Showing Collections: 1 - 16 of 16
Bishop Ricardo Ramírez Papers
Digitized copies of articles, speeches, homilies, statements, and other writings of Ricardo Ramírez, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Las Cruces (New Mexico).
Charabanc Theatre Collection
Cristina Peri Rossi Papers
Edward Gorey Collection
Collection of magazines, clippings, dust jackets, and other ephemera containing illustrations of Edward Gorey. Also includes book catalogs, profiles of Gorey, and reviews of Gorey works.
Gay And Lesbian Alumni/ae of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College Records (GALA-ND/SMC)
G.K. Chesterton Collection
The collection consists of manuscripts, letters, articles by Chesterton, as well as articles about him, photographs, and drawings. In addition to the material described in this finding aid, the collection also includes over 2,000 books and periodicals that have been cataloged separately.
Grace Atkinson Oliver Papers
This collection of papers consists of materials created by Grace Atkinson Oliver, a 19th century American author and advocate of women's rights. Notable topics discussed in the papers include the portrayal of women in literature, morality and the press, taxation and the conditions at Danvers Asylum in Massachusetts.
J.J. O'Kelly (Sceilg) Collection
Latinx Ephemera Collection
This collection consists of twentieth-century ephemera relating to Latinx culture. Significant topics represented in the ephemera include migrant laborers, César Chávez, and grape boycotts; Mexican-American socio-economic conditions, education, civil rights, and employment; illegal immigration; feminism; and Latin-American and Mexican culture, including art, history, politics, and literature. Materials include pamphlets, reports, dissertations, journal articles, magazines, and newspapers.
Loome Catholic Modernism Collection
Red Smith Papers
Robert Creeley Ephemera
A collection of non-book material, much of it printed ephemera, acquired with the University's purchase of the 6000-volume personal library of the American poet Robert Creeley. The collection includes printed mailings and other announcements, periodical issues, broadsides, and posters, as well as photographs, photocopied texts of various kinds, and a small manuscript component.
Stanley Weston Collection
Sydney Hobart Ball and Family Papers
Vladimir Lifshits, Asya Genkina, and Lev Loseff Papers
The papers consist of letters, manuscripts, and phototgraphs, as well as book and journal publications, related to Lifshits, Genkina, and Loseff. The collection also includes material of Irina Kichanova-Lifshits, Boris Semenov, and Mikahil Eremin.