Showing Collections: 31 - 42 of 42
Masterson Family Papers
The collection includes more than 50 manuscript letters written during the Civil War by Pvt. John William Masterson, Co. A, 133rd New York Infantry, as well as later papers relating to Masterson's service and to his son William and daughter Ida.
National Ideal Benefit Society (NIBS) Records
Paris-Heard Family Papers
Patrick McCabe Papers
Read Family Correspondence
A small group of papers originating with the Read family of the central Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Included are 28 letters written by three different family members during the Civil War: Confederate States soldier Thomas Griffin Read, Co. I, 33rd Virginia Infantry (10 letters); his wife Martha White Read, of Augusta County (15 letters); and the CS artilleryman John Henry Read (3 letters).
Red Smith Papers
Robert M. Johnson Family Correspondence

Robert S. Edwards Papers
Around 60 items, mostly manuscripts, with a bearing on the Civil War service of Lt. Robert S. Edwards of the 48th New York Infantry. Among the 45 personal letters are 14 written by Edwards and 22 directed to him by his brother and sister-in-law, Ogden and Nellie Edwards, then living in the Philippines. There are also a number of items relating to Robert Edwards's death (at Fort Wagner in Charleston Harbor) and post-mortem arrangements.
Rubén Darío Collection
Stanley Weston Collection
Uruguayan Political Ephemera Collection
This collection consists of political ephemera associated with various Uruguayan political parties. Materials include documents from the Movimiento Revolucionario Nacionalista, as well as from Wilson Ferreira and Uruguayan political parties, including the Partido Nacional (Blanco) and the Partido Colorado. Materials include broadsides, posters, newspaper/magazine articles, pamphlets, manifestos, manuals, speeches, presidential decrees and electoral propaganda.