Showing Collections: 181 - 196 of 196
Vagrich and Irene Bakhchanyan Collections
The materials include collections assembled by Vagrich Bakhchanyan (1938-2009), a prominent Soviet and, after emigration, American artist, writer, and poet, and his wife Irene: The Stalin Test (drawings of Joseph Stalin by leading Russian and émigré artists, writers, and cultural figures), the Eduard Limonov Papers, the Mail Art Collection, and the Vagrich and Irene Bakhchanyan papers, which consist of correspondence, materials from Bakhchanyan's library, photographs, and visual ephemera.
Viscount de la Belinaye Papers
68 manuscript business letters and documents relating mainly to the Saint-Domingue property holdings of Maurice-René, Viscount de la Belinaye as they were managed by a mercantile house under Stanislas Foäche in Cap-Français (modern-day Cap-Haïtien, Haiti) between 1775 and 1790.
Vladimir Lifshits, Asya Genkina, and Lev Loseff Papers
The papers consist of letters, manuscripts, and phototgraphs, as well as book and journal publications, related to Lifshits, Genkina, and Loseff. The collection also includes material of Irina Kichanova-Lifshits, Boris Semenov, and Mikahil Eremin.
Walter de la Mare Letters to Lord Dunsany
This collection consists of eight letters sent from English poet Walter de la Mare to Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany.
West Philadelphia Base Ball Club Collection
Wicker Buydden Family Papers
Willa Cather Letters
Two unrelated letters written by the major American author Willa Cather (1873-1947). The first is to a "Mr. Towne" and is dated 17 November [1922]. The second is written to Brother Emil Mohr, CSC, and is dated 7 May 1937.
William Allingham Letters
Letters from William Allingham of Ballyshannon to his brother John Allingham of Dublin.
William Beatty, Jr. Letters
Five manuscript personal letters written in 1777-78 by William Beatty, Jr., an officer in the Maryland Line of Continental Troops.
William Combs Letters
9 Civil War letters written by Union private William Combs, during his service in Co. C, 14th New Hampshire Infantry. Also present is a ferrotype portrait of Combs in uniform.
William H. Anderson Letters
A collection of about 50 manuscript personal letters directed to the Lowell, Massachusetts law student William H. Anderson. Many are written from friends around Natchez, Mississippi, during the secession crisis of 1860-61.
William Harris Crawford Papers
Political correspondence, family letters, and miscellaneous personal papers of William Harris Crawford, Republican of Georgia, who from 1807 to 1825 served as U. S. senator, U. S. minister to France, secretary of war, and secretary of the treasury. Crawford was also a candidate in the contentious presidential campaign of 1824. The collection includes around 175 manuscript letters, 1806-1868, and around 35 additional manuscripts.
William Judson Howe Papers
The Civil War letters, wartime manuscripts and postwar family papers of William Judson Howe (1838-1925) of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, who served in Company C of the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry from 1862 to 1865.
William Pfaff Papers
William Pickering Papers
A collection of documents relating to the commercial interests of William Pickering, a Salem, Massachusetts shipmaster and trader of the early eighteenth century.
William S. Wetmore Papers
The greater part of this collection consists of business and some personal correspondence of the American mercantile trader William S. Wetmore (1801-1862). Many of the 360-odd manuscript letters date from the 1820s, when Wetmore was establishing himself in trade on the west coast of South America