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Onahan, William J., Chicago, Illinois, to James Alphonsus McMaster, Of New York, New York, 1863 October 17
Onahan, William J., Chicago, Illinois, to James F. Edwards, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1879 June 1
He has the books, 100 volumes, ready for Edwards. He will keep them until he hears Edwards' wishes in regard to sending them. :: AI-1-b A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Onahan, William J., Chicago, lllinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1889 January 4
Onahan thanks Hudson for the copy of the article "Tim's Tales", which he accepts as a testimony of Hudson's good will. He sent his to Hudson through Dr. Zahm. One of the objects of Onahan's loyalty and devotion is Notre Dame. He notifies Hudson that his wife is ill and in need of prayers. :: X-3-i A.L.S. 2pp. 4to.
One of the Macks, Buffalo, New York, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1851 March 15
He encloses a clipping from the Buffalo Courier and a pamphlet advertising the appearance of a man calling himself Rev. J. G. White, from Facksonville, Illinois, who lectured in St. James Hall on the subjects announced in the sheet. He is sarcastic, and bitterly fanatic. He was hissed frequently during the lecture and rotten eggs were fired at him. His lecture on Auricular Confession was a most horrid and immoral one. :: I-1-o A.L.S. pamphlet and clipping. 1p. 12mo.
One of the people, Kenockee, Michigan, to Father Peter Hennaert, Detroit, Michigan, 1866
"One Subscriber", Pleasanton, Texas, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1886 August 20
The writer sends $1.00 in stamps for the convent of Mount Carmel. :: I-2-g A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
"One who sees how things are going", Berlin, Germany, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1870?
"One who wears the Scapular", Kenosha Wisconsin, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1886 September 3
The writer encloses $1.00 for Mount Carmel. :: I-2-g A.L.S. 1p. ½8vo.
O'Neil, C Gerald, Hamilton, Bermuda, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 December 12
O'Neil acknowledges receipt of the package of Ave Maria magazines. He handed around the specimen copies in an attempt to secure subscribers. The Catholic population of Bermuda is small. Father Bellard will recommend the Ave from the altar. It is twelve years since he last saw the Ave Maria when he conducted Brother Aristides around Council Bluffs, Iowa. :: X-3-i A.L.S. 2pp. 16mo.
O'Neil, Father J.L., New York, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1891
O'Neil appreciates Hudson's message and donation. He has directed his assistant to send a check for the Ave Maria. :: X-3-m A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.
O'Neil, Father Thomas Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmittsburg, Maryland, to Father Francis P. McFarland St. John's College, Rosehill, New York, 1845 July 30
He does not understand why McFarland has ceased to write to him. He congratulates him on his ordination. The Seminary at the Mountain is almost defunct. He lists the seminarians who are departing for Baltimore and other seminaries. He also lists the new men by name. He asks McFarland how he feels about Rosehill. He gives messages to various friends in New York. :: I-1-a A.L.S. 3pp. 4to.
O'Neill, A. M.,, Hyde Park, Massachusetts, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1879 June 7
O'Neill sends McMaster $1. to be used for the Indian Missions. The money was contributed by three persons whom she names. :: I-2-c A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
O'Neill, Con., Rosedale, Ohio, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1870 September 24
O'Neill remarks that in the list published on Sept. 17, Thomas Connaly is listed. The name should be James, and O'Neill asks that the error be corrected. P.S. He remarks that though the paper is denied in Rosedale by the priests, O'Neill will always cling to McMaster. :: I-1-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
O'Neill, C.S.C., Father A. B., Memramcook, New Brunswick, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1883 October 17
O'Neill encloses an article written for the Ave Maria. :: X-2-l A.L.S. 1p. 16mo.
O'Neill, C.S.C., Father Arthur B., Cote des Neiges, Quebec, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1890 May 4
O'Neill, C.S.C., Father Arthur B., Cote des Neiges, Quebec, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1890 May 22
O'Neill, C.S.C., Father Arthur B., Montreal, Quebec, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1890 January 4
O'Neill has free time which he is willing to use translating French material for the Ave Maria. :: X-3-k A.L.S. 1p. 4to.
