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Torney, Father Luke, Carson City, Nevada, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1877 December 29
Torney sends McMaster $24 for subscriptions to the Freeman's Journal. He asks that the papers for the 10 subscribers be sent to his own address until he sends in separate names and addresses. :: I-2-b A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Torre, Della, Charleston, South Carolina, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1870 April 2
Tourdelot, S.J., Father Frederick E., Baltimore, Maryland, to Henry F. Brownson, Detroit, Michigan, 1883 September 25
In looking over the Loyola College library, Father Tourdelot finds a number of duplicate copies of the Review, extending from 1844 to 1863, and wonders whether Brownson can help him dispose of them at a just price. :: III-3-b A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Townsend, E. D., Washington, District of Columbia, to Father Peter Whelan, Washington, District of Columbia, 1865 October 19
The Secretary of War Edwin McMaster Stanton requires that Whelan's account for money spent for the relief of prisoners at Andersonville be sworn to before being paid as there is no other evidence of the amount.
Townsend, E.D., Washington, D.C., to Orestes A. Brownson, Elizabeth, New Jersey, 1866 December 5
Brownson's communication requesting a leave of absence for Major Henry F. Brownson to enable him to become secretary to Admiral J. A. Dahlgren was received; his request was refused. :: III-3-h A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 November 20
She just sent Hudson 2 translations from Louis Veuillot's "Parfum de Rome" Vol. I. She thought he might like "Thoughts on the Madonnas" for the Ave Maria of Dec. 8. Where can she purchase "Das Kleine Marianische Officium"? If Hudson likes the two translations and has not the book she will send the volume. :: X-2-j A.L.S. 3pp. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1881 May 9
Tracy offers to translate from the French for Hudson. In the review number of July 3, 1880, Hudson notices a Thesaurus Biblicus about to be published but fails to give the name of the publisher. :: X-2-h A.L.S. 3pp. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 February 8
Tracy read one of her translations to N. C. Stoughton last evening. She will send the manuscript to Hudson provided he sends it back if not used. :: X-2-i A.L.S. Incomplete 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 April 15
Tracy sends some articles copied from a French paper. She is translating the letter of the Sicilian bishops and the Holy Father's reply. :: X-2-i A. Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 April 23
Tracy submits a sketch on the new Cardinals recently created by Pope Leo XIII :: X-2-i A.L.S. 4pp. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 April 23
Tracy is glad to know that Hudson liked the "Sketches". She hopes Hudson will publish them next Saturday for she is afraid James McMaster will get hold of them. :: X-2-i A. Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 May 4
Tracy gives two lengthy quotations from the English paper, The Weekly Register of April 15 comparing the annual customary ceremonies performed by the English and Austrian monarchs on Maundy Thursday. :: X-2-i A.L.S. 4pp. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 May 8
Tracy is translating two articles and will send them to Hudson. When the "Sketches" are printed, she requests that two copies be sent her. :: X-2-i A. Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 December 24
Tracy sends Hudson two translated articles "Christmas Cribs" and "Gluck's Chaplets". :: X-3-i A.Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1885
Tracy submits a story for the Ave Maria. :: X-2-o A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 March 18
She sends as article on St. Veronica. She asks for the "Novena of Nine Tuesdays." :: X-3-g A.L.S. 3pp. 16mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 June 25
Tracy wishes to subscribe to the Ave Maria. She asks Hudson to suggest articles that she might translate for the Ave Maria. :: X-3-g A.L.S. 4pp. 16mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 April 4
Tracy submits a correction of her translation "Le Saint Diot". If Hudson will never use her article "Saint Veronica", she asks him to return it. :: X-3-g A.L.S. 3pp. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 April 14
Tracy received the manuscript "Saint Veronica". :: X-3-g A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 May 20
Tracy has received "Les Contes de Bretagne" by Paul Feval and is translating part of it for the Ave Maria. :: X-3-g A.Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 May 28
Tracy sends Hudson an article entitled "Sixteen Thoughts For the Month of the Sacred Heart" which she translated from the L'Annee du Sacre Coeur. :: X-3-g A.Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1886 August 22
Tracy submits an article for the Ave Maria. :: X-3-c A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1886 August 23
Tracy offers to write an article on Mother Mary Aloysia Hardey for the Ave Maria. :: X-3-c A.Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1886 February 8
Tracy submits a story entitled "St. Jerome and His Great Work". :: X-3-b A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1886 February 17
Tracy was pleased to hear that Hudson found her article on St. Jerome interesting, even though it is too long. She is finishing an article on Our Lady of Ostacker. :: X-3-b A.L.S. 3pp. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888
Tracy informs Hudson that she has received "Thoughts" for the month of the Sacred Heart. Father McDowell, S.J., was very glad to get them for the WEEKLY CATHOLIC. :: X-3-f A. Postcard. S 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888
Tracy sends Hudson and the Ave Maria the first installment of St. Eustace. :: X-3-f A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Tracy, Sara C, Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 March 5
She asks if Hudson would like an article on St. Veronica for the Ave Maria. :: X-3-g A. Postcard. S. 1p. 32mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 August 2
Tracy sends her translation from "Frederic Ozanam." :: X-3-h A.L.S. 2pp. 16mo.
Tracy, Sara C., Lansingburgh, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 September 3
Tracy sends a translation of "Le Chien du Capitaine". They have lost Father Joseph Loyzance, S.J., who was rector of St. John's, Fordham. :: X-3-h A.L.S. 2pp. 16mo.