Box 14
Contains 25 Results:
Pope Pius V, "Constitucion de Nuestro Santissimo Señor Pio Papa V contra los que ofenden el Estado, Bienes y Personas del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion, contra la heretica pravedad y Apostasia", 1609
Translation of the bull "Si de protegendis," originally issued 1569, asserting papal protection of inquisitorial witnesses and recognition of rights pertaining to familiars and officials.
Inquisicion de Logroño, "Edicto de Gracia", circa 1611
Edict announcing an extension to the period of grace, and royal pardon for some who come forward to confess. These documents were issued at a time of widespread witch trials in the Basque country. Space for date left blank.
"Memorial, que el Tribunal, de la Ynquissicion Suprema dio a su Magestad Por mano del senor Don Andrés Pacheco Inquisidor General y Obispo de Cuenca", circa 1620s
Collection of policy documents, some fragmentary, compiled under Inquisitor General Andrés Pacheco (1622-1626). Formerly part of a larger volume.
Inquisicion de Mexico, Public edict, 1620 May 5
Edict reminding confessors of inquisitorial jurisdiction over various sins and doctrinal errors, which cannot be otherwise absolved.
Pacheco, Andrés, "Carta acordada del Ilustrissimo Señor Don Andrés Pacheco, Obispo de Cuenca, Inquisidor General...", 1622 August 30
Edict forbidding inquisitorial officials from publically disparaging the lineage (limpieza) of others, due to the resentment this generates toward the inquisition.
Lima Tribunal, Instructions to Licenciate Juan de Robles, 1622 November 4
Instructions to assign funds for the food and tobacco expenses of Manuel de Fonseca, held prisoner at the inquisition prison at Lima. Receipt on verso. Contains signatures.
Pope Gregory XV, "Venerabili Frati Episcopo Concheñ. In Hispaniarum Regis Inquisitiori generali", circa 1623
Letter from the pope to Inquisitor General Andrés Pacheco, encouraging diplomatic relations with England through the Prince of Wales (Charles I, r. 1625-1649), in hopes that his marriage to a Catholic might lead to a rapprochement with Rome.
Inquisicion de Sevilla, Public edict, 1625 March 7
Edict recalling papal approval of the Jesuit Order, and condemning certain anti-Jesuit propositions as heretical. Contains signatures and wax seal.
Pope Urban VIII, Antonio de Sotomayor, "Bulla de Indulgencia plenaria, concedida para las animas de los fieles difuntos, por la santida de Paulo quinto, de felice recordacion, y mandada publicar por nuestro muy santo padre Urbano octavo", 1633 October 8
Ornate gothic-style indulgence certificate, issued with papal authority by Inquisitor General de Sotomayor and filled in for a petitioner.
de Sotomayor, Antonio, Public edict, 1634 November 4
Edict repeating the 1633 order to read papal bulls relating to the inquisition in all monasteries. Particular note is made of Pope Gregory XV's 1622 brief on cases of solicitation in the confessional; such cases fall under inquisitorial jurisdiction. Confirmation of this should be added to annual readings of Edicts of Faith etc. Contains signature.
de Sotomayor, Antonio, Public edict (2 folders), 1635 April 23
Edict repeating the 1633 order to read papal bulls relating to the inquisition in all monasteries. Particular note is made of Pope Gregory XV's 1622 brief on cases of solicitation in the confessional; such cases fall under inquisitorial jurisdiction. Since then certain writings have emerged to the contrary; these are now condemned. Contains signature and wax seal.
Castro y de Castillo, Antonio de; Don León de Alcayaga Lartaun, Instructions to Pedro Ossorio del Odio, 1637-1638
Instructions from inquisitors to deduct funds from the confiscated property of Martín Morano Ossorio to pay for the costs of his imprisonment by the Lima inquisition. A receipt for these funds on the verso is dated 1638. Contains signatures.
Doctor Don Luis de Betanzos y Figueroas, et al, Instructions to Francisco Favia Mancareñas, 1656 August
King Afonso VI (Portugal); Pedro Viera da Sylva, Contract termination, 1657 February 6
Termination of an agreement with convicted judaizers, who had been allowed to retain their property so long as this was invested in Brasilian commerce. Such properties are now to be seized by royal authorities, including inquisitors.
Bruna Rico, Francisco de, et al, Instructions to Pedro García Vaquero, 1678 October
Instructions to pay for medicines provided to poor prisoners in the Lima inquisitorial prison. Receipt on verso. Contains signatures.
Aytona, Marquesa de [Aitona], "Señor mio. Con mucha estimación…", 1682 June 27
Letter from the marquis to Don Miguel Perez de Olivan y Vazquez, an inquisitor, thanking him for assistance in a legal case ("pleyto").
"En la Villa de Madrid a veinte y ocho dias del mes de junio de mil y seiscientos y ochenta y ocho años, el Excelentissimo Señor Obispo Inquisidor General, y los Señores del Consejo de su Magestad de la Santa General Inquisicion…", 1688 June 28
Republication of a 1634 edict condemning attacks on religious Orders.
Inquisicion de Murica, Letter to Miguel Angel Botella, 1689 July 9
Internal letter to the inquisition comisario for Elche, Miguel Angel Botella, updating him on a legal case ("pleito ejecutivo"). Contains signatures.
de Rocaberti, Juan Tomas, Public edict, 1696
Republication of the 1688 version of a 1634 edict condemning attacks on religious Orders. Space for date left blank.
Letter to the Lima inquisition from the Suprema, 1636 November 26
Registered copy (paginated 153) of a letter to the Lima inquisition from the Suprema, urging establishment of a tribunal in Buenos Aires. Receipt acknowledged in Los Reyes [Lima] 31 May 1637, six months after it was sent.
Inquisicion de Mexico, Public edict, 1642
Decree notifying local clergy of requirement that citizens declare all property pertaining to seized estates, and anathematizing those who fail to comply. Blank form, with spaces for details to be filled in.
Inquisicion de Mexico, Public edict, 1659 August 22
Edict banning illicit private religious gatherings and other devotional acts. Contains signatures and wax seal.
Pope Alexander VII; Joannes Lupus, "Feria s. die 8 Julij 1660", 1660 July 8
Papal decree recalling Paul V's 1606 constitution "Romanus Pontifex," on inquisitorial jurisdiction over religious Orders, and how denunciations should be made.
Lima Tribunal, Instructions to Doctor Damián de Hita, 1662
Instructions to an inquisitorial commissioner at Pisco, Peru, regarding former prisoner Alvaro Mendez's demand for compensation in the matter of his seized books. Verso has followup document, noting lack of receipts. Contains signatures.
Inquisicion de Murcia, Order given to Licenciado D. Francisco Cremades, 1690 January 20
Internal memo to the inquisition comisario for Aspe, Francisco Cremades y Bernau, concerning affairs in Elche. Contains signatures.