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Showing Collections: 61 - 90 of 196

Harrison E. Randall Letters

Identifier: MSN/CW 5013

77 Civil War letters of Harrison E. Randall of Fulton County, Ohio, written from the field as a member of Co. H, 100th Ohio Infantry. Most were written from Kentucky (September 1862 to August 1863), Georgia, during the Atlanta campaign (June to August 1864), Alabama and Tennessee, including letters from the Nashville campaign (October 1864 to January 1865) and North Carolina (March and April 1865).

Dates: 1862-1865

Hattie Aiken Robinson Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/MN 5017

A group of 33 letters recording the personal affairs of a Depression-era African-American family. The letters are directed to Mrs. Hattie Aiken Robinson of Texarkana, Arkansas, by family members in Arkansas, St. Louis, and Chicago.

Dates: 1934-1936

Henry H. Maley Letters

Identifier: MSN/CW 5023

A group of 50 personal letters written during the Civil War by Union private Henry H. Maley, Co. K, 84th Illinois Infantry. Most of the letters date from 1864-65, when the regiment was attached to IV Corps, in the Army of the Cumberland.

Dates: 1862-1865; Majority of material found in 1864-1865

Henry S. Figures Letter

Identifier: MSN/CW 5001
Scope and Contents Letter from Henry S. Figures, a young Alabama salesman, to his father. Much of the letter's content treats the military plans and aspirations of Figures' acquaintances, as the Confederacy hastened to mold existing state militias and fresh volunteers into a national army. Many of those mentioned would serve with Figures in the 4th Alabama: Clifton Walker, Samuel Moore, and Fielding Bradford all were privates in Company I, and William Fariss, like Figures, served in Company F. The regiment had...
Dates: 1861 May 9

Herbert Benezet Tyson Letters

Identifier: MSN/CW 5010

A group of 5 letters written by naval lieutenant Herbert Benezet Tyson of the U.S.S. Connecticut, during that ship's cruise to and around the Caribbean in winter/spring 1865.

Dates: 1865

Hildegard Sekler Collection

Identifier: MSE/MD 6408
Scope and Contents This collection contains the correspondence of Hildegard Sekler as well as Sekler family legal, professional and emigration documents and miscellanea. The core of the collection is personal correspondence to Hildegard Sekler in London, from her parents and Liatowisch, and letters concerning Hildegard's studies from Goller.Several themes of special note occur throughout the collection. These include discussions of conditions for Jewish people in Vienna in the late 1930s and early...
Dates: 1903 - 1972; Majority of material found within 1939 - 1945

Houghton Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/EA 5036

A group of 76 letters written by or to members of the William and Marilla Clay Houghton family of Vermont, Massachusetts, Alabama, and elsewhere, 1832-1850. Included are 43 letters directed to printer/publisher Henry Oscar Houghton, when the latter was in his teens and 20s.

Dates: 1832-1850

Huntly Carter Papers

Identifier: MSE/MN 5000

The personal papers and research materials of the English theater and art critic Huntly Carter (1862-1942). The greater part of the collection consists of correspondence, printed ephemera, and photographs, many collected by Carter in interwar Germany and Russia as part of his research on the fine arts.

Dates: 1918-circa 1938; Majority of material found in 1925-1938

Irena S. Verblovskaia and Revolt I. Pimenov Correspondence

Identifier: MSE/REE 0018

Personal correspondence between Irena S. Verblovskaia and her first husband Revolt I. Pimenov, who was one of the founders of the dissident movement in the Soviet Union, written during their imprisonment for "anti-Soviet" activities (1958-1963).

Dates: 1957-2014

Isaac Ira White Letter

Identifier: MSN/CW 5031

A personal letter written on 9 April 1864 by Confederate corporal Isaac Ira White, Co. H, 11th Virginia Cavalry, from camp in Rockbridge County, Virginia.