O'Neill, C.S.C., Father Arthur B., Montreal, Quebec, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1890 January 5
Father Joseph Reze's C.S.C. idea was that Hudson should procure a copy of the work for himself and let O'Neill know which articles he wants translated. He sent two legends "Our Lady's Knight" and "The Blasphemer", and has been writing a story for Hudson's Youth Department. :: X-3-k A.L.S. 2pp. 4to.
O'Neill, C.S.C., Father Arthur B., Montreal, Quebec, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1890 January 22
O'Neill sends Hudson an adaptation from "Le Legendaire etc" and a few rhymes. O'Neill fears Hudson will find "Our Lady's Scholar" somewhat crude, but he will endeavor to make a weekly contribution. :: X-3-l A.L.S. 1p. 4to.
O'Neill, C.S.C., Father Arthur B., Montreal, Quebec, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1890 March 13
Yesterday O'Neill sent Hudson a translation of Abbe A. Durand's article on the Holy Letter. Anyone who read Daniel "Arthur" Paul's article "Our Lady of the Epistle in the Janiculum" must have concluded that the tradition referred to is merely a pious belief. If Paul were still alive, O'Neill would inquire what he meant. :: X-3-k A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
O'Neill, C.S.C., Father Arthur B., Montreal, Quebec, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1890 March 26
O'Neill thanks Hudson for "Our Christian Heritage" and "Lectures on English Literature". He has found two legends which may possibly suit. :: X-3-k A.L. Incomplete 1p. 8vo.
O'Neill, Dennis,, Providence, Rhode Island, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1852 April 21
O'Neill, Father Arthur B., C.S.C., Memramcook, New Brunswick, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 July 5
O'Neill forwards a marked copy of the Catholic Record, London, Ontario, in which appears a sketch of Father G. Lefebvre C.S.C. The sketch was written simply to advertise St. Joseph's in an indirect manner. O'Neill is of the opinion, the "bluenoses" of Holy Cross are too modest in talking up their colleges. Ever since O'Neill read the autobiography of P. T. Barnum he has been a firm believer in the potency of printer's ink. :: X-3-g A.L.S. 1p. 4to.
O'Neill, Father Jeremiah F., Charleston, South Carolina, to Father John Timon, C.M., Perryville, Missouri, 1828 February 4
O'Neill, Father John, Suspension Bridge, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1885 March 16
O'Neill sent a St. Patrick's day gift. He asks Hudson to place a notice in the Ave Maria calling attention to the necessity for funds for the Canonization of Maria Taigi :: X-2-o A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
O'Neill, Father Thomas, Harford County, Maryland, to Father Francis P. McFarland, St. John's College, New York, 1846 May 26
O'Neill, Father Thomas, Hickory, Maryland, to Father Francis P. McFarland, Watertown, New York, 1846 May 2
O'Neill, Father Thomas Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmittsburg, Maryland, to Francis P. McFarland St. John's College, Rose Hill, New York, 1844 September 24
He begs pardon for not answering McFarland's letters. He has been ordained and is scarcely able to do his work on the mission now. He regretted that McFarland did not return to the Mount after he left Philadelphia but hopes that he will be well at Rosehill. He lists by name the various personalities of the Mount. He adjures McFarland to vote the Democratic ticket. He asks what McFarland has heard about his first sermon and talks about the members of the faculty. :: I-1-a A.L.S. 3pp. 4to.
O'Neill, Father William, Toronto, Ontario, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1878 July 27
He asks Hudson to make out a corner for the enclosed paragraph as it is concerning the Carmerlites. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.
O'Neill, James J., Carbondale, Pennsylvania, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1872 March 5
He asks for the constitution and bylaws of both the Sodality and Catholic Union in New York to which McMaster belongs. He intends organizing such an association in Carbondale. Mr. Conway promised to send them these articles, but he has not been able to do so yet, and they are eager to receive them. :: I-1-o A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.