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Norlene Kunkel Papers

Identifier: KUN

Norlene Kunkel Papers

Identifier: KUN

Research material gathered by Norlene Kunkel (1931- ) for her dissertation, Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid and Catholic Education (University of Notre Dame, 1974); including a copy of her dissertation on McQuaid; copies of unpublished papers (conference papers, M.A. thesis); and photocopies of journal articles, newspaper articles, documents from other archives, and pamphlets.

The photocopies of documents from other archives include nineteenth-century newspaper articles, pamphlets, and a few letters. The collection also includes a copy of a play by Kunkel, Warrior of Faith, concering the life of James McMaster.

Creation: ca. 1870s-1974
2.5 linear feet
Related Names
Kunkel, Norlene M. (Norlene Mary)
McQuaid, Bernard J., 1823-1909
McMaster, James Alphonsus, 1820-1886
Catholic Church
Language of Materials
Language of Materials

Norlene Kunkel: Manuscripts

Identifier: CKUN