Manuscript (handwritten)
Found in 76 Collections and/or Records:
Amusquibar, Matheo de, et al, Instructions to Don Manuel de Ylarduy, 1755 December 1
Instructions to pay for food expenses in the Lima inquisitorial prison. Receipt on verso. Contains signatures.
"Auto que se celebro en La Villa de Valladolid donde salio Casalla, su madre Ereçuelo y otras personas", 1559 May
Description of the public Auto de Fe celebrated in Valladolid on May 21 1559. Fourteen heretics were condemned to death, including a Dr. Cazalla, el Marqués de Poza, three women, and others. This Auto de Fe is significant as it brought about the end of the Erasmistas group in Spain. Contemporary account, apparently taken from a larger register or compilation as evident from pagination. Copy may be in a later hand.
Aytona, Marquesa de [Aitona], "Señor mio. Con mucha estimación…", 1682 June 27
Letter from the marquis to Don Miguel Perez de Olivan y Vazquez, an inquisitor, thanking him for assistance in a legal case ("pleyto").
Belando, Nicolas de Jesus, "Declaracion firmada por Belando...", circa 18th century
The original declaration is dated 1745; this is a later copy of the late 18th or 19th century.
Bruna Rico, Francisco de, et al, Instructions to Pedro García Vaquero, 1678 October
Instructions to pay for medicines provided to poor prisoners in the Lima inquisitorial prison. Receipt on verso. Contains signatures.
Bruna Rico, Francisco Luis de, et al, Instructions to Pedro García Baquero, 1685 May 4
Instructions to pay salaries for three leading officers of the Lima inquisition. Multiple receipts on verso. Contains signatures.
"Bta. Judicial por don Juan de la Vega y Dávila Secretario del Secreto del Santo Oficio de la Ynquisición de Toledo...", 1651, 1713, 1859
Collection of legal documents concerning property confiscated by the inquisition. Also later transaction involving same property.
Caballero, Josef Antonio, Financial Assessment, 1811 January 23
Concluding fragment of a larger text, concerning a royal financial assessment. Contains signature.
Captain Lieutenant Certificate of the Holy Office of the Inquisition of the Kingdom of Sicily in favor of D. Manuel de Castro, Governor of la Isla de Pantalería, 1662 April 1
Unadorned certificate naming captain Manuel de Castro, governor of Panteleria island, a teniente de capitan of the inquisition. Contains signatures and wax seal.
Castro y de Castillo, Antonio de; Don León de Alcayaga Lartaun, Instructions to Pedro Ossorio del Odio, 1637-1638
Instructions from inquisitors to deduct funds from the confiscated property of Martín Morano Ossorio to pay for the costs of his imprisonment by the Lima inquisition. A receipt for these funds on the verso is dated 1638. Contains signatures.
Certificate, Comisario de Quadrillero given in favor of D. Antonio Benito, citizen of Segovia, 1804-1818
Collection of printed and manuscript documents regarding Antonio Benito and his status in the inquisition's Santa Hermandad confraternity. The Hermandad's centuries-old role in the suppression of gypsies and bandits noted, along with more recent struggles against the French invaders. Benito's qualities and blood purity (limpieza) are noted, for which he is named comisario quadrillero of the Hermandad. Contains signatures and wax seal.
Comisario Certificate of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, given in favor of D. Gracia de la Fuenta, priest and citizen of la Villa de Adamuz, given by the Inquisition of Córdoba, 1602, 1606
Ornate certificate with hand-colored border decoration, naming Garcia de la Fuente a comissary of the inquisition. Contains signatures; wax seal is missing. Certified four years later in another hand (at bottom). Contains signatures.
Cuesta, Ignacio, "Hermano: Vuestra cassa se ha visto y comuncado…", circa 16th century
Notice of death penalty, addressed to an unnamed prisoner with final offer of reconciliation. Contains signature and wax seal.
de la Cana, Joseph, Certification given in favor of D. Luis Maldonado for the office of Notary of the Inquisition of Valladolid, 1700 July 15
Document notes receipt of orders from inquisitor general (dated Madrid 1700) appointing Luis Maldonado, Order of Santiago, notary for the Valladolid inquisition. Contains signature of inquisitorial secretary Cana and wax seal.
de Mendoza y Sandoval, Don Balthasar, Notario del Secreto Certificate of the Holy Office of the Inquisition of the city of Valladolid, given to D. Luis Maldonado, Cavallero de la orden de Santiago, 1700 June 14
Certificate naming Luis Maldonado a Notario del Secreto of the inquisition. Contains signatures and wax seal.
