Showing Collections: 1 - 24 of 24
Album D'Ouvrages: Girl's Sample Book
Scrapbook of needlework compiled by a young girl and presented to her mother. First page reads, "Dedie a ma chere Maman." Includes a cross stitch alphabet sampler; a sewn collar, bib, child's night dress, corset, apron, and baby's shift; embroidery samples; and lace work, all mounted on paper with manuscript captions.
Anna de Noailles Collection
Collection of various items by and about the early twentieth century French poet Anna de Noailles, consisting largely of autograph letters from Noailles to various correspondents, and reviews and criticism of Noailles' work in various early twentieth century publications. A number of images and photographs of Noailles are also included, some of which carry inscriptions in her hand.
Birmingham Black Barons records
A collection of records, mostly financial, of the Birmingham (Alabama) Black Barons Negro Leagues professional baseball club. The most significant item in the collection is a manuscript cash book, showing the club's financial accounts with each of its players for the seasons 1926 through 1930.
Detroit Tigers Financial Records
Edgeworth Family drawing album
Edward Gorey Collection
Collection of magazines, clippings, dust jackets, and other ephemera containing illustrations of Edward Gorey. Also includes book catalogs, profiles of Gorey, and reviews of Gorey works.
French Funerary Materials Collection
Collection of documents relating to interment and mortuary law in early modern and modern France with a concentration on bureaucratic records from the Entreprise Générale des Inhumations of the Napoleonic era.
Gay Games Collection
Gene Tunney Papers
Green Family Papers
Family correspondence and other manuscript materials of the influential Green family of Worcester, Massachusetts, and New York. Of the 200-odd letters in the collection, the greater number were written by and to the ten children of Dr. John Green and Mary Ruggles in the 1790s, 1800s, and 1810s.
Harley L. McDevitt Inquisition Collection
Indiana University School of Fine Arts Artists' Books Collection
A collection of 67 artists' books created under the direction of Thomas (Tom) Coleman, Professor Emeritus at Indiana University School of Fine Arts. Several of the books were created in homage to Bradbury Thompson, who for many years was a visiting critic and visiting professor at the Yale University School of Art and Architecture and was a teacher of Tom Coleman.
Jacques Hilpert watercolor album
John E. and Elizabeth Savage Brownlee Family Papers
Around 80 manuscripts retained by John E. and Elizabeth Savage Brownlee in the decades following their emigration from Ireland to the United States in 1851. The greater number are personal letters written by family members.
Little Blue Books Collection
The collection includes titles from the Little Blue Book and related series. Among the titles are ten duplicates.
Little Leather Library Books
The collection includes 31 titles published by the Little Leather Library Corporation.
Major League Baseball (MLB) Organizational Record Books Collection
This collection contains organizational record books published by Major League Baseball teams. The record books contain historical statistics related to the franchise and lists individual and team records in various statistical categories along with other historical data about the team, including….
Formats include record books.
National Ideal Benefit Society (NIBS) Records
Patrick McCabe Papers
The Jackie Robinson Doll (13-inch Composition Doll)
Thomas J. Baird Orderly Book
A manuscript orderly book of 1st Lt. Thomas J. Baird of the United States Army, kept during 1818-1822 while commanding detachments of artillery at stations in New York, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, and Virginia.
Vladimir Lifshits, Asya Genkina, and Lev Loseff Papers
The papers consist of letters, manuscripts, and phototgraphs, as well as book and journal publications, related to Lifshits, Genkina, and Loseff. The collection also includes material of Irina Kichanova-Lifshits, Boris Semenov, and Mikahil Eremin.
William Pfaff Papers
Wu Jingxiong Collection
A collection of publications (magazines, and books), authored by, or about Wu Jingxiong, Wu's personal notes, and materials related to his funeral.