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Showing Collections: 1081 - 1110 of 1249

Rudolph Otto Probst Papers

Identifier: PRB
Scope and Content

Naval navigation calculations, 1918; class schedules, notes and blueprints and diagrams for an electric door opener, University of Notre Dame science hall; a thesis by Probst, "Modern Automatic Telephony System by the Automatic Electric Co., Chicago, Ill.," 1911; and photographs.

Dates: 1900s-1918.

Rufus William Rauch Papers

Identifier: RWR
Scope and Content Papers of Rufus Rauch, consisting of manuscript material related to his interest in Dante, with special attention to art based on or illustrating Dante's works; other material useful for the study of The Divine Comedy gathered in preparation for a never published book, A Companion to Dante; typewritten manuscripts of his Bachelor's thesis on Newman (1924), his Master's thesis on Chesterton (1925), and articles or drafts on T.S. Eliot,...
Dates: 1924-1977.

Sacred Heart Church (Notre Dame, Ind.) Records

Identifier: SHC
Scope and Content Sacramental and miscellaneous records of Sacred Heart Church and some of the early missionary activity in Northern Indiana and Southwestern Michigan, especially Bertrand and Niles; baptismal, marriage, burial, and dispensation records (1830-1910); records of confraternities and spiritual favors and indulgences established at Sacred Heart (1850s-1960s); a few subject files; and a collection of near-print mailings, reports, bulletins, and lists generated by Sacred Heart Parish (mainly early...
Dates: 1830-1980s

Sadlier Publishing Company Records

Identifier: SAD
Scope and Content

Manuscripts of books published by Sadlier, 1950s-1976; such by-products of publishing as galley proofs and tear sheets; company financial records including New York City sales tax records, 1930s-1948, invoices, and shipping records, 1930s-1950s; a manuscript by Anna T. Sadlier, dating from 1892, concerning the foundation of Montreal on the occasion of its 250th anniversary; and photographs.

Dates: 1892-1976 (bulk 1956-1976).

Saint Benedict's Farm Records

Identifier: BFM
Scope and Content Records of Saint Benedict's Farm in Waelder, Texas; including the original Prospectus of a New Monastery, essays and poetry by the founder, George R. Gannon, writings by John Kelly and other members of the community, and financial records; with information on the way of life, activities, and accomplishments of the community. Also Audio-visual material consisting of phonograph albums, audio tapes, a video recording containing music composed and performed by members of Saint...
Dates: 1956-2010.

Saint Joseph County (Ind.) Civil War Records

Identifier: IHS
Scope and Content

Civil War Records recounting the war and post-war activities of Saint Joseph County residents; with correspondence of soldiers, including Lt. Col. Alfred B. Wade and Schuyler Colfax; the records of various Saint Joseph county war offices, including registers of the sick, wounded and dead; and records of activities of several Indiana infantry regiments, among them the 73rd Indiana Infantry (1862-1924).

Dates: 1861-1932.

Saint Joseph County (Ind.) Printed material

Identifier: SBS
Scope and Content

Newspaper and magazine clippings, brochures, and local history publications relating to the history of South Bend and St. Joseph County, Indiana, with information on historic preservation, the Studebaker Corporation, Amish Acres, Bethel College, Stan Coveleski, the Indiana American Revolutionary Bicentennial Commission, and the Northern Indiana Historical Society.

Dates: 1886-1977

Saint Joseph County (Ind.) Records

Identifier: SJO
Scope and Content

Early Saint Joseph County records as compiled by various town officials, 1829-1865; including a 1829 field survey of the area, early court records, and records of the County clerk, auditor, Justice of the Peace, and Treasurer; also a list of grave plots in Saint Joseph County compiled in 1939 by the WPA.

Dates: 1829-1939; [bulk 1829-1865].

Saint Joseph's Farm Collection

Identifier: SCF
Scope and Content

Miscellaneous records and printed material, including The Peat Bog: St. Joseph's Farm a booklet about the farm by Brother Carl Tiedt, CSC.

Dates: 1879-1990s.

Samuel A. Stritch Scrapbook

Identifier: STT
Scope and Content

Scrapbook of newspaper clippings concerning his career; with a resolution passed by the board of directors of the Knights of Columbus at Stritch's death, 1958.

Dates: 1946-1958.

