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University of Notre Dame



  • Existence: 1842-11-26-

Found in 316 Collections and/or Records:

Notre Dame: White Center on Law and Government Papers

Identifier: LWC
Scope and Contents

Records of Notre Dame's White Center on Law and Government, including photographs.

Dates: 1983-1994.

Notre Dame Women's Advisory Council

Identifier: WAC
Scope and Contents

Records of the Notre Dame Women's Advisory Council, including photographs.

Dates: 1952-1992

Notre Dame: Women's Basketball Office Records

Identifier: BKW
Scope and Contents

Records of the Notre Dame Women's Basketball Office, including many video recordings, notably coaches' films and 703 videos of women's basketball games between Notre Dame and other schools.

Dates: 2002-2008.

Notre Dame Women's Caucus Collection

Identifier: ZDI
Scope and Contents

Mimeographed circulars, printed material, clippings, and correspondence; concerning women's issues, the Equal Rights Amendment, and abortion.

Dates: 1972-1973

Notre Dame: Women's Tennis Records

Identifier: ATW
Scope and Contents

Photographic records of Notre Dame Women's Tennis, consisting of slides of Women's Tennis players at matches, on trips, relaxing, etc., 1985-1988.

Dates: 1985-1988.

Notre Dame: WSND Radio

Identifier: SND
Scope and Contents

Records of Notre Dame's WSND radio station, including a large collection of audio recordings.

Dates: 1972-

Nutting for President Collection

Identifier: NUT
Scope and Content

Correspondence, comments on the campaign, campaign literature, Free City Day information, news clippings, campaign buttons, and a petition with signatures.

Dates: 1970

Ann Arbour Olyniec Papers

Identifier: AAO

Collection of letters written to and from Ann Arbour Olyniec, a member of the first cohort of female students to begin undergraduate studies at the University of Notre Dame in 1972. Letters document Olyniec’s experiences as an undergraduate student at The University of Texas at Austin, Saint Mary’s College, and The University of Notre Dame from 1970 to 1974.

Dates: 1970 - 1999; Majority of material found within 1970 - 1974

Oral Histories Collection

Identifier: ORL
Scope and Contents

Oral history interviews conducted under the auspices of the University of Notre Dame Archives, including audio recordings and transcriptions of interviews on Catholic Action and Social Justice; the National Catholic Reporter; and Notre Dame faculty, staff, and students. Governed by agreements with the people interviewed, some of these are open for use and some closed or restricted.

Dates: 1972-2000

Osborn Engineering Company Records

Identifier: OSE
Scope and Content The records in this collection document some of the day-to-day details of the planning and construction of Notre Dame Stadium from 1929 to 1930. Although incomplete, the records offer details of a range of the decisions made as the plans for the Stadium were conceived and executed. The records reveal changes made during the construction phase, as well as decisions that were reached about various construction details. The collection does not contain the architectural blue prints or...
Dates: ca. 1922-1956 (bulk 1929-1930).

Pascal Tomaszewski Photographs

Identifier: PSC
Scope and Content

Photographs taken by Brother Pascal Tomaszewski, CSC, with scenes of Notre Dame football games, quadrangles, buildings, statues, and people.

Dates: ca. 1939-1941.

Patrick E. Mulrooney Fundraising material

Identifier: MUL
Scope and Content

Exhibit material to be used in Mulrooney's proposed "Fighting Born Irish of America" campaign to raise money for the University of Notre Dame Field House Building Fund through the sale of buttons. Consists of proposal, photo, and promotion board used by Mulrooney.

Dates: [196-]

Paul E. Beichner Papers

Identifier: BEI
Scope and Content

Woodcuts used in Beichner's Once Upon a Parable: Fables for the Present, 1974, and copies of published papers by Beichner, 1943-1960.

Dates: 1943-1974

Paul J. Foik Papers

Identifier: FOI
Scope and Content

Manuscripts including "Pioneer Efforts in Cathoic Journalism in the United States (1809-1840)"; personal documents such as his application for naturalization and his ordination papers; newspaper clippings from The Catholic; and photographs.

Dates: 1902-1941.

Paul R. Conaghan Scrapbook

Identifier: CGN
Scope and Content

Scrapbook of photographs, clippings, and ephemera, many having to do with the University of Notre Dame.

Dates: 1910s.

PentaVision Communications Collection

Identifier: PEN
Scope and Contents Betacam SP tapes, small and large Betacam SX tapes, small DVCPro tapes, Mini DV tapes, CDs, DVDs and MP4s shot or produced by Pentavision, relating to Notre Dame football; Irish Weekly and Blue and Gold Illustrated video shows; various Notre Dame fundraising productions; Men's Basketball games, melts, player b-roll, Banquets and highlights; some Women's Basketball games and b-roll; Basilica of the Sacred Heart Masses (mostly special occasion masses like feast days, Christmas, Easter,...
Dates: 1996 - 2022

Peter C. Reilly Collection

Identifier: ZCU
Scope and Content

Reilly's Notre Dame file, consisting of photographs of Notre Dame: buildings, personalities, and events; and letters, 1950-1957, mainly transmitting the photographs; with a few letters between Notre Dame and his son, Peter C. Reilly, Jr. Also a typewritten biographical sketch and copy of the sermon delivered by James E. Norton at the funeral of Peter C. Reilly; a photograph of Reilly; copies of Reilly's obituaries; and clippings about Reilly.

