Box GNDS 24
Contains 325 Results:
Old College from across St. Mary's Lake with Morrissey Hall tower visible above the trees, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/43
View of Main Building, Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and Sorin Hall from Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall) in winter with snow, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/44
St. Joseph's Lake, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/44
Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart from across St. Mary's Lake, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/44
Log Chapel in winter with snow, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/44
Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Main Building in winter with snow, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/45
Hurley Hall exterior from Main Circle, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/45
Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/45
Portrait of University President Rev. John F. O'Hara, CSC, c1934-1940
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/45
Drawing of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem, by Francis A. Kroeger, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/46
Drawing of the head of the Christ Child (statue or sculpture?), by Francis A. Kroeger, 1937
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/46
Drawing of "Saracen" - a warrior man on horseback, by Francis A. Kroeger, 1938
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/46
Drawing of a Medieval style building with two people working outside, by Francis A. Kroeger, c1930s
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/46
Drawing of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart interior, by Francis A. Kroeger, 1937
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/46
Drawing of Cushing Hall of Engineering exterior, by Francis A. Kroeger, 1937
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/47
Drawing of the Law School Building Library interior steps, by Francis A. Kroeger, 1937
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/47
Drawing of Howard Hall exterior arches, by Francis A. Kroeger, 1937
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/47
Drawing of Dillon Hall exterior, by Francis A. Kroeger, 1937
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/47
Drawing of Alumni Hall tower, by Francis A. Kroeger, c1937
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/47
Drawing of Lemonnier Library (Bond Hall) exterior, by Francis A. Kroeger, 1938
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/47
Drawing of Morrissey Hall tower, by Francis A. Kroeger, 1937
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/47
Rev. Edmund P. Joyce at a student banquet (Blue Circle Honor Society?) [dark], c1955
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/48
Main Quad with Basilica of the Sacred Heart, c1924-1928
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/49
Basilica of the Sacred Heart World War I Memorial "God, Country, Notre Dame", c1924-1928
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/49
Lake Scenes [three scenes], c1924-1928
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/49
Washington Hall exterior, c1924-1928
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/49
Main Building exteriors [two scenes, c1924-1928
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/49
South Dining Hall exterior with cars parked in front, c1924-1928
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/49
Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Sorin Hall, and Walsh Hall in winter with snow, view from above in Main Building, c1924-1928
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/49
Hoynes Hall (Crowley Hall) exterior in winter with snow, c1924-1928
Item — Box: GNDS 24
Identifier: GNDS 24/49