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Box CHUD 6


Contains 706 Results:

Neale, S.J., Father James P., Saint Inigoes, Maryland, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 21

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Neale returns the copy, ashamed of all the trouble he has caused Hudson. They take no papers and Neale controls no money, so he hopes Hudson will not be slighted because he does not subscribe to the Ave Maria. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 21

Thompson, Clara M., Pomfret, Connecticut, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 21

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Thompson sends the article as promised although not entirely pleased with it. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 32mo.

Dates: 1884 July 21

Starr, Eliza Allen, Chicago, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 22

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Starr informs Hudson of the receipt of the "Art Amateur". It was not worthy of space in the Ave Maria. Starr has a photograph of Father-General. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 3pp. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 22

Papin, Rene, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 23

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Papin is on a vacation at Beaver Dam. His mother will let him go to Watertown and stay a day or two with Hudson when Hudson is vacationing there. A letter from Papin's aunt Julie says that she is in Ireland but will not go to France until the cholera is over. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 6pp. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 23

Florentine, Sister Mary, Austin, Texas, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 24

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Sister writes that the design will be finished and sent to Hudson. She hopes it will meet the requirements of the Photo Engraving process. Only the title page is ready. The company promised that the work could be completed in a week or ten days. Sister promises to do the other design if the one completed is satisfactory. Inquiry is made at to the welfare of Father-General. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 7pp. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 24

Stanislaus, C.S.C., Brother, Notre Dame, Indiana, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 24

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents Stanislaus sends Hudson a copy of the "Eagle" containing a notice of the appointment of Father P. F. O'Hara to St. Anthony's Parish, Brooklyn New York. O'Hara, Maurice Francis Egan, and M. V. Hickey inquired about Hudson's health. Stanislaus met Mr. Gill at Egan's; Gill is writing an article on Notre Dame for "Manhattan Magazine ", and he wishes illustrations which Father Thomas Walsh should send immediately. If Smith's views are not available, McDonald might be engaged to take...
Dates: 1884 July 24

English, C. M., Mobile, Alabama, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 25

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

A tale entitled "A Leaf from a Withered Heart" is submitted to the Ave Maria. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 25

Hickey, Patrick V., New York, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 25

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Hickey talked with Brothers Stanislaus about running a printing press and he suggested that Hickey send someone to the Ave Maria office and Hudson would have him instructed in the running of a printing press. Mr. Brennan, Hickey's brother-in-law has volunteered to go and Hickey wishes to know if Hudson would agree to Stanislaus's suggestion. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 25

Ryder, Eliot, Chicago, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 25

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Ryder sends a clipping with the hope that Hudson will like it. Professor Joseph Lyons has promised to visit Ryder. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 25

Van Dyke, Father Ernest, Detroit, Michigan, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 26

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Van Dyke asks for a catalogue for Master Philip B., who will enter Notre Dame in September Van Dyke relies on Hudson to watch over and encourage the lad. He asks Hudson to recommend a preacher for the triduum they are having. Van Dyke will try to be at Notre Dame on the 14th of September. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo.

Dates: 1884 July 26

Jordan, Margaret E., Portland, Maine, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 27

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Acknowledgement is made of the receipt of some pamphlets. :: X-2-n A. Postcard S. 1p. 32mo.

Dates: 1884 July 27

Kelly, William D., Boston, Massachusetts, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 27

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Kelly thanks Hudson for "Francis Macouf". Enclosed are a few lines for the Ave Maria. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 32mo.

Dates: 1884 July 27

Guido, C.P., Father, Dunkirk, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 27

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents Guido recommends a pious and learned French professor at the State Normal School whose name is I. B. He has written and published many excellent books in French and he wants to spend his remaining days teaching to prepare himself for his last end. Guide says that he needs no salary because the books that he wrote more than give him the income he needs to be self supporting. Guido suggested he write to Father Edward Sorin ; he did so. Guido writes to explain things. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp....
Dates: 1884 July 27

Viou, Julie, Brusselles, Belgium, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 27

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Gratitude is expressed for the two letters of introduction Hudson sent Viou. She anticipates pleasure in meeting Ella Edes and Kathleen O' Meara :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 27

Edwards, James F., Denver, Colorado, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 28

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Edwards is pleased to hear that Hudson is spending his vacation with Father William Corby at Watertown, Wisconsin. If Hudson is at Notre Dame when the delegates to the Temperance Union arrive, Edwards suggests that they be greeted so as to give a good impression. Notre Dame will not live by the hospitality tendered to these men but she will gain by identifying herself with the Temperance Union of America. Edwards is sad about Brother Alban :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo.

