Box GPHS 01
Contains 190 Results:
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with four unidentified men (students?), 1953
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 28
Identifier: GPHS 01/28
A man presenting Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, award, 1953
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 28
Identifier: GPHS 01/28
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh presenting an anniversary cake to Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell, 1953
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 29
Identifier: GPHS 01/29
Air Force Graduation Review at Bryan Texas Air Force Base - Colonel Clifford Nash, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Colonel L.L. Martin, Travis B. Bryan; Official US Air Force Photo, 1953/0719
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 30
Identifier: GPHS 01/30
Air Force Graduation Exercises at Bryan Texas Air Force Base - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh speaking at a podium with Lieutenant Colonel Robert Hanson, Travis B. Bryan, and Colonel L.L. Martin behind him; Official US Air Force Photo, 1953/0719
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 30
Identifier: GPHS 01/30
Notre Dame President's Committee Dinner - Denver D. Frederick, William J. Dehrlein, William Maichle, John Q. Adams, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and E. Lowitz; photo by Standard Flashlight Co. Inc., 1953/1209
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 31
Identifier: GPHS 01/31
Notre Dame President's Committee Dinner - Sylvan Oestreicher, E. Lowitz, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and Ambassador Robert D. Murphy; photo by Standard Flashlight Co. Inc., 1953/1209
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 31
Identifier: GPHS 01/31
Notre Dame President's Committee Dinner - James A. Mulvey, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Bernard C. Duffy, Ambassador Robert D. Murphy, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, and Victor D. Ziminsky; photo by Standard Flashlight Co. Inc., 1953/1209
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 31
Identifier: GPHS 01/31
Notre Dame President's Committee Dinner - Sylvan Oestereicher, E. Lowitz, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Ambassador Robert D. Murphy, Elias Sayour, Albert A. McCarty, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, and Victor D. Ziminsky; photo by Standard Flashlight Co. Inc., 1953/1209
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 31
Identifier: GPHS 01/31
Notre Dame President's Committee Dinner - E. Lowitz, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, James Mulvey, Ambassador Robert D. Murphy, and Sylvan Oestereicher; photo by Standard Flashlight Co. Inc., 1953/1209
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 31
Identifier: GPHS 01/31
Irish Rooters at the San Francisco Press and Union League Club Gang Dinner honoring Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh - John Callahan, host Francis Powers, Father Hesburgh, Larry Murphy, and Will Connolly, 1954/0305
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 32
Identifier: GPHS 01/32
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and others at Machado Restaurante Tipico in Lisbon, Portugal; photo by Machado, 1954
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 32
Identifier: GPHS 01/32
Catholic Students' Mission Crusade Convention at Notre Dame - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and other clergy outside of the Presbytery at Saint Mary's College (SMC); photo by Fr. R.J. de Jaegher [out of focus], 1954/0824
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 33
Identifier: GPHS 01/33
Catholic Students' Mission Crusade Convention at Notre Dame - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, Rev. R.J. de Jaegher, Rev. Joseph McCoy; Mother Cleties(?), and Rev. William Fitzgibbons at Notre Dame; photo from Fr. R.J. de Jaegher, 1954/0824
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 33
Identifier: GPHS 01/33
Catholic Students' Mission Crusade Convention at Notre Dame - A group of CSMC of Louisville, Kentucky, with His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Cardinal Tien Ken-hsin (Tienchensing), Sister M. Patricia(?) and Sister M. [illegible] of the Sisters of Mary of Louisville at Notre Dame; photo by Fr. R.J. de Jaegher, 1954/0828
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 33
Identifier: GPHS 01/33
Catholic Students' Mission Crusade Convention at Notre Dame - Cardinal Thomas Cardinal Tien Ken-hsin (Tienchensing), Msgr. James W. Asip of the Propagation of the Faith of Brooklyn, Rev. R.J. de Jaegher, and two women of the CSMC of Brooklyn at Notre Dame; photo by Fr. R.J. de Jaegher, 1954/0828
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 33
Identifier: GPHS 01/33
Catholic Students' Mission Crusade Convention at Notre Dame - Reception at the Morris Inn; photo by Rev. R.J. de Jaegher, 1954/0824
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 33
Identifier: GPHS 01/33
Catholic Students' Mission Crusade Convention at Notre Dame - Three Asian women outside; photo by Rev. R.J. de Jaegher, 1954/08
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 33
Identifier: GPHS 01/33
Catholic Students' Mission Crusade Convention at Notre Dame - Students from Guam with Rev. R.J. de Jaegher; photo from Rev. R.J. de Jaegher, 1954/08
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 33
Identifier: GPHS 01/33
Catholic Students' Mission Crusade Convention at Notre Dame - Rev. Egan of the Graymoor Fathers driving a Jeep with Notre Dame Stadium in the background; photo by Rev. R.J. de Jaegher, 1954/0828
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 33
Identifier: GPHS 01/33
Catholic Students' Mission Crusade Convention at Notre Dame - Reception of the seminar of Far East and African students with American college students at the Morris Inn; photo by Rev. R.J. de Jaegher, 1954/0828
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 33
Identifier: GPHS 01/33
Football Game Day - Notre Dame vs. Purdue - Laetare Medalist Irene Dunne watching the game in the stands with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Ella Morris [2 photos], 1954/1002
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 34
Identifier: GPHS 01/34
Arts and Letters Council group photo with Ernest Morris, Ella Morris, Irene Dunne, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [print of GPHR 45/2277], 1954/1002
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 35
Identifier: GPHS 01/35
Arts and Letters Council - Charles F. Murphy, Ernest Morris, Irene Dunne, Ella Morris, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, and looking at a painting in the Art Gallery [print of GPHR 45/2277], 1954/1002
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 35
Identifier: GPHS 01/35
Dedication of the Notre Dame Statue at Main Circle, including with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, and Rev. Philip Moore [4 photos; prints of GPHR 45/2261], 1954/1208
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 36
Identifier: GPHS 01/36
Notre Dame rededication to Our Lady - Mass in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, including with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, and Rev. Philip Moore [4 photos; prints of GPHR 45/2261], 1954/1208
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 37
Identifier: GPHS 01/37
Fishing trip with I.A. O'Shaughnessy [5 photos], circa 1954
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 38
Identifier: GPHS 01/38
circa 1954
General Electric (GE) Presentation at Notre Dame - View of Alumni Hall, Main Circle, the Main Gate, and the Law School Building from the Morris Inn; photo by General Electric, circa 1954
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 39
Identifier: GPHS 01/39
circa 1954
General Electric (GE) Presentation at Notre Dame - A man with a male student? and a poster board that reads "Creativity Killers"; photo by General Electric, circa 1954
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 39
Identifier: GPHS 01/39
circa 1954
General Electric (GE) Presentation at Notre Dame - A man with a poster board that reads "Creativity Killers"; photo by General Electric [2 photos], circa 1954
Item — Box: GPHS 01, Folder: 39
Identifier: GPHS 01/39
circa 1954