Dates: 1946-1957.

Philip Gleason Papers

Identifier: GLE
Scope and Content Professional correspondence, 1967-1976; manuscripts of publications; correspondence and programs from the Orestes Brownson Memorial Conference, University of Notre Dame (1976), and the American Catholic Historical Association meetings at Notre Dame (1968, 1979); correspondence and minutes concerning the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee for the Bicentennial, 1975-1976; correspondence, directories and papers from the Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs,...
Dates: 1869-[ongoing]

President 1905-1919: J.W. Cavanaugh

Identifier: PWC
Scope and Contents The first part of the collection (boxes 134-215) consists of three series: Student Employment, 1906-07 & 1909-11 (boxes 152,153,209,212) Concerts, Lectures, Films, & Movies, ca.1911-20 (boxes 213-215) General Correspondence, ca.1905-1911 (boxes 134-211) Scattered Cavanaugh correspondence for 1905-06 may be found in in UPEL 115-133/. The bulk of the correspondence in this part of the collection dates 1906-11, though there are some runs as early as 1904 and as late as 1912,...
Dates: 1895-1922

R. Catesby Taliaferro Papers

Identifier: TAL
Scope and Content

Notes, notebooks, offprints, mimeographed material, and other papers; including five handwritten notebooks in French on Maurice Blondel, notes on analytical geometry and recursive functions, and a mimeographed book on Plotinus and related material dating from the 1930s; also Rainich geometry for teachers; papers documenting a geometry course; Arnold Ross material; anniversary conference material; and related books.

Dates: 1930s-1972.

Richard Shortis Papers

Identifier: SHO
Scope and Content

Correspondence, catechism notebook, class record book, and unpublished manuscripts.

Dates: 1870s

Richard Stevens Photographs

Identifier: RST
Scope and Content

This is a collection of photographs taken by Richard (Dick) Stevens consisting of black and white negatives, contact sheets, and prints. The images depict University events, student life, campus buildings, academics, sporting events, alumni events, faculty, staff, and other institutional departments. It also includes some personal photographs of the Stevens' family.

Dates: 1960-1982

Robert Hayes Gore Papers

Identifier: GOR
Scope and Content

Correspondence, mimeographed and typewritten documents, newspaper clippings, photographs, and printed material; concerning Governor Gore's contributions to Notre Dame, including his collections of German beer steins and rare orchid books and funds to build the University Club his contributions to the Holy Cross Fathers, the Sisters of Mercy, and the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth; his correspondence with Christopher J. O'Toole, CSC; and his tenure as Governor of Puerto Rico.

Dates: 1933-1972

Robert T. Hellrung Notre Dame Ring file

Identifier: ZAS
Scope and Content

Correspondence and court papers accumulated by Hellrung regarding the adoption of an official Notre Dame class ring in 1930 and his testimony in the John Roberts Manufacturing Company's 1956 suit against the University.

Dates: 1956-1980, (bulk 1956-1957).

Rodney J. Shaughnessy Collection

Identifier: ZZA
Scope and Content

Photocopies of Rockne's "Football Notes" for his coaches (ca. 1923) and other photocopies of sports-related printed ephemera; program from the 1917 Notre Dame vs. Wisconsin game; a red "St. Mary's Bench" armband; a pamphlet by Frank Leahy regarding the T-formation; a letter from Elmer Layden and photocopies of letters from Knute Rockne and Elmer Layden.

Dates: 1922-1989

Scientific and Photographic Instruments Collection

Identifier: ASC
Scope and Content

Chiefly optical instruments such as microscopes, lenses and related parts, cameras, glass plates, and slides; also pipettes, Bunsen burners, saws, knives, tweezers, rulers, film holders, mirrors, and other tools.

Dates: ca. 1880s-1920s.

Social Issues Collection

Identifier: SOC
Scope and Content Pamphlets on education, politics, civics, youth action, Catholic social action, ethics, socialism, revolution, racial equality, poverty, hunger, immigration, refugees, citizenship, democracy, communism, trade unions, wages, labor, strikes, crime, alcoholism, justice, Nazis, war, atomic bomb, economics, religious liberty, rural electrification, banking, insurance, milk, food, tobacco, farms, coal, population control, the Civilian Conservation Corps, Methodism, Poland, Ireland, Spain, England,...
Dates: 1880-1965

Sorin Birthplace Commemoration Collection

Identifier: ZCG
Scope and Content

Material concerning the commemoration of Fr. Sorin's birth in Ahuillé, France. The commemoration took place in Ahuillé on 14 September 1978, with Father Theodore Hesburgh, CSC, participating. Consists of correspondence received by the Archives in connection with the event; Hesburgh's speech at the commemoration; and xerox copies of newspaper articles concerning the event.

Dates: 1978.

Stanislas Fitte Papers

Identifier: FIT
Scope and Content

Notes for sermons, lectures, and classes, with his views of church history, history of philosophy, morals, logic, and French drama; a few letters; manuscripts of lectures, papers, and sermons; a transcript of his philosophy lectures, 1893-1894; and printed lectures, 1897-1898.

ms 67-903

Dates: 1857-1907.

Student Activities

Identifier: SSA
Scope and Contents

Records of Notre Dame's Student Activities Office, including audio-visual and printed material.

Dates: 1959-