Dates: 1884 July 28

Hill, C.P., Father Edmund, Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 28

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents Hill is in Argentina for his health. He sends an article to Hudson and discusses some of his other works. Father Dean Dillon runs a weekly paper that is the only English Catholic paper in Argentina. Hill is anxious to introduce the Ave Maria to Argentina, but before he does he must see Dillon and see that the Ave Maria will not interfere with his paper. If he agrees that it will not, Hill will go to Jacobsen's, the chief bookseller in Buenos Aires, to see about prices. The heavy duty on...
Dates: 1884 July 28

McClean, Eliza, Cornwall, New York, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 28

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

McClean sends a manuscript which she wishes to sell. Mr. Harper and Lyman Abbott reside in Cornwall and through them several persons are earning a living by literary work; but her articles are rejected. Hudson has published all the articles McClean has submitted so she believes that they are as well written as any he has paid for. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 28

Ryder, Eliot, Chicago, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 28

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Ryder writes to Hudson just to let him know how he is getting along. There have been a few missteps but they have been slight. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 July 28

Sadlier, Anna T., Montreal, Canada, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884? July 28

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Sadlier encloses a few words about St. Anne for the Ave Maria. :: X-2-n A.L. 1p. 16mo.

Dates: 1884? July 28

Fisher, Miss F. C., Salisbury, North Carolina, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 29

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Fisher wishes to arrange her work for the coming year. She would like to know if Hudson wants a serial story, if so what length? When does Hudson want it, and what price does he offer? Fisher is happy to write for Hudson's excellent magazine, the high literary standard of which he can be proud. Fisher thanks Hudson for the beautiful picture. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 4pp. 8vo.

Dates: 1884 July 29

MacDonnell, Sister Mary Magdalene, Lisbon, Portugal, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 29

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Sister has a remedy which she sends Hudson to help cure his illness. She encloses some manuscripts and begs Hudson to forgive her for not writing but she has been ill. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 4pp. 16mo.

Dates: 1884 July 29

Lambing, Father Andrew A., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 30

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Lambing sends Hudson a copy of his new venture, "Historical Research." He will go to Chicago to attend a convention. Regards to Father Walsh. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 4to.

Dates: 1884 July 30

Riry, F. X., Hartford, Connecticut, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 30

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Riry asks Hudson if he knows where Riry can obtain a position teaching organ and piano in a Catholic Men's College. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 4to.

Dates: 1884 July 30

Stoddard, Charles Warren, Honolulu, Hawaiian, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 30

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Stoddard is disheartened over his inability to make a good living. He has many requests to write articles but none of them pay very well. Stoddard is working on his autobiography. He would like Hudson's help in getting him a job with a permanent income. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 4pp. 8vo.

Dates: 1884 July 30

Cleary, H. W., Oulark, Ireland, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 July 31

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Cleary will be ordained a priest next Easter or Pentecost. He is satisfied with the compensation that Hudson offers him for his contribution to the Ave Maria. Cleary asks Hudson to forward him a copy of the "Catholic Columbian". :: X-2-n A.L.S. 4pp. 16mo.

Dates: 1884 July 31

Franciscus, C.S.C., Father Peter J., Austin, Texas, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 August 12

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

The arrival of Hudson's letter was pleasing to Sister Florentine . Franciscus is sorry to hear that Hudson's trip to Watertown did not benefit him. Father John Lauth is ill. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo.

Dates: 1884 August 12

Ryder, Eliot, Chicago, Illinois, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 August 1

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

An editorial is enclosed from the "New York Independent." :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 August 1

Adam, Father Joachim, San Francisco, California, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 August 1

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Adam encloses a few items on the life of Father Juniper Serra . He invites Hudson to be on hand August 28th, when Archbishop Joseph Alemany will celebrate a pontifical Mass and Bishop Patrick Riordan will preach in English, while Adam will preach in Spanish. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 August 1

Dahlgren, Madeleine Vinton, Boonsboro, Maryland, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 August 2

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Dahlgren thanks Hudson for the pamphlet and his expression of sympathy over the accident which she and her daughter experienced. She sends two papers with an account of the dedication of the Chapel. Dahlgren did not attend, but Archbishop James Gibbons promised to consecrate the altar and chapel, which she deeded in trust to him, at another time. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 8pp. 12mo.

Dates: 1884 August 2

Dorsey, Ella Lorraine, Washington, District of Columbia, to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Indiana, 1884 August 2

 Item — Box: CHUD 6
Identifier: CHUD X-2-n
Scope and Contents

Dorsey is sorry to hear that Hudson has been afflicted with an attack of malaria. She had a letter from Eliza Allen Starr that both exalted and humiliated her. Her visit to Notre Dame was pleasant. Today she met Brother Stanislaus Michael Kurowski . Dorsey is planning a trip to Nova Scotia and New England. :: X-2-n A.L.S. 4pp. 4to.

Dates: 1884 August 2