Díaz de Contreras, Martín, Receipt, 1604 January 2
Receipt for partial payment of salary to an inquisition secretary of the Lima tribunal. Contains signature.
Doctor Don Luis de Betanzos y Figueroas, et al, Instructions to Francisco Favia Mancareñas, 1656 August
"El señor Inquisidor Fiscal de este santo oficio contra el P. Fr. Josef Zisneros Franciscano…", 1796 September 25
Denunciation of Fr. Josef, with testimony of colleagues concerning various improprieties at mass, as well as illicit use of chocolate, women, and pornographic images. Single document with signatures of Ramón Pérez and Isidorio Carranza as well as notary Francisco Uraga.
"Escritura de Ventta que en 30 de Diziembre de 1513, ante Anttonio Flores, escribano de Toledo, ottorgóa María Ortiz…", circa 1513
The properties were apparently used as inquisitorial prisons. Summary in eighteenth century hand given on first folio.
"Espediente hecho con motivo del destierro del Inquisidor General", 1764
Collection of documents relating to Charles III's conflict with and eventual exile of inquisitor-general Manuel Quintano Bonifaz from Madrid in 1761. Contains table of contents.
Familiar Certificate given to D. Josef Romero Diaz Cañete, 1779 November 17
Fragment of a cartulary. Contains copy of a 1779 document naming Joseph Romero Dias Cañete a familiar of th einquisition. Contains signature of Pablo Manuel de Simancas. Contains signatures.
Familiar Certificate of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, given to D. Augustín Ponce de Leon by the Inquisition of Toledo, 1650 December 5
Certificate with ornate colored design at top, naming Agustin Ponce de Leon a familiar of the inquisition. Contains signatures and wax seal. Certified three months later (at bottom); note on verso. Contains signatures and wax seal.
Familiar Certificate of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, given to D. Francisco Martin Boca, citizen of la Villa de Encina Sola, by the Inquisition of Seville, 1572 September 26
Ornate certificate with hand-colored border illustrations, naming Francisco Martin Boça a familiar of the inquisition. Contains signatures (Licenciado Paramo et al.). Contains signatures.
Familiar Certificate of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, given to D. Joseph Antonio de la Torre Carbonera in the Real Castillo de Triana by the Inquisition of Seville, 1685 October 3
Certificate naming Joseph Antonio de la Torre Carbonera a familiar of the inquisition. Contains signatures and wax seal.
Fernandez [?] Castelao, Ysidro, "Senor Don Juan Francisco Marcolario. Se hall aconcluido el Tablado de los quatro claros…", 1803 July 8
Letter describing in great detail the construction of stage and seating arrangements for royal events in Madrid. These were constructed in the same manner as used for inquisitorial autos de fe; Marcolario was in charge of arrangements for the auto of 1781.
F.M.I.C., "Real Instrucion comunicada a las Reales Audiencias de America sobre las ruebas que deben dar los pretendientes al hábito en cualquiera de las Ordenes Militares", 1859 November 1
Copy of a document first published in Puerto Principe [Port-au-Prince?], 1815. Family history of condemnation by the Inquisition was one of many aspects taken under consideration, as was history of menial labor and blood purity (limpieza).
"Forma absolutionis ad cautelam, in Sto. Officio", circa 1600s
In the hand of some inquisitor.
Gonzalez de Arbulu, Manuel; Juan de Albirtegui, "Manuel Gonzalez del Arbulu secretario del secreto del Santo Officio de la Inquisicion, del Reyno del Peru…", 1711, 1765
Two related documents: the first acknowledges receipt of documents, some dating as back as 1705, from Madrid naming various persons (including Antonio Maldonado) to offices in the Peruvian tribunal (1711). The second is a notice from Madrid naming Francisco Matienzo to an inquisitorial post in Lima. His blood purity (limpieza) is mentioned (1765). Contains signatures and wax seal.
"Hispana", circa 1707
Notes on inquisition and church and state affairs during the War of Spanish Succession, remarking in particular on the inquisition's support for Philip V, its call for denunciations of Cralist priests, and the dubious legality of same. The document was been copied in to a larger cartulary in a contemporary hand, foliated 333-343 (with one unfoliated sheet at end).
"Hispana Censurarum", circa 1707
Notes on inquisition and church and state affairs during the War of Spanish Succession. The document has been copied into a larger cartulary in a contemporary hand, foliated 357-359 (with one blank folio at end).