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Sheed and Ward Family Papers
Identifier: SWD
Scope and Content
Personal correspondence, 1864-1981, including letters of Brother Antoninus, OP, Hilaire Belloc, Joseph Breig, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, G.K. Chesterton, Dorothy Collins, Christopher Dawson, Etienne Gilson, Lucile Hasley, Caryll Houselander, Monsignor Ronald Knox, C. Day Lewis, D.B. Wyndham Lewis, Robert Lowell, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry Luce, Arnold Lunn, Sister Madeleva, CSC, Jacques Maritain, Bruce Marshall, C.C. Martindale, SJ, Marshall McLuhan, Vincent McNabb, OP, Thomas Merton, Alfred...
Found in:
University of Notre Dame Archives