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Venezuela. Consulate General (Washington, D.C.) Records

Identifier: VEN

Eight letter books containing copies of letters written by A.M. Soteldo, Simón Camacho, Julio Gonzalez, and other members of the Venezuelan delegation to the United States, 1881-1888; letters sent to the consulate, chiefly from Caracas, 1875-1877; and depositions and briefs from a law suit brought by Seth Driggs against Venezuelan General Santiago Marino, 1852-1855.

In Spanish and English.

Creation: 1852-1888.
1 linear foot.
Related Names
Venezuela. Consulate General (Washington, D.C.)
Driggs, Seth.
Marino, Santiago.
Soteldo, A. M.
Camacho, Simón, 1824-1882.
Gonzalez, Julio, fl. 1881-1888.
Language of Materials
Spanish; Castilian
Language of Materials
Spanish; Castilian
Language of Materials