Showing Collections: 1 - 14 of 14
Alphabetical Pamphlet Collection
Anthony Kerrigan Papers
Arthur W. Terminiello Papers
Charles Coughlin Collection
Booklets containing radio sermons and lectures.
Drop File Collection
General Collection
Gerhart Niemeyer Papers
Correspondence, 1965-1977; subject files, including files on Heller, Solzhenitsyn, Voegelin, and Wittfogel; publications, lectures, research notes and drafts, Episcopal church matters, sermons (1973-1993), musical and personal matters, and financial material.
Thanks to Prof. John Roos and graduate research assistant Adam Seagrave for providing abstracts describing the contents of each folder of manuscripts.
John F. Cronin Papers
John Francis Noll Papers
John Lukacs Collection
Richard J. O'Melia Collection
Shoemaker Motion Picture Company Films
Films from the early 1930s through the late 1970s, primarily by Cathedral Films, Family Films, Concordia Films, and Loyola Films, regarding all religious topics, both Catholic and non-Catholic; and a few films regarding communism, the Soviet Union, and other subjects relating to current events.
Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia Ephemera Collection
This collection consists of political ephemera documenting the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968. Materials include broadsides and posters.