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Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 January 24
Enclosed is a poem submitted by Donnelly for the Ave Maria. :: X-2-i A.L.S. 1p. 16mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 January 31
Donnelly returns the corrected proof which Hudson sent her. :: X-2-i A.L.S. 1p. 16mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 February 6
Donnelly received the book Hudson sent and thanks him for it. :: X-2-i A. Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 March 9
A poem is enclosed as Donnelly's Lenten offering for the Ave Maria. She desires that it be inserted in the Ave Maria before Passion week. :: X-2-i A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1882 March 25
Donnelly asks Hudson to publish the enclosed lines on the death of Sister Chantal Dunlevy of the Visitation Order, who died March 19 at the convent near Baltimore. :: X-2-i A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania To Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1879 October 10
She sends a poem for the Ave Maria named "Saint Hubert's Last Hunt" and she would like to received $5.00 for it. :: X-2-e A.L.S. 1 p. 16 mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1879 October 16
An acknowledgement of Hudson's favor and enclosure. She gives Hudson a poem for the Children's Department of the Ave Maria. :: X-2-e A.L.S. 1p. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1879 December 5
She sends a poem sent to her by Mr. Norris, of Michigan, and she would like to see it in the Ave Maria, if possible, on the first Friday of January. It has never been published and she wants to give it to the public. :: X-2-e A.L.S. 1p. crown 8 vo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania To Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1879 December 12
She received a letter with a poem sent for the Golden Jubilee of St. Felix which was an offering from Mother Euphemia of the Mother-House at Emmitsburgh, Maryland. The request came from Albany that if Hudson intended to publish an account of the Jubilee they want him to give a place to these verses. If Hudson did not receive the Albany Sunday Press containing an account of the Jubilee he is to inform her and she will send him her copy. :: X-2-e A.L.S. 1p. crown 8 vo
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1880 September 8
"Crowned with Stars" has received its first incipient touches. Work will be continued on it. Miss Donnelly would like Hudson to forward "Our Blessed Lady's Sleep" which appeared in October 1868. She would like a May poem that was in one of the May issues of 1879. Regards to Father General. :: X-2-g A. Postcard S. 1p. 32mo
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1875 December 4
She sends Hudson a Christmas legend in place of the one that has been lost in the mails. She thinks the theme will interest Hudson's young readers. The price she has set upon the poem is $5.00. She wishes Hudson a merry Christmas. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 1p. 18mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1876 March 8
She is sending a poem to Hudson as a Lenten offering for the Ave Maria. She has seen Brother Fidelis several times since he arrived in Philadelphia, and she is thankful for the illustration of Notre Dame, with its likenesses of several of the priests of the Congregation. She requests his prayers. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1878 July 1
She sends a contribution for the Ave Maria from the pen of a friend of hers, John Arthur Henry, who is a poet of unusual talent. She asks Hudson to forward a copy of the Ave Maris to her friend when his poem appears. She is going to Saratoga Springs as she has been ill and she uses that apology for not acknowledging the invitation to the commencement at Notre Dame. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 1p. crown 8vo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1880 February 9
Enclosed is a sonnet, "Close of the Carnival" as as Lenten offering to the Ave Maria; also a poem "The First Good Friday Night" suggested by an exquisite engraving of Paul La Roche's "La Vierge en Contemplation". Any compensation will be accepted. She sends regards to all at Notre Dame and asks a share in Hudson's Lenten supplications. :: X-2-f A.L.S. 1p. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1880 February 16
Hudson's letter and enclosure received. Enclosed is an extract from the "Glories of May" which may increase devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows if published. She thanks Hudson for his promise of prayers. No inclosure. :: X-2-f A.L.S. 1p. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1876 November 16
She contributes a few lines honoring the Blessed Virgin in return for a favor she obtained for her. A recent hymn to the Sacred Heart which she wrote is also sent with permission to have it printed in the Scholastic magazine also if its editor desires. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 2pp. 18mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1876 December 1
She acknowledges Hudson's letter and permits him to use the poem to the Blessed Virgin during the octave of the Immaculate Conception. She will write something else for the New Year edition. She plans to adapt parts of a story Hudson wrote into verse. :: X-2-d A.L.S. Postal Card
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1876 December 12
Lacking an idea for a poem she wrote a sketch instead for the New Year issue of the Ave Maria which Hudson can have for five dollars. She also encloses a short poem for the Scholastic magazine. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1877 August 4
She submits a poem for the Ave Maria and another which the editor of the Scholastic may include in his magazine. She has been vacationing part of the summer. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 1p. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1877 December 26
She submits a poem which she believes to be the best she has ever written for the Ave Maria with the request that Hudson pay whatever he thinks just. She would appreciate having several copies of the Ave Maria containing the poem sent her. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 1p. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1878 April 2
Miss Donnelly encloses a poem for the Ave Maria entitled "Ciborium of the Bees" for the usual price of $5.00. She is also sending a Lenten offering. "The Things of god", for the Scholastic and wants the editor to accept it with her wishes for a happy Easter. She says that both the Ave Maria and Scholastic improve with age. :: X-2-d A.L.S. 1p. crown 8 vo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1889 October
Donnelly encloses a notice of the death of her eldest brother J. Gavin Donnelly, son of the late Dr. Philip C. and Catharine Donnelly. she relates her experience during the days and nights spent in a cyclone and tidal wave on the New Jersey Coast. :: X-3-j A.L.S. 2pp. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1889 October 3
Donnelly asks Hudson to change her address from Sea Isle City to Philadelphia. She submits a poem. :: X-3-j A.L.S. 1p. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1889 November 14
Donnelly sends Benziger's announcement of the "Birthday Banquet", which is the work she presumes Hudson referred to. A demand has arisen for the publication of her poem "The Sisters" as the result of the recent marriage of one of the Misses Drexel and the reception by the other of the novice's veil. She inquires if Hudson would agree to republishing it. :: X-3-k A.L.S. 3pp. 16mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 August 30
A poem, "Weighed and Found Wanting". :: X-2-n Clipping 1p. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 September 5
Miss Forney will write a short biographical sketch on Donnelly as soon as her health is restored. She is one of the associates in Progress. Donnelly asks Hudson to send her a copy of "Crowned With Stars". While in Atlantic City Donnelly met Brother Stanislaus, as well as Bishop James O'Connor of Omaha. She encloses a poem for the Ave Maria and proposes to publish a sketch on Ella Lorraine Dorsey :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 September 13
The book has been received. Donnelly is off again to the seashore. She expects to publish two books in the autumn. :: X-2-n A. Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 October 4
Donnelly asks for a copy of the Ave Maria containing the prescription for the cure of intemperance. She encloses a poem. Did Hudson see the account of her brother's discovering the Bacon cipher in Shakespeare? Bishop John Spalding of Peoria examined the manuscript and called it a great work. Ignatius Donnelly 's nomination for Congress will interfere with the completion of his task. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 32mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 October 11
Donnelly is proud of her brother who wrote a popular Book recently. She thinks he is slightly grieved that he was ignored in the sketch of her books which was prepared for the Ave Maria by Sara Smith. Donnelly wants to draw the giant intellect of her brother into the field of pure Catholic influence. She encloses a poem for the Scholastic. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.
Donnelly, Eleanor C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 November 11
Donnelly is proud of her brother who wrote a popular book recently. She thinks he is slightly grieved that he was ignored in the sketch of her books which was prepared for the Ave Maria by Sara Smith . Donnelly wants to draw the giant intellect of her brother into the field of pure Catholic influence. She encloses a poem for the Scholastic. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.