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Dubourg, Louis William Bishop of Lousiana: St. Louis, Missouri, to Father Simon Gabriel Brute: Mt. St. Mary's Emmitsburg, Maryland, 1819 October 4
Dubourg, Louis William, Bishop of New Orleans, Louisiana, to Cardinal Ercole Consalvi, Rome, Italy
Having returned to his own diocese after seeing with his own eyes the needs of the bishop of Cincinnati, he adds his petition to that of Bishop Flaget, because with this aid religion will make great increases in the new diocese. This is shown in the progress made within one year in the city of Cincinnati, especially with the aid of Father Augustine Hill who came there recently from Rome. :: III-2-f A.L.S. Latin 1p. 4pp. in all 8vo., 5
DuBourg, William Bishop of Louisiana: St. Louis, Missouri, to Father Simon Gabriel Brute: Emmitsburg, Maryland, 1818 July 4
Dubourg, William Louis Bishop of: New Orleans Louisiana, to Father Simon Gabriel Brute: Emmitsburg, Maryland, 1825 February 16
Dubreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of, Hartford, Connecticut, undated
The three new seminarians Molloy, Lynch, and McCarthy give satisfaction in spirit and conduct; as to talent and success as much as expected in Molly but not more; McCarthy will get through but with limited success. Lynch is so weak that they regret to see him follow the same course of theoloty. He needs philosophy. Father Francis L'homme thought that coming from Montreal he would be prepared. Dubreul wishes to give him a longer trial. :: I-1-a A.L.S. 3pp. 12mo.
Dubreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 0186- January 9
Dubreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 0186- June 13
He acknowledges McFarland's letter from New Haven. Archbishop Martin John Spalding has no more faculties to ordain ad titulum missionis than any other Bishop. There will be no subdeacons ordained this time. As to McFarland's visit next week, Dubreul suggests that he be there on the evening of the 24th for a literary solemnity in which theses will be defended and degrees conferred. :: I-1-a A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Dubreul S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 186? July 5
He had received McFarland's letter of July 1 with the check for $600 which he will dispose with as directed. :: I-1-a A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Dubreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 0186- October 29
Dubreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 0186- December 26
Dubreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 1863 January 3
Dubreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 1863 May 24
Dubreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 1863 November 10
Dubreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 1864 November30
Mr. W. Sheridan has left the seminary last night on his way to Providence. Some girls had been waving at the seminary and making improper signs and someone detected Sheridan answering. He has examined the circumstance and has no reason to doubt the facts. He denied but when pressed, asked for permission to leave the seminary. Mr. Bric has been sent last week by Father E. O'Brien as adopted by McFarland. Dubreul is well pleased with him. :: I-1-b A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
DuBreul, S.S., Father Joseph Paul, Baltimore, Maryland, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 1865 June 8
Duffield, George, Lansing, Michigan, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1877 October 1
Duffield, George, Lansing, Michigan, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1878 February 9
Duffy, Father John B., Annapolis, Maryland, to James A. McMaster, New York, New York, 1869 April 20
He extends his sympathy to McMaster over the illness of the latter's son, Alphonsus. He expresses the sentiments of Father Freitag that Our Lord will hear the many prayers that are being offered up for the recovery of Alphonsus McMaster. Father Duffy hopes that McMaster may see his son grow up to be as good a man as his father is and prayers that God will sustain him in this time of trial and affliction. :: I-1-n A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Duffy, Father Joseph, Beauparc, Ireland, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 November 21
Duffy submits two poems. :: X-3-h A.L.S. 1p. 16mo.
Duffy, John J.; John H. Zwarts, and B. G. Eveslage, St. Louis, Missouri, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1886 November 16
A circular letter from the Supreme Trustees of the Catholic Knights of America informs the officers and members of the Catholic Knights that the Supreme Secretary's and Supreme Treasurer's books, papers and moneys have been examined and found accurate and in order. Enclosure: The Monthly Bulletin of the Catholic Knights of America, Vol. II, No. 2. Dated Lebanon, Kentucky, Nov. 30, 1886. :: I-2-j Printed form letter 12mo.
Duggan, Bishop James, Chicago, Illinois, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1863 October 19
Duggan, before he had received Lefevere's letter, saw Father August Durst Dust but to no purpose since Duggan never receives a priest without a good letter from his bishop. Durst never mentioned his suspension. Duggan asks Lefevere for a Bohemian priest for a few days to hear confessions of many Bohemian families in Chicago who have not been to the sacraments for years; they are now thinking of building a church. :: III-2-j A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Duggan, Bishop James, Chicago, Illinois, to The Clergy of the Chicago Diocese, 1868 October 17
Duggan is forced by the painful publicity of certain rumors and proceedings to present this matter to the clergy and to the Faithful in order to vindicate Episcopal authority and the personal character of the Ordinary of the Diocese. Printed Letter On the same paper:
Duggan, James, Bishop of, Chicago, Illinois, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1859 March 19
Duggan, James, Bishop of, Chicago, Illinois, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1859 April 9
Duggan thanks Lefevere for his letter. He hopes it is the will of God that he remain. He has not seen Father Merle J.B. Merl since but heard he was in town about a week ago. Duggan will in form Merle that Lefevere has written to him. Duggan sends his first pastoral hoping Lefevere will read it. He looks for Lefevere's visit with impatience and hopes that as near neighbors they will also be warm friends. :: III-2-i A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.
Duggan, James, Bishop of, Chicago, Illinois, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1859 May 2
Duggan, James, Bishop of, Chicago, Illinois, to Bishop Peter Paul Lefevere, Detroit, Michigan, 1859 June 23
Duggan, John B., Vicksburg, Mississippi, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1878 October 25
Duggan, Michael, Newburgh, New York, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1877 December 29
Duggan, Michael, Newburgh, New York, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1871 February 28
Duggan forwards to McMaster one dollar given him by one John Rooney that arrived too late to be sent with the post office order. :: I-1-o A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Duhamel, Archbishop J. of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 January 20
Duhamel will be present at the Golden Jubilee of the Superior General of the Congregation of Holy Cross. :: X-3-f A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.