Showing Collections: 211 - 240 of 406
Louise Chandler Moulton Letters
A group of 33 manuscript letters, written by Louise Chandler Moulton (1835-1908), who wrote poetry, fiction, and literary criticism. Many of the letters, for example, those addressed to Fred Holland Day (1864-1933), a publisher and photographer, deal with the literature of the day.
Louise Imogen Guiney Papers
The papers of Louise Imogen Guiney (1861-1920) are comprised of letters, postcards, and a limited number of papers. The majority of the letters and postcards were written by Guiney to J. R. Tutin, a publisher located in Hull, Yorkshire, who hoped to revive interest in 17th c. literature.
M.A. Harvey Letter
A 4-page folio-sized letter written on 15 November 1862 by Confederate private M. A. Harvey, Co. B, 8th Texas Cavalry, describing actions during Bragg's invasion of Kentucky in September-October.
Mae Faggs Ephemera
Magdalena Harriague Letters
This collection consists of letters received by Magdalena Harriague. The majority of the letters contain commentaries from contemporary writers and critics of Latin America and Spain on Harriague’s work; however there are also personal letters from contemporaries and friends. Materials include letters and postcards.
Major League Baseball American Association (AA) Team Scorecards Collection
Major League Baseball American League (AL) Team Media Guides Collection
Major League Baseball American League (AL) Team Newsletters Collection
Major League Baseball American League (AL) Team Programs and Scorecards Collection
Major League Baseball American League (AL) Team Yearbooks Collection
This collection consists of Major League Baseball annual team yearbooks published by American League clubs. Aimed at fans, yearbooks typically contained information and articles about players, managers, and coaches, as well as statistics and schedules. Most yearbooks also featured numerous photographs of players and personnel and other team-related images. Some yearbooks contained advertisements. Materials include annual team yearbooks.
Major League Baseball (MLB) All-Star Game Programs Collection
This collection consists of Major League Baseball All-Star game programs. The programs typically contain photographs, statistics, and rosters of the players on the All-Star teams from the two leagues. Many programs also contain articles about the history of the All-Star game, stories about the current season, information about team owners or league officials, and advertisements. The programs tend to get longer and more substantial through the years. Formats include programs.
Major League Baseball (MLB) Organizational Record Books Collection
This collection contains organizational record books published by Major League Baseball teams. The record books contain historical statistics related to the franchise and lists individual and team records in various statistical categories along with other historical data about the team, including….
Formats include record books.
Major League Baseball (MLB) World Series Programs and Scorecards Collection
Major League Baseball National League (NL) Team Media Guides Collection
Major League Baseball National League (NL) Team Newsletters Collection
Major League Baseball National League (NL) Team Programs and Scorecards Collection
Major League Baseball National League (NL) Team Yearbooks Collection
This collection consists of Major League Baseball annual team yearbooks published by National League clubs. Aimed at fans, yearbooks typically contained information and articles about players, managers, and coaches, as well as statistics and schedules. Most yearbooks also featured numerous photographs of players and personnel and other team-related images. Some yearbooks contained advertisements. Materials include annual team yearbooks.
Major League Indoor Baseball Game
One game manufactured by Philadelphia Game Manufacturing Co. Players choose a baseball team and play by spinning the dial to move players around the bases throughout the innings.
Marcellus Ovando Messer Correspondence
Marian Stoll Letters to Elizabeth Morison
A collection of 100 manuscript personal letters written by American textile artist Marian Stoll to her friend Elizabeth Morison, all dated between 1928 and 1938. The letters describe aspects of her professional life as well as her experiences living in Paris, Athens, and later, the U.S.
Marie Balje Kimball Correspondence
A collection consisting primarily of some 200 manuscript personal letters directed to Marie Balje Kimball (1873-1967) of Fulton County, New York. Included are a series of 22 letters written by a missionary friend in Turkish Armenia, 1908-10, and a series of 17 written from New York City in early 1919 by Marie Kimball's socialist and labor activist husband, Harry Kimball.
Marquis de Sercey Papers
Four manuscript documents relating to the battle at Cap Français in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, 20-23 June 1793. All the documents are written by or to the Marquis de Sercey, a French rear admiral, aboard Éole in Cap Français harbor.
Mary Bettle Letters
A pair of manuscript letters, each dated 4 October 1862, written to the Philadelphia Quaker Mary Bettle by two relatives, Sophia Jones and Elizabeth Williams. An enclosure in Jones's letter describes audiences of the Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends with Salmon P. Chase, Edwin M. Stanton, and Lincoln, regarding exemption from the draft.
Mary Crowell Letter
A four-page folio-sized manuscript letter written on 28-29 April 1862 by Mary Crowell of Nora, Illinois. Much of the letter is given over to news of members of Co. E, 15th Illinois Infantry, recently engaged at the battle of Shiloh.
Mary Eileen Ahern Papers
This collection of the papers of the American librarian and editor Mary Eileen Ahern (1860-1938) consists primarily of incoming letters, many from prominent library professionals.
Mary Huntington Morgan Diary
A manuscript diary of some 80,000 words kept by Mary Huntington Morgan (1873-1966) in Washington DC during the year 1896. Morgan was the unmarried 23-year-old daughter of Daniel Nash Morgan (1844-1931), Treasurer of the United States under Grover Cleveland.
Mary Martín Papers
This collection consists of the personal papers of Mary Martín, a Spanish artist. Materials include loose sketches and sketchbooks of Martín, as well as newspaper clippings on her exhibitions, photographs, some prints, and notes. The majority of the materials are undated. Significant topics include women artists, Spanish artists, Mexican art, and sketching.
Mary T. McCouattria Correspondence
This collection consists of twelve incoming letters written to Mary T. McCouattria, an African American schoolteacher from Rome, Georgia.
Mary Taussig Hall Papers
Masterson Family Papers
The collection includes more than 50 manuscript letters written during the Civil War by Pvt. John William Masterson, Co. A, 133rd New York Infantry, as well as later papers relating to Masterson's service and to his son William and daughter Ida.