University records
Found in 72144 Collections and/or Records:
1998-99 [Theatre Scrapbook:] Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Getting Wrecked, The Angels: Cradle (Theatre Grottesco), The School for Scandal, 1998-1999
1999-00 [Theatre Scrapbook:] Hedda Gabler, The Water Engine, All's Well That Ends Well (London Stage Actors), The Love of the Nightingale, 1999-2000
2000-01 [Theatre Scrapbook:] As you Like It (London Stage Actors), Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), Love's Fire, The Winter's Tale (London Stage Actors), Oedipus Rex, 2000-2001
2000-2009 FTT "Behind the Scenes" newsletters
2000 - Engraved clock from Notre Dame College - Golden Jubilee Dinner Keynote Speaker
2001-02 [Theatre Scrapbook:] Midsummer's Night Dream (London Stage Actors), How the Other Half Lives, Antigone, MacBeth, The Life of Galileo, 2001-2002
2001-2002\Additions\20020221 swim, 2002/0221
Big East Tournament Championship Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving Meet, including Heather Mattingly, Meghan Perry-Eaton, Jonathan Pierce, and Marie Labosky; photos by Nellie Williams?
2001-2002\News etc, c2001-2002
Angry-looking headshot of Observer staff photographer Ernesto Lacayo with the text "I pity the foo [fool] who messes with Photo!"
2001-2002\News etc\20020117 PW Converted Study Lounge - Kacmar: Female students in a Pasquerilla Hall West dorm room that had been converted from study lounges due to overcrowding. Photo by Tim Kacmar., 2002/0117
2001-2002\News etc\20020227 Connolly Drunk - Velte, 2002/0228
Connolly in Observer student newspaper office. Photos by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Lecture - Velte, 2002/0326
Mathematics professor Alexander Hahn delivers a lecture in Welsh Family Hall. Photos by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0326
Sign on a window in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). It reads "In response to Father Poorman, Give Back Du Lac, Tonight, Tuesday 3/26, at Midnight. Bring Du Lac [the student handbook], old SYR gifts, anything to leave on the front steps of the Main Building. It is necessary to take action now!!" Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Undergraduate students gathered outside to protest new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs), destroying copies of the student handbook "Du Lac." Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Undergraduate students gathered outside to protest new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Student throwing the student handbook "Du Lac" up the Main Building Steps, which are littered with other copies of "Du Lac" and bottles of alcohol, in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Students throwing the student handbook "Du Lac" up the Main Building Steps, which are littered with other copies of "Du Lac" and bottles of alcohol, in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Main Building steps littered in "Du Lac" student handbooks and bottles of alcohol to protest new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Main Building steps littered in "Du Lac" student handbooks and bottles of alcohol to protest new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Main Building steps littered in "Du Lac" student handbooks and bottles of alcohol to protest new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Crucified "Du Lac" student handbook in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Crucified "Du Lac" student handbook in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Student at the bottom of Main Building steps, which are littered in "Du Lac" student handbooks and bottles of alcohol in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Main Building steps littered with "Du Lac" student handbooks and bottles of alcohol in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Students drinking at the bottom of Main Building steps, which are littered with "Du Lac" student handbooks and bottles of alcohol in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Students drinking at the bottom of Main Building steps, which are littered with "Du Lac" student handbooks and bottles of alcohol in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Student wearing a sign that reads "We're Not Kids" at the bottom of Main Building steps, which are littered with "Du Lac" student handbooks and bottles of alcohol in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Student setting a "Du Lac" student handbook on fire in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Main Building steps littered with "Du Lac" student handbooks and bottles of alcohol in protest of the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.
2001-2002\News etc\20020326 Student Riots - Velte, 2002/0327
Two students carrying a large box on campus, protesting the new alcohol policy and ban on in-hall dances (SYRs). Photo by Lisa Velte.