Duplicate Letter Book, Volume X pp. 86-186, [1812-1947]
Scope and Contents
Index: no strict chronological order (1812-1900 pp. 86-132; 1820-1947 pp. 133-186).
Correspondence: this letter book is broken into two sections. The first part contains: notes from Sr. Marie Menard's Diary, March, 1877- October 27, 1882; Sr. Emily Elder's Jubilee [February 25, 1884]; ntoes on the families of Mother Cleophas and Sr. Benedicta Druy; copy of letter from Sr. Marie Menard to John Uri Lloyd; account of Cholera in Bardstown, 1832-1833;... copy of agreement between General Robert Anderson and Bishop M.J. Spalding, September 24, 1861, concerning services of SCN as nurses in military hospitals in Louisville; facts concerning Confederate leader John Hunt Morgan as related by Fr. David Russell; copy of Bishop M.J. Spalding's Memory Book [August, 1848-1849]; copy of handwritten First Annals of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, 1812-1821 with some additions.
The second part of the letter book has no set order. Letters are to and from various people, including Bishop Flaget, Bishop Rosati, and other bishops, as well as priests, sisters, and a few lay people. Correspondence consists of friendly letters, recommendations, etc. Most of this correspondence seems to be between bishops, and bishops and priests.
- Creation: [1812-1947]
Language of Materials
Repository Details
Part of the University of Notre Dame Archives Repository