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Starr, Eliza Allen, Durand, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1881 August 29
Starr is resting up by taking a vacation in the country. She sends Hudson copies of the Errata for "Patron Saints". :: X-2-h A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Starr, Eliza Allen, Durand, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1883 August 25
Starr encloses the name and address of a person in Philadelphia she thinks could give a good sketch of Miss Eleanor Donnelly :: X-2-l A. Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Starr, Eliza Allen, South Bend, Indiana, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1881
Mrs. Piquette writes that she will marry Mr. Van Dyke on September 8th. Bernard Issac Durward has written a sonnet on Patron Saints. She inquires if Hudson will copy it in the Ave Maria. :: X-2-g A.L. Incomplete 2pp. 32mo.
Starr, Eliza Allen, Spring Park, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1877 July 25
Starr, E.liza A.llen St. Joseph's Cottage, Chicago, Illinois, to Father. Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1878 November 27
Starr, Eliza Allen St. Joseph's Cottage,, Chicago, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1877 December 28
Starr, Eliza Allen St. Joseph's Cottage, , to Maurice F. Egan, New York, New York, 1883 October 29
Starr, Eliza Allen, St. Mary's Notre Dame, Indiana, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1876 December 27
She sends some original information about Father Panfilo for the Ave Maria. Then writing about Father Ferdinando Battistas she asks that the Ave Maria spell his name as she has spelled it, include all his titles, she refer the readers to a former issue of the Ave Maria which contains information about him. She imagines that Hudson's work keeps him too busy to come to get his pictures. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Starr, Eliza Allen, St. Mary's, Notre Dame, Indiana, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1877 June 2
Starr, Eliza Allen, St. Mary's Notre Dame, Indiana, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1877 July 1
Starr, Eliza Allen, St. Mary's, Notre Dame, Indiana, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1877 September 20
She thanks him for the Standard. She regrets that there is not an English version of the Switzer but she is continuing the search. She asked the child's mother to send her an English copy of his recitations. She sends an article for "My Children" on St. Mary Major. If this story is well received she will write a similar one, though not quite as rich in theology, for the May issue. She comments about the beautiful cold morning. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Starr, Eliza Allen, St. Paul, Minnesota, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1885 August 4
Starr would like to have the Ave Maria sent to her this week. She will be traveling soon and leaves a forwarding address. Starr neglected to give the notice to Hudson of the New York Freeman's-Journal. :: X-3-a A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Starr, Eliza Allen, St. Paul, Minnesota, to Richard Henry Clarke, New York, New York, 1885 August 7
Starr, Eliza Allen, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1878 July 24
Miss Starr was going to write to Hudson on his feast day, the 24th, the Feast of the Prophet Daniel. She hopes that the Prophet will take Hudson under his special care. Miss Starr sends him a sonnet. The giver honors the Saints in spite of his education, and Miss Starr believes he would cultivate new likes. She is glad to hear of Sam Perley's baptism. Howe is at the cottage with her grandmother. P.S. She tells him her address in August. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo.
Starr, Eliza Allen, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1881
She hopes Hudson will print the notice concerning Mrs. Emily V. Frith's book. It is a perfect little treasure. Would Hudson care for an article on St. Paul outside the walls? She has not been well, but she is better now. :: X-2-g A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Starr, Eliza Allen, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 February 6
Starr, Eliza Allen, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1883
She thought Hudson would like to have a note in his column of the celebration at St. Mary's. She thanks him for his notice of "Patron Saints" and for the account of St. Joseph's Cottage and the complements to her nephew, William W. Starr . She did not realize that she might take somebody through her house who would write about it. It has been copied into the Freeman's Journal. Who is E.L.D.? :: X-2-k A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Starr, Eliza Allen, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1883
The practice given in this note is one of the sweetest things for ladies to know. She asked Sister Purificazione to send it to her as she had heard of it from her twin years ago. Starr leaves August 8. :: X-2-k A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Starr, Father William E., Baltimore, Maryland, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1885 February 23
Starr would like a little space to be given in the "Freeman's Journal" to the stupid prayer enclosed and others like it. It is annoying to have the constant cropping out at intervals of such things. He hopes McMaster will attempt to discourage this type of writing. The enclosure is a printed prayer supposedly found in the tomb of Christ during Charlemagne's time, which promises great things to the one who prays it, etc. :: I-2-e A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Starrs, Father William, Administrator, New York, New York, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 1864 April 15
He has received McFarland's letter of April 13 and wishes to say that the Sisters of Charity cannot spare any of their members at present. They have promised to open two or three new schools in New York and Starrs thinks it will be difficult for them to supply these places as they have charge of so many institutions already. :: I-1-b A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Starrs, Father William, New York, New York, 1873 July 15
Funeral arrangements for Msgr. Starrs. The remains of the Vicar General to be brought to the Cathedral today. :: I-1-e Newspaper clipping 1 column folio
Starrs, Father William, New York, New York, to All Members of Clergy, in Archbishoprick of New York, 1869 September 8
Starrs, Father William, V.G., New York, New York, to Bishop Francis P. McFarland of Hartford, Providence, Rhode Island, 1863 October 16
Starrs has received McFarland's letter of October 13 and says that Archbishop John Hughes has no objection to McFarland receiving Father Titus Joslin into McFarland's diocese. Joslin is stubborn and self-willed and has given trouble wherever he has been stationed. He was unwilling to submit to the pastor with whom he was associated. But he has many good qualities. :: I-1-b A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Stas, Chev de, Brussels, Belgium, to Father Peter Kindekens, Detroit, Michigan, 1857 February 8
Statz, William, Terre Haute, Indiana, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1879 March 7
Statz sends $1 for the Peter's Fence fund for Pope Leo XIII. :: I-2-c A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Ste. Josephine, Sister Marie, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1883 January 26
Steele, Mary E., to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1886
Mrs. Steele requests that a Mass be said for the success of a friend's undertaking. Mrs. William T.? Sherman inquires in her letters about Hudson. :: X-3-b A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Steele, Mrs. M. E. formerly La Barthe, Springfield, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1888 April 7
Steele sends a manuscript composed by her twelve year old son Willie. :: X-3-g A.L.S. 4pp. 16mo.
Steele, Mrs. Mary E., Springfield, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 July 8
Her oldest child, a boy of 7 years, has taught himself to read, and she asks for a list of books suitable for him. Mr. R. C. Steele is not a Catholic and she would like books on the Lives of the Saints or works pertaining to the Church suitable for a child. :: X-2-j A.L.S. 2 pp. 12 mo.
Stefanini, Luthes Thomas, West Hoboken, New Jersey, to James Alphonsus McMaster, New York, New York, 1871 July 7
McMaster's note has been received and all he wishes will be done. Sympathy is extended to McMaster upon the death of his wife. :: I-1-o A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.