Showing Collections: 241 - 270 of 273
Notre Dame: Vice-President for Finance Records
Records of Notre Dame's Vice-President for Finance, including one video.
Notre Dame: Vice President for Public Affairs and Communications Records
Records of Notre Dame's Vice President for Public Affairs and Communications, including a large collection of video recordings, with some audio recordings, digital data, and photographs.
Notre Dame Vice President for Public Relations and Development / University Relations Records
Records of Notre Dame's Vice President for Public Relations and Development / University Relations, including audio-visual material and photographs.
Notre Dame: Vice-President for Student Affairs
Records of Notre Dame's Vice-President for Student Affairs, including videos and floor plans.
Notre Dame: Vice-President of Business Affairs
Records of Notre Dame's Vice-President of Business Affairs, including photographs and objects.
Notre Dame: Walsh Hall Records
Records of Walsh Hall, including some printed material; photographs of the 1971/72 (last) Walsh Hall men; photographs of 2005 and 2009 Walsh Hall First Year Students and of a few unidentified alumnae; and photos of Walsh Hall staff, 2005-2008.
Notre Dame: Washington Program Records
Records of Notre Dame's Washington Program, including two copies of a 2007 video promoting the program.
Notre Dame: White Center on Law and Government Papers
Records of Notre Dame's White Center on Law and Government, including photographs.
Notre Dame Women's Advisory Council
Records of the Notre Dame Women's Advisory Council, including photographs.
Notre Dame: Women's Basketball Office Records
Records of the Notre Dame Women's Basketball Office, including many video recordings, notably coaches' films and 703 videos of women's basketball games between Notre Dame and other schools.
Notre Dame Women's Caucus Collection
Mimeographed circulars, printed material, clippings, and correspondence; concerning women's issues, the Equal Rights Amendment, and abortion.
Notre Dame: Women's Tennis Records
Photographic records of Notre Dame Women's Tennis, consisting of slides of Women's Tennis players at matches, on trips, relaxing, etc., 1985-1988.
Notre Dame: WSND Radio
Records of Notre Dame's WSND radio station, including a large collection of audio recordings.
Officer in Charge of Military Affairs
Records of Joseph H. Burke, CSC, the Notre Dame liason with the US Government in charge of Military Training during the First World War (WWI, World War One). Consists almost entirely of correspondence with Washington and the Army about administrative matters and government property (primarily ordnance). The papers have been arranged several times, but it seems that at least some of the original order remains.
Oral Histories Collection
Oral history interviews conducted under the auspices of the University of Notre Dame Archives, including audio recordings and transcriptions of interviews on Catholic Action and Social Justice; the National Catholic Reporter; and Notre Dame faculty, staff, and students. Governed by agreements with the people interviewed, some of these are open for use and some closed or restricted.
President 1905-1919: J.W. Cavanaugh
President 1919-1922: Burns
President 1934-1940: John F. O'Hara
President: Laetare Medal Records
Consists of documents and material found in the Presidents' Records and from miscellaneous sources.
Scholastic Magazine Records
Sorin Jubilee and Monument Correspondence
Letters received from donors regarding the Jubilee of Father Sorin (1888) and the fundraising for a memorial statue to Father Sorin (1905-1906). Letters were received by Professors Orville Chamberlain and J. A. Lyons, James Cardinal Gibbons, John Zahm, CSC, William J. Marr, CSC, John W. Cavanaugh, CSC, Thomas E. Walsh, CSC, and William Corby, CSC, from friends of the University.
Sports Marketing Papers
Records of James Fraleigh's Varsity Shops, chiefly financial, with some regarding the Stadium artifacts auction.
Student Activities
Records of Notre Dame's Student Activities Office, including audio-visual and printed material.
Teachers as Scholars Records
Records of Notre Dame's Teachers as Scholars program.
The Observer Records
University of Notre Dame. Dome Yearbook.
Records of Notre Dame's yearbook (The Dome), including a large collection of photographs.
University of Notre Dame Libraries: Faculty and Staff Members' Records
Records of the faculty and staff of Notre Dame libraries, including audio-visual material and photographs.
University Photographer Records
Records of Notre Dame's University Photographer, including black-and-white and color negatives and prints, and video and audio recordings; with images of Notre Dame trustees, advisory council members, administrators, and faculty, scenes from university life representing academic, religious, and recreational aspects, and videos representing campus activities.
University President 1987-2005: Rev. Edward "Monk" Malloy
Records of the administration of Edward A. Malloy, C.S.C., as President of the University of Notre Dame, including audio and video recordings, photographs, printed material, and objects.