Showing Collections: 1 - 2 of 2
Game of a Visit to the Old Homestead
Identifier: EPH 5049
Scope and Contents
One game for two to four players manufactured by McLoughlin Brothers, New York. Players spin to advance wooden pawns along an oblong path printed on a board. The board is designed to resemble a patchwork quilt with fourteen numbered, illustrated ‘patches’ each depicting rural pastimes such as gathering chicken eggs and husking corn. When players land on a space corresponding with one of these pastimes, they collect a bone marker piece. Once all of the markers have been collected, the player...
Copyright: 1903
The Rough Riders: a Game
Identifier: EPH 5050
Scope and Contents
One simple racing board game for two or four players manufactured by Parker Brothers, Salem, Massachusetts as a part of its ‘Adventure Series.’ The game’s box lid depicts Teddy Roosevelt leading the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War in Cuba. The game board within is designed to represent the battlefield at San Juan Hill and is marked with ten possible routes from ‘camp’ to ‘victory.’ Players spin to advance wooden pawns along chosen routes. The first player to reach ‘victory’ wins...