Dates: 1864

Jack Gamble Collection of Liam Miller and Dolmen Press

Identifier: EPH 5010
Content Description The collection contains chapbooks, pamphlets, catalogues, and specimen pages, letters and other material related to the Dolmen Press. The collection was assembled by Jack Gamble of Belfast, and is largely composed of personal copies belonging to Liam Miller, founder and owner of the Dolmen Press. The collection includes finely-printed chapbooks and pamphlets published by the Dolmen Press as well as many catalogs and informational printed papers on the books of Dolmen Press and Cuala Press....
Dates: 1950-1986

Jack Pfefer Wrestling Collection

Identifier: MS/PFEFER
Scope and Contents The Jack Pfefer Wrestling Collection comprises more than 120 cubic feet of materials accumulated by Pfefer over a 45-year promotional and managerial career in professional wrestling, 1924-1969. Types of materials especially well represented include business and financial records; letters and telegrams; photographs; posters, handbills, and other publicity graphics; newspaper and magazine clippings; and wrestling programs and periodicals. Pfefer himself referred to these items, with...
Dates: Majority of material found in 1924-1969; 1913-1974, 1999-2000, 2018

Jackson Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/CW 5067

A group of around 60 manuscript personal letters, almost all written by and/or to members of the Jackson family of Moore County, North Carolina before and during the Civil War. The collection includes letters of eleven Confederate States soldiers, serving in the 26th or 30th North Carolina Infantry or the 2nd North Carolina Cavalry.

Dates: 1852-ca.1866

James A. Loughead Family Correspondence

Identifier: MSN/EA 0526

A group of 22 family letters written by or to the merchant seaman James A. Loughead from 1827 to 1850, including seven written by his father, Robert L. Loughead, as United States Consul at Londonderry, Ireland.

Dates: 1827-1850

James B. Jordan Letter

Identifier: MSN/CW 5000

A Civil War letter written on 5 February 1865 by Confederate lieutenant James B. Jordan, 26th North Carolina Infantry, from the Federal prison camp at Johnson's Island, Ohio.

Dates: 5 February 1865

James Parkison Letters

Identifier: MSN/CW 5007
Scope and Contents

Consists of 11 letters (October 1864 to March 1866) written by the Newark, Ohio printer and pro-war Republican James Parkison. All are directed to his brother William, who for most of the correspondence was serving with the Union army in Tennessee.

Dates: 1864-1866

James S. Swearingen Letter Book

Identifier: MSN/EA 5037

A letter copy book containing about 125 pieces of outgoing military correspondence written by 1st Lt. James S. Swearingen of the U.S. Army, during service at the frontier post of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1806 to November 1807.

Dates: 1806-1807

James Stephens Letter and Poem

Identifier: MSE/IR 1012
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of a single letter sent from James Stephens to a woman named Nan, as well as a poem, “Optimist,” by Stephens.

Dates: 1925

James Witter Nicholson Family Letters

Identifier: MSN/EA 5002
Scope and Contents The collection contains two discrete series of letters. The larger and more significant consists of 51 letters sent to James Witter Nicholson in New Geneva, distributed rather evenly over the years 1804 to 1842. Thirty-nine of these were written by James's sister Maria Nicholson Montgomery, and nine more by his sisters Catharine Nicholson Few (7) and Jehoiadden Nicholson Chrystie (2). These are personal letters, written first and foremost to maintain contact with a distant brother who made...
Dates: 1804-1848

Jesús González Ortega Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 0508

A collection of letters and other papers belonging to Jesús González Ortega, an important political and military figure in mid-19th century Mexico. The papers mainly relate to González Ortega's stay in the United States in 1865-1867, the efforts of Benito Juárez's government in Mexico to remove him from political office while he was away, and his detainment by the U.S. government in November 1866.

