Box 7
Contains 45 Results:
Various materials in relation to The Sun Unwound, undated
Including Ed Dorn's correspondences with the publisher, printer's proof, and a photocopy of the books's front and backcover.
Various materials in relation to The Sun Unwound, undated
Including Ed Dorn's early drafts with corrections, correspondences with the publisher, book contract, and other related items.
Translations: Ed Dorn Poems by Victor Hernandez Cruz, undated
Translations: Ed Dorn's Gunslinger Book I by Christophe Wall-Romana, undated
Including the translator's letter to Ed Dorn.
Ed Dorn, "Preface" to The Collected Poems (1975), undated
Photocopies: Gordon Brotherston's book, Image of the New World: the American continent portrayed in native texts, 1979
Dorn worked with Brotherston on translations from Latin American texts and is acknowledged on the title page.
Printer's proof: Gordon Brotherston with Ed Dorn, Image of the New World (2 folders), 1979
Interviews: Ed Dorn, 1974-1993
Interview conductors include Tom Clark, Penny Parker, Robert Bertholf, Joel Oppenheimer, Holbrook Teter, Theodore Weiss, and Tandy Sturgeon; folder includes a Denver Post article which quotes Dorn extensively.
Interviews: Ed Dorn, 1990, 1992
John Wright conducted the interview.
Interviews: Ed Dorn, 1993
Matthew Cooperman, who conducted the interview, is a poet, critic, and editor.
Interviews: Ed Dorn, 1998
Paul Dresman conducted the interview.
Manuscripts: Ed Dorn, "Introduction to Western Events", 1991 August
Including 4 typewritten pages with corrections, entitled "Way West / TO THE COW CAPITAL: Floating through the Miles City Bucking / Horse Sale."
Notes: Ed Dorn, "Dict Record", circa 1997
Author's inscription on 1r: "DICT RECORD / MID AUGUST--MID SEPT SEPT. 1997."