Box GPHS 05
Contains 182 Results:
Snapshot of a chapel in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 42
Identifier: GPHS 05/42
Snapshot of a priest in a chapel, 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 42
Identifier: GPHS 05/42
Snapshot of a family at a banquet table (James Hesburgh?), 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 42
Identifier: GPHS 05/42
Snapshot of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh speaking from a podium; photo by Dr. D.M. Nigro, 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 42
Identifier: GPHS 05/42
Snapshot of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with other men at an event; photos by Dr. D.M. Nigro [2 photos], 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 42
Identifier: GPHS 05/42
Snapshot of Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, two men, and a woman with a Notre Dame certificate; photo by Dr. D.M. Nigro, 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 42
Identifier: GPHS 05/42
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with another man holding a plaque, 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 42
Identifier: GPHS 05/42
Snapshot of Mickey with his mother and father at Parents' Weekend at Berkeley College, Yale University, 1970/10
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 42
Identifier: GPHS 05/42
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh at an event with Mary Lou Xelowski? (or photo by her; her name is stamped on the back), 1970/0411
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 42
Identifier: GPHS 05/42
State University of New York Commencement - Honorary Degree presented to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 43
Identifier: GPHS 05/43
Loyola University Chicago Commencement? - Rev. James McGuire SJ presenting an honorary degree to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, 1970/04
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 43
Identifier: GPHS 05/43
Unidentified Commencement - A priest presenting a degree to a female student, circa 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 43
Identifier: GPHS 05/43
circa 1970
Unidentified Commencement - A priest presenting an honorary degree to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; photo by Bruce Harlan, circa 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 43
Identifier: GPHS 05/43
circa 1970
AmVets award to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh; photos by Capitol and Glogau [13 photos], 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 44-46
Identifier: GPHS 05/44-46
Notre Dame Commencement, including Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Edmund Stephan, Graciela (Grace) Olivarez (first female Law School graduate) [5 photos], 1970/0607
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 47
Identifier: GPHS 05/47
National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) Board of Trustees Meeting Charles Evans Hughes Award Dinner - Dr. Sterling W. Brown, Judge Constance Baker Motley, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, November 22-23, 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 48
Identifier: GPHS 05/48
November 22-23, 1970
National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) Board of Trustees Meeting Charles Evans Hughes Award Dinner - Dr. Sterling W. Brown, Judge Constance Baker Motley, Mrs. William T. Gossett, and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, November 22-23, 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 48
Identifier: GPHS 05/48
November 22-23, 1970
National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) Board of Trustees Meeting Charles Evans Hughes Award Dinner - Dr. Sterling W. Brown, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Ambassador Robert D. Murphy, November 22-23, 1970
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 48
Identifier: GPHS 05/48
November 22-23, 1970
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with an unidentified woman with an American Airlines jet airplane in the background, circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 49
Identifier: GPHS 05/49
circa 1971
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with a group of people in formal attire, circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 49
Identifier: GPHS 05/49
circa 1971
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and an unidentified man looking at a document, circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 49
Identifier: GPHS 05/49
circa 1971
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Ed Quinn, Chris Fagan, Daniel Pedtke, and other men the Hesburgh Library Penthouse elevators, circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 49
Identifier: GPHS 05/49
circa 1971
Sign that reads "Office of the Dean, Division of Physical Sciences", circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 50
Identifier: GPHS 05/50
circa 1971
School portrait of an unidentified young man, circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 50
Identifier: GPHS 05/50
circa 1971
Bulletin board in an office with photos and newspaper clippings regarding Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [3 photos total with 2 focusing on the bulletin board], circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 50
Identifier: GPHS 05/50
circa 1971
Football Game Day - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh in box seats with I.A. and Lillian O'Shaughnessy, circa 1958
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 50
Identifier: GPHS 05/50
circa 1958
A group of five men posed outside (Notre Dame students?), circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 50
Identifier: GPHS 05/50
circa 1971
Billboard along a road that reads "You are in the heart of Klan [Ku Klux Klan (KKK)] Country. Welcome to North Carolina. Join the United Klans of America, Inc. Help fight integration and Communism!", circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 50
Identifier: GPHS 05/50
circa 1971
Norb Skelley (Class of 1927/1927) outside in a rural area, circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 50
Identifier: GPHS 05/50
circa 1971
Three women, including Mrs. Norb Skelley, at an event, circa 1971
Item — Box: GPHS 05, Folder: 50
Identifier: GPHS 05/50
circa 1971