Samuel John Hazo Papers

Identifier: HAZ
Scope and Content Correspondence with Archibald MacLeish, John Ciardi, Princess Grace of Monaco, and others who participated in the programs of the International Poetry Forum; correspondence with Jacques Maritain; journals containing manuscript drafts of poems and fiction by Hazo; manuscripts and galley proofs of his books; periodicals and books containing his work; books published by the International Poetry Forum; and 18 audio tapes, most of them from Hazo's radio program, featuring interviews with...
Dates: 1952-1990

Samuel Mazzuchelli Positio

Identifier: MAZ
Scope and Content Two petitions involving Samuel Mazzuchelli. A positio (i.e., a volume containing documentation assembled to support his cause for canonization as a saint), "Samuel Mazzuchelli, O.P., Missionary to the United States: a documentary account of his life, virtues, and reputation for holiness." Also a copy of The Memoirs of Father Samuel Mazzuchelli, O.P. (Chicago: Priory Press, 1967) and a mimeographed index to the book prepared by...
Dates: 1989.

Samuel Miller Sener

Identifier: SEN
Scope and Content Writings generally having to do with Catholics in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and especially St. Mary's Catholic Church there; consisting of issues of Christian Culture containing articles by Sener, 1890-1891; offprints, 1880s-1890s; and a printed engraving of a priest, possibly the Very Rev. Bernard Keenan, pastor of St. Mary's. All of this material has been filed in box 20 the General Collection: ...
Dates: 1880s-1890s

San Miguelito Mission Records

Identifier: SMM
Scope and Content

Correspondence, financial and parish records, subject files, histories of the mission, printed material, and photographs. Principal correspondents include John Cardinal Cody of Chicago, Archbishop Marcos McGrath of Panama, and the priests of the mission and the Archdiocese of Chicago: Leo T. Mahon, Donald Headley, Frederick McTernan, John Enright, and John Greeley.

Dates: 1962-1986.

Scholastic Magazine Records

Identifier: SCO
Scope and Contents Three subscription books (1877-1913), two letters, a typewritten draft of an article reporting on a track meet (circa 1944), and photographs. The archives also holds bound volumes of the magazine and maintains a digital collection of issues, 1867-2011. The Scholastic photograph collection dates from the 1960s and is an ongoing collection. The formats range from prints, negatives, slides, and digital. The...
Dates: 1877-[ongoing].

Scientific and Photographic Instruments Collection

Identifier: ASC
Scope and Content

Chiefly optical instruments such as microscopes, lenses and related parts, cameras, glass plates, and slides; also pipettes, Bunsen burners, saws, knives, tweezers, rulers, film holders, mirrors, and other tools.

Dates: ca. 1880s-1920s.


Identifier: SBK
Scope and Content

Eight scrapbooks containing clippings on the Catholic Church in America and one scrapbook on the history of theatre in Boston. Three of the scrapbooks' compilers have been identified as Mr. Rogers of Louisville, Kentucky, Mary Linhardt Frank of Toledo, Ohio, and Rev. William D. Pike of Bardstown, Kentucky. One of the remaining scrapbooks, tentatively attributed to Peter Klein, CSC, was annotated by Peter Cooney, CSC.

Dates: 1870-1930

Serials Collection

Identifier: SER
Dates: 1834-[ongoing]

Shane Leslie Papers

Identifier: LES
Scope and Content

The manuscript of Leslie's 1935 Notre Dame commencement address; a printed copy of his 1935 lecture on Francis Thompson; the manuscript of the first volume and corrected proofs of the second volume of his book Mrs. Fitzherbert (1939-1940); also a copy of Maria L. Storer's book In Memoriam: Bellamy Storer (1923) with a letter (25 September 1922) from Bishop Michael Francis Fallon concerning the publication of the book.

Dates: 1922-1940

Sheed and Ward Family Papers

Identifier: SWD
Scope and Content Personal correspondence, 1864-1981, including letters of Brother Antoninus, OP, Hilaire Belloc, Joseph Breig, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, G.K. Chesterton, Dorothy Collins, Christopher Dawson, Etienne Gilson, Lucile Hasley, Caryll Houselander, Monsignor Ronald Knox, C. Day Lewis, D.B. Wyndham Lewis, Robert Lowell, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry Luce, Arnold Lunn, Sister Madeleva, CSC, Jacques Maritain, Bruce Marshall, C.C. Martindale, SJ, Marshall McLuhan, Vincent McNabb, OP, Thomas Merton, Alfred...
Dates: 1832-1982.

