Cristina Peri Rossi Papers
Cristina Peri Rossi Papers
This collection consists of materials forming a record of Cristina Peri Rossi's personal and professional career. Included are drafts of Peri Rossi's fiction and poetry, primarily unpublished; manuscripts and notebooks of Peri Rossi's writings; and clippings of her nonfiction wors from newspapers and magazines. There is also professional and personal correspondence, personal photographs, and academic works on Peri Rossi's writings, such as theses and dissertations. The collection also includes audio/visual recordings in the form of cassette tapes, VHS tapes, compact discs, and digital versatile discs.
- Conditions Governing Access
Series III, Correspondence, is restricted.
- Dates
- Creation: 1940-2014
- Extent
- 6 Cubic Feet
- Related Names
- Peri Rossi, Cristina, 1941-
- Language of Materials
- Spanish; Castilian
- Language of Materials
- Catalan; Valencian
- Language of Materials
- French
- Language of Materials
- Italian
- Language of Materials
- German
- Language of Materials
- English
I. Published Writings
i. Fiction
"De hermano a hermana" (La tarde del dinosaurio), 1976
Draft of "De hermano a hermana," one of the short stories contained in the collection, La tarde del dinosaurio.
- Dates
- Creation: 1976
"La nave de los locos (El tapiz de la creación), 1984
First draft, with revisions, of La nave de los locos, written in 1982 (published in 1984), as well as a separate, shorter fragment associated with the novel. The work's original title was El tapiz de la creación. The draft includes text that was ultimately excluded from the final version of the book. The folder housing the draft includes a postcard depicting the Romanesque needlework panel referred to as, El tapiz de la creación, housed in the Museum of the Cathedral of Girona, Spain.
- Dates
- Creation: 1984
Introduction to Una pasión prohibida, 1986
Brief introduction to this collection of short stories.
- Dates
- Creation: 1986
Solitario de amor, 1988
- Dates
- Creation: 1988
Fantasías eróticas, 1991
Draft of this collection of essays.
- Dates
- Creation: 1991
ii. Poetry
Evohé, 1971
- Dates
- Creation: 1971
Las musas inquietantes (Fin de siglo), 1999
First version (entitled Fin de siglo) of Las musas inquietantes, written in 1997-1998 and inspired by a number of paintings reproduced in postcards collected by Peri Rossi. The draft includes text that was ultimately excluded from the final version of the book.
- Dates
- Creation: 1999
Estado de exilio, 2003
This draft lacks some of the poems that the published book contains and includes some that were ultimately excluded from the final version of the book.
- Dates
- Creation: 2003
iii. Nonfiction
"Acerca de los muros", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Adios al Halley", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Un agravio antropológico", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"El amor, una toxicomania", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"De un anónimo poeta Maya", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Arte comprometido", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Arte y transformación social", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
Autiobiographical fragments [?], undated
Three multi-page fragments, at least one of which is autobiographical in content.
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Ayudar a bien morir", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Barcelona, El discreto encanto de la ambigüedad", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Los bestiarios", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Bestiario urbano", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Una bomba", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Buzonear", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Las cafeterias", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Mi candidata", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Mi casa es la escritura", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"La categoría de las almas", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"El cine de mi barrio", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Una cita anunciada", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Clarice Lispector o la introspección", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Como nace una novela", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Las confesiones de Simon de Beauvoir", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"El conformista", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"El congreso debe reír", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Cosmopolitismos", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
"Cuando El Gallo capó a John Wayne", undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
Cite Item
MSH/LAT 0080, Cristina Peri Rossi Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Hesburgh Libraries of Notre Dame.
Cite Item Description
MSH/LAT 0080, Cristina Peri Rossi Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Hesburgh Libraries of Notre Dame. Accessed March 13, 2025.