleased with the Ave Maria they may take articles from it occasionally with Hudson's permission. They hope that Hudson will call Ave Maria readers' attention to "Propagateur." :: X-3-a A.L.S. 1p. 4to.
Cadieux and Derome, Montreal, Quebec, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1889 February 9
They usually have Maynard's "La Ste. Vierge" but are out at present. The price is $10. :: X-3-i A. Postcard S. French 1p. 32mo.
Cadieux, H. C. and Derome, L.J.A., Montreal, Canada, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1890 September 30
They are sending Hudson his work, part of which is enclosed. In Europe they are asking for "La Ste. Vierge" by Ch. Rohault de Fleury and the life of Father Damien by Mrs. Craven. :: X-3-l A.L.S. French 1p. 4to.
Cahill, Dr. Daniel William, Manchester, New Hampshire, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 0186- January 19
Cahill decided not to write to McFarland until he could visit him. He has so many engagements in New Hampshire and Massachusetts that he will not go to Providence for a month. He is engaged to lecture in New York February 6. As soon as he finishes his lecture there he will go to Providence to do whatever the Bishop commands. He will give due notice to Dr. Hugh Carmody. :: I-1-a A.L.S. 4pp. 12mo.
Cahill, Edward and others, Jackson, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere Leffver, Detroit, Michigan, 1862 February 17
The undersigned Catholics of Jackson protest against Father Cornelius Moutard's letting the plastering of St. John's Church to Mr. Boyd of Detroit. Cahill and 47 others sign. A.L.S. 2pp. 4to. :: III-2-j A.L.S. 3pp. 4to. and 12mo.
Cahill, Father John T., Ravenna, Ohio, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1886 February 13
Cahill is anxious to post himself on the condition of the Mexican people. He read an article in the Catholic Universe of Cleveland about a year ago concerning a lecture delivered at Notre Dame by a Mexican Bishop on this subject. Was it published in the Ave Maria? :: X-3-b A.L.S. 1p. 4to.
Caillet, Father L, St. Paul, Minnesota, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1873 December 9
He sends $6.00 for his subscription and for Father A Hurley's. Hurley's paper should be sent to St. Mary's Church in St. Paul. He thanks McMaster for his articles on Catholic schools. Coming at a time when Caillet was discouraged because of lack of teachers, means and of good will, McMaster's articles have confirmed Caillet in his convictions. He promises his prayers for McMaster's continued success. :: I-1-o A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Calandri, Father Anthony, Birmingham, Pennsylvania, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1871 July 15
Calandri expresses sympathy and condolince to McMaster and his children on the death of Mrs. McMaster. She was the first to welcome the writer when he first came to America. The prayers of that Passionist Community have already been offered for the repose of her soul, with a Mass being said for her. He begs McMaster to keep up his courage. :: I-1-o A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Caldwell, Lafayette, Cordova, Mexico, to W.F. Maurice, _____, 1865 June 10
Caldwell, W _____ W., Hamilton, Ohio, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1863 October 11
Caldwell, Wm. M., Yonkers, New York, to James Alphonsus McMaster, 1871 July 14
Caldwell learns of the death of Mrs. McMaster and writes McMaster expressing Mrs. Caldwell's and his condolince at McMaster's bereavement. They did not know of Mrs. McMaster's illness nor of the funeral announcement. :: I-1-o A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Athlone, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1864 July 22
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Athlone, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1866 September 1
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Athlone, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1866 December 10
Lefevere's advice to let F. Steiner retain a pew to which he has not a right has turned out bad. After many weeks the pew was rented to Michael Conlisk. Having heard this, the Steiner family by arriving early has filled it and refuses to give it up. Unless Lefevere does something, all authority of priest and Committee will cease. :: III-2-k A.L.S. 4pp. 12mo.
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Marshall, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1868 November 2
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Marshall, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1868 November 21
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Marshall, Michigan, to Father Peter Hennaert, Detroit, Michigan, 1870 March 28
Callaert begs permission to return to Belgium. His good character has been taken away by his successor in Stonycreek, Father Bernard J. Wermers . He had made the same request of the late Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere shortly before the latter's death. He feels neither ashamed nor sorry for what he has done for and in Stonycreek. All goes well in Marshall. :: III-2-l A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Marshall, Michigan, to Father Peter Hennaert, Detroit, Michigan, 1870 April 18
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Marshall, Michigan, to Mother Gertrude Gerretsen I.H.M., Monroe, Michigan, 1867 October 26
He is sorry Mother Gertrude has taken Sister Ignatius from Stony Creek. He begs her to send Sr. Ignatius to Marshall with 3 other Sisters. They speak of her here as they do Father Peter Koopmans, with moved hearts and tears in their eyes. As to salary, whatever Mother Gertrude and Father Edward Joos say, Callaert is satisfied. Enclosure:
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Monroe, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1859 February 8
Before coming to Monroe, Callaert thought all had been settled between Lefevere and Father Edward Joos in regard to support but he has experienced the contrary. Callaert told Joos that the revenue should be divided equally or almost equally with one who has half of the work to do. If it is not divided that way it will be impossible to live "friendly" together and he would be glad, though he likes Monroe, to be allowed to remain in his missions. :: III-2-i A.L.S. 3pp. 8vo.
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Monroe, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1860 January 2
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Monroe, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1860 June 13
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Monroe, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1860 July 19
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Monroe, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1860 July 27
Callaert answers Lefevere's letter of July 22. He is sorry his letter of July 19 made Lefevere believe that he intended to oppose the arrangements made last year. He is glad to know that a longer or shorter stay at Stonycreek may be settled between him and Father Edward Joos . Mr. Lauer of the old German committee died. :: III-2-j A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Monroe, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1860 December 28
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Stonycreek, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1859 July 25
Callaert, Father Desiderius, Swancreek, Michigan, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1860 February 17
Callaghan, C.J., Mobile, Alabama, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1886 September 11
Callaghan encloses $5.00 for Mount Carmel, which he wishes to be acknowledged in the Freeman as coming from a "friend of the Scapular". :: I-2-g A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Callaghan, Father J.F., St. Martin, Ohio, to Richard Henry Clarke, New York, New York, 1883 July 28
Had he not been ill Callaghan would have answered promptly. Callaghan will place at Clarke's disposal any papers left in his possession, or any information he has on Archbishop Jhon B. Purcell . In October he expects to be permanently located in New York City. He knows very little of Bishop Amadeus Rappe, but he was a complete file of the Catholic Telegraph which contains more on the two bishops than any other source. :: I-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo.
Callaghan, Tim, Communia, Iowa, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1877 March 10
Callaghan sends McMaster $2.50 as part payment for the Freeman's Journal. He also sends $6.26 as mission dues to aid the Indian Missions. He lists the 17 contributors of the money, among whom is Father B. W. Coyles. :: I-2-b A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.