Sheed & Ward Records

Identifier: SAW
Scope and Content Records of the New York office of Sheed & Ward. Although the earliest documents in the collection date from 1933, the thirties and forties are not as well represented as the fifties and sixties. The collection consists of files from the editorial department, files from the publicity department, photographs, and printed material. The editorial department is represented by correspondence, 1948-1973; subject files, 1955-1973; rejection files, 1968-1970; foreign book files,...
Dates: 1933-1973

Shoemaker Motion Picture Company Films

Identifier: SMP
Scope and Content

Films from the early 1930s through the late 1970s, primarily by Cathedral Films, Family Films, Concordia Films, and Loyola Films, regarding all religious topics, both Catholic and non-Catholic; and a few films regarding communism, the Soviet Union, and other subjects relating to current events.

Dates: 1933-1976.

Simon Bruté Papers

Identifier: SGB
Scope and Content Microfilm of correspondence of Simon Gabriel Bruté, first Bishop of Vincennes (1834-1839), both before and after his appointment as bishop, made from documents in various collections held by the University of Notre Dame Archives. Consists mainly of letters handwritten by Bruté, with some printed material and correspondence received by Bruté. Correspondents include William Gaston, Rev. Stephen T. Badin, and bishops Joseph Rosati, CM, John Timon, CM, John Baptist David, SS, Guy...
Dates: 1810-1839.

Sister M. Mildred Letters received

Identifier: ZBF
Scope and Content

Photostats of letters Sister Mildred received from various Catholic diocesan and institutional archives in response to her requests for information about the territorial and administrative histories of the dioceses in the old Northwest before the Civil War.

Dates: 1936-1937.

Sister Mary Benet McKinney Papers

Identifier: BEN
Scope and Content

Correspondence, clippings, and publications of Sister Mary Benet McKinney, including The New Sister (1969); correspondence, reports, minutes, and clippings from the School Study Commission, 1970-1971; minutes, correspondence, reports, and office files from the Urban Apostolate of the Sisters, 1963-1976; and subject files representing the activities and interests of Sister Mary Benet McKinney, OSB; also related photographs.

Dates: 1963-1978.

Sister Monica Papers

Identifier: ZBG
Scope and Content

Letters and bibliographies Sister Monica (of the Brown County Ursulines, St. Martin, Ohio) received regarding the history of Argentina, especially the revolution of 1820.

Dates: 1921-1922.

Sister Veronica Koperski Papers

Identifier: KOP
Scope and Content

Mimeographed circulars, newsletters, material distributed at meetings, memoranda, and a few letters, representing the Sisters for Christian Community (SFCC).

Dates: 1973-1980.

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Kentucky Records

Identifier: NAZ
Scope and Content Letters, manuscripts, and typewritten transcripts of letter books and manuscripts (1809-1976); minutes of governing boards and officers of Bardstown, Kentucky (1782-1826), Washington County, Kentucky (1789-1807), and Nazareth, Kentucky (1830-1932); sacramental records, annals, lists, biographical sketches, and historical sketches; and translations of documents from the archives of the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in the Vatican; with information on Ignatius A. Reynolds, Francis Chambige,...
Dates: 1782-1977

Sisters of Loretto Records

Identifier: LOR
Scope and Content Correspondence and other documents in the archives of the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in Rome; involving the Sisters of Loretto, Father Charles Nerinckx, and Bishops Benedict Joseph Flaget, Martin John Spalding, and Francis Patrick Kenrick; letters and typewritten transcripts of letters written by or to Sisters of Loretto, including letters from bishops Simon Bruté, John Timon, CM, George A. Carrell, and Peter Joseph Lavialle; a dissertation entitled "Bishop Joseph Rosati, CM, and the...
Dates: 1806-1960.

Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Records

Identifier: SPS
Scope and Content Records consisting of photocopies of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin letters; files on Coadjutrix Sisters; Jubilee and Celebration Files; Theses and Dissertations by Sisters of Providence; biographies by or about the Sisters; spiritual and theological works written or translated by Sisters; books, pamphlets and scholarly works by Sisters of Providence; and other material, including family collections from the Brassie, Haag and Shirley, and Schaaf and Kuefler families; and files on popes,...
Dates: 1839-2013.

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  • Language: English X
  • Repository: University of Notre Dame Archives X

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University records 270
Clippings (information artifacts) 65
Laity -- Catholic Church 48
Monasticism and religious orders 44
Catholic press 39