Showing Collections: 31 - 60 of 98
Irena S. Verblovskaia and Revolt I. Pimenov Correspondence
Personal correspondence between Irena S. Verblovskaia and her first husband Revolt I. Pimenov, who was one of the founders of the dissident movement in the Soviet Union, written during their imprisonment for "anti-Soviet" activities (1958-1963).
Irish Theatre Program Collection
This artificial collection consists of theatre programs, totaling approximately 600 items, created by theatres and theatre companies throughout Ireland. Materials include programs, black-and-white photographs, and pamphlets.
Jack Pfefer Wrestling Collection
Jackson Family Correspondence
A group of around 60 manuscript personal letters, almost all written by and/or to members of the Jackson family of Moore County, North Carolina before and during the Civil War. The collection includes letters of eleven Confederate States soldiers, serving in the 26th or 30th North Carolina Infantry or the 2nd North Carolina Cavalry.
James C. Woodworth Collection
Civil War papers and realia of James C. Woodworth of Worcester, Massachusetts, who from 1861 to 1864 served in Co. H of the 25th Massachusetts Infantry, rising to lieutenant. Included in the collection are a 6-volume wartime diary and an album containing 73 tintype portraits of members of Co. H.
J.J. O'Kelly (Sceilg) Collection
John Augustine Zahm Papers
John Carrington Cross Papers
John J. Bednar Photographs
Photographs of his sculpture, including statues of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Jerome, St. Joan of Arc, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Augustine, St. Patrick, and John Henry Cardinal Newman; photographs of Notre Dame sculptors John J. Bednar, C.S.C., and Eugene Kormendi; and photographs of studio scenes.
John Wilson Photographs
Photographs from the "Old Faces -- New Places" column in the Notre Dame Alumnus by John Wilson, CSC.
Johnny Evers Collection
A small collection of manuscripts, photographs, printed matter, and realia belonging to Hall of Fame second baseman Johnny Evers (1881-1947). Much of the material relates to the exhibition games played in Europe in 1924 by the New York Giants and Chicago White Sox, a series in which Evers participated as White Sox manager.
Jutta Schütt Collection
A series of documents and letters from Jutta Schütt, Rose Elvira Grandinetti, Nicholas Emerson Dante Russo, and others, beginning in July 1916 and ending in July 1939.
Kenneth O'Meara Photographs
Chiefly photographs of World War I.
Peter T. King Papers
Larry Fink Photographs from the Boxing Series Collection
Le Rossignol Correspondence
A collection of personal letters written by Arthur Le Rossignol to his sister, Ethel, while he served in the British Motor Machine Gun Corps on the Western Front during World War I. Also included are letters written by Ethel, her colleague Pierre Pulinekse, and others.
Lenore Mooney Papers
The correspondence and other papers of the American Lenore Mooney (1859-1941), dating especially from her time as a relief worker in Paris during World War I. There are many letters to Mooney from French soldiers and others victimized by the war, as well as a substantial correspondence with nephew Charles E. Bayly, Jr., an ambulance driver with the American Field Service who subsequently served as sous-lieutenant in the French army.
Leonard Family Papers
Manuscripts and other materials relating to the Confederate army service of the brothers Henry, Martin, Robert, and Joseph Leonard, of Iredell County, North Carolina, including records of Co. C, 48th North Carolina Infantry.
Liam Creagh Collection on Brendan Behan
Correspondence and ephemera relating to Brendan Behan.
Louisa May Alcott Collection
This small collection consists of one letter written by Louisa May Alcott, one letter written on her behalf by her London publisher, one inscribed photographic portrait, and one page from the manuscript of the novel, Jack and Jill: a Village Story.
Louise Imogen Guiney Papers
The papers of Louise Imogen Guiney (1861-1920) are comprised of letters, postcards, and a limited number of papers. The majority of the letters and postcards were written by Guiney to J. R. Tutin, a publisher located in Hull, Yorkshire, who hoped to revive interest in 17th c. literature.
Mae Faggs Ephemera
Martin J. Gillen Photographs
Photos of Martin J. Gillen, his family graves, John F. O'Hara, CSC, William A. McGuire, the Land O'Lakes property in Wisconsin, and various buildings at Notre Dame.
Mary Clemency Papers
Mary Taussig Hall Papers
Masterson Family Papers
The collection includes more than 50 manuscript letters written during the Civil War by Pvt. John William Masterson, Co. A, 133rd New York Infantry, as well as later papers relating to Masterson's service and to his son William and daughter Ida.