Dates: 1857-1866; Majority of material found in 1865-1866

J.J. O'Kelly (Sceilg) Collection

Identifier: MSE/IR 1030
Scope and Contents This collection primarily consists of the personal papers, letters, manuscripts, notes, and ephemera of John Joseph “J.J.” “Sceilg” O’Kelly in the years 1916-1948. Also included are Seán Óg O’Kelly’s notes and letters on various mid-century Irish labor disputes. Materials include letters, notes, speeches, drafts, manuscripts, typescripts, notebooks, booklets, short stories, ballads, poems, telegrams, letters of condolences, sympathy cards, mass cards, administrative minutes, administrative...
Dates: 1903 - 1971; Majority of material found within 1916 - 1948

John Carrington Cross Papers

Identifier: MSN/MN 10065
Scope and Contents The John Carrington Cross Papers consist of typescript plays and short stories created by Cross while a graduate student in the dramatic arts department at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. A prolific writer who kept a wide circle of friends, Cross wrote regularly to friends and former classmates, some of whom were serving in the military during World War II. The collection contains many letters, from both male and female service members, that discuss work and living...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1860-2000

John Dinsmore, Jr. Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 0503

The personal papers and court records of the New Hampshire farmer, innkeeper, and justice of the peace John Dinsmore, Jr. (1759-1814). The greater part of the collection consists of Rockingham County court records.

Dates: 1782-circa 1920; Majority of material found within 1782-1822

John E. and Elizabeth Savage Brownlee Family Papers

Identifier: MSN/EA 0504

Around 80 manuscripts retained by John E. and Elizabeth Savage Brownlee in the decades following their emigration from Ireland to the United States in 1851. The greater number are personal letters written by family members.

Dates: 1852-1898

John F. Delaney Letters

Identifier: MSN/MN 5004

A group of 38 manuscript personal letters of John F. Delaney, chronicling his experiences as a gold prospector in the Yukon and Alaska, 1898-1899.

Dates: 1898-1899

John Kelly Temperance Letter

Identifier: MSN/EA 5042

A single manuscript letter from John Kelly, a Catholic priest, to an unnamed Protestant clergyman and the Chairman of the local Clerical Meeting, 1837 or 1838. Kelly explains why Catholic clergy generally remain aloof from temperance societies.

Dates: 1837 or 1838

John Lukacs Collection

Identifier: MSN/MN 10033
Scope and Contents This collection consists of the professional papers of historian John Lukacs. Lukacs’ professional materials include samples from each stage of his writing process, including research files; article, essay, and poetry drafts; proofs; and published pieces in periodicals and clippings. The collection also contains contracts, financial records and lecture notes from his various teaching positions. Also included is Lukacs’ correspondence. Significant topics include 20th century American history,...
Dates: 1799 - 2019; Majority of material found within 1950 - 2019

John M. Jackson Letters

Identifier: MSN/CW 5017
Scope and Contents This collection consists of 44 letters from John M. Jackson to his family during the Civil War. With one exception, the letters in this group were addressed to members of Jackson's immediate family — most commonly, to his mother or sisters. The four earliest (September and October 1862) were written from Camp Abraham Lincoln in Portland, Maine, where the 23rd Maine was organized. There follow 12 letters (11 dated from October 1862 to April 1863, and one without date) written from the Potomac...
Dates: 1862-1864

John Thelwall Letters

Identifier: MSE/MD 3811

The bulk of this collection is a group of eight manuscript letters from John Thelwall, British poet and reformer (1764-1834), to Thomas Hardy, one of the main proponents for parliamentary reform (1752-1832).

Dates: 1796-1799, 1803, 1805, 1821

Jorge Luis Borges Collection

Identifier: MSH/LAT 0003
Scope and Contents This collection documents the activities of Jorge Luis Borges an Argentine writer and poet. It contains ephemera and records related to Borges’ professional career, including newspaper articles, a cigarette holder, interviews, poetry, unpublished manuscripts, and scholarly articles written about Borges and published in various magazines, including the Avant Garde magazine Martín Fierro (1924-1927). Significant topics represented in these files are poetry and Latin American literature and...
Dates: 1924-2003

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  • Repository: University of Notre Dame Rare Books & Special Collections X
  • Subject: Correspondence X

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Letters (correspondence) 149
Manuscripts (documents) 59
Correspondence 47
Clippings (information artifacts) 42
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence 37