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Theodore M. Hesburgh Papers

 Record Group
Identifier: PHS

Scope and Content

Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, agenda, dockets, minutes, handbooks, proposals, plans, reports, financial papers, lists, circulars, newsletters, bulletins, press releases, offprints, contracts, bylaws, and material distributed at meetings of boards of directors, committees, and commissions on which Hesburgh served; including the United States Commission on Civil Rights (1958-1973), National Science Board (1954-1966), Rockefeller Foundation (1962-1982), International Atomic Energy Agency (1956-1977), Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Carnegie Commission on the Future of Higher Education (1967-1976), National Cambodia Crisis Committee and Cambodia Crisis Center (1979-1980), Overseas Development Council (1971-1982), International Federation of Catholic Universities (1955-1978), Chase Manhattan Bank (1972-1981), United States Advisory Commission for International Educational and Cultural Affairs (1961-1965), Presidential Clemency Board (1974-1975), United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (1977-1979), Midwest Universities Research Association (1954-1968), Institute of International Education (1955-1973), Peace Corps (1961-1965), Institute for World Order (1968-1982), Teachers' Insurance and Annuity Association of America and College Retirement Equities Fund (1975-1982), Council on Foreign Relations (1976-1982), and Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy (1980-1981); representing Hesburgh's interest in civil rights, social justice, peaceful uses of atomic energy, and international concerns.

Also photographs, audio-visual material, and artifacts such as plaques and trophies associated with Hesburgh's awards and the robes and diplomas associated with his honorary degrees.

Civil rights material also available on microfilm.


  • Creation: 1941-2015


Language of Materials

English, Spanish, French, Latin, Italian.

Conditions Governing Access

Access to university records in any format (paper, digital, photographic, or audiovisual) is governed by state and federal laws, University of Notre Dame policy, and the University of Notre Dame Archives Access Guidelines and is subject to review under the supervision of the Head of the University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish or publicly disseminate reproductions of any material obtained from the University Archives must be secured from the University Archives and any additional copyright owners prior to such use. Please see Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use of Material for additional information.


Priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross; executive vice-president (1949-1952) and president (1952-1987) of the University of Notre Dame; member (1957-1972) and chairman (1969-1972) of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.


518 linear feet.

Theodore M. Hesburgh Papers
University of Notre Dame Archives
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Repository Details

Part of the University of Notre Dame Archives Repository

607 Hesburgh Library
Notre Dame Indiana 46556 United States
(574) 631-6448