Showing Collections: 91 - 110 of 110
Samuel A. Stritch Scrapbook
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings concerning his career; with a resolution passed by the board of directors of the Knights of Columbus at Stritch's death, 1958.
Sheed & Ward Records
Sister Mary Benet McKinney Papers
Correspondence, clippings, and publications of Sister Mary Benet McKinney, including The New Sister (1969); correspondence, reports, minutes, and clippings from the School Study Commission, 1970-1971; minutes, correspondence, reports, and office files from the Urban Apostolate of the Sisters, 1963-1976; and subject files representing the activities and interests of Sister Mary Benet McKinney, OSB; also related photographs.
S.L. Derrick Diary
Photocopies of entries Derrick wrote while at Notre Dame installing an organ in the original Church of the Sacred Heart; with related clippings and a letter, 1956.
Also available on microfilm.
Sorin Birthplace Commemoration Collection
Material concerning the commemoration of Fr. Sorin's birth in Ahuillé, France. The commemoration took place in Ahuillé on 14 September 1978, with Father Theodore Hesburgh, CSC, participating. Consists of correspondence received by the Archives in connection with the event; Hesburgh's speech at the commemoration; and xerox copies of newspaper articles concerning the event.
South Bend Tribune (Firm) Printed material
Reproductions of historic front pages of the South Bend Tribune from the newspaper's first hundred years, 1872-1972; a special centennial edition of the Tribune; 100 Years on the Road, a history of the Studebaker Corporation, 1952; and a South Bend Tribune clipping concerning the Studebaker Corporation, 1978.
Stanley Weston Collection
Stephen Denis Kertesz Papers
Correspondence with Birch Bayh, 1975-1980; and clippings and biographical material concerning Kertesz, 1950-1975.
Sydney Hobart Ball and Family Papers
The Dante Alighieri and Divine Comedy Print Collection
This collection consists of loose prints and clippings relating to the life of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). The collection contains many printed examples of variant portrait types of Dante, including engravings based on the portraits of Giotto and Raphael. Also included are posters and other ephemeral materials from the 600th anniversary of Dante's birth in 1865.
Theodore J. Crovello Papers
Thomas F. Dolan Papers
Transcript of a trial, Commonwealth of Virginia vs. Neva Miller Moss; correspondence with Russell P. Kehoe, who assisted in the prosecution of Mrs. Moss in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and with others; clippings concerning Moss's activities as an anti-Catholic lecturer; leaflets and newspapers concerning anti-Catholicism in the 1920s; and a scrapbook of clippings and correspondence from the Eucharistic Congress, 1926.
Thomas J. Darby Scrapbooks
Two scrapbooks compiled by Darby containing clippings and a few letters concerning the Labor School in New Rochelle.
Thomas Timothy McAvoy Papers
Timothy D. O'Sullivan Papers
Four lesson books containing O'Sullivan's writings; a small quantity of correspondence; notes; and a large collection (5 linear inches) of clippings compromising to Protestants.
Washington County Historical Society (Ind.) Collection
Minute book, constitution, and by-laws of the Athenian Junto, a literary society 1839-1847; records of Justices of the Peace and their hearings 1829-1831; and a record book of the annual meeting of the Christian churches of Washington county, 1899-1927, including financial reports, collection for foreign and home missions, names and salaries of church officials, historical sketches, and clippings.
William Corby Papers
Correspondence, 1862-1897; sermons, 1887-1897; clippings on the Corby family; records of financial services rendered Civil War soldiers, 1862-1865; a manuscript in which an unnamed regular army officer writes about chaplains he knew in the Army of the Potomac, 1864; and printed material concerning Corby, his death, and the monuments erected in his honor at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and at the University of Notre Dame.
William Pfaff Papers
World War II Correspondence of David MacGillivray
Yves Rene Marie Simon Papers
Correspondence with Robert Speaight, 1941-1944, and others concerning Simon's work; manuscripts by Simon; newspaper and journal articles concerning Simon; reviews of his publications; and certificates and awards given Simon. Also microfilm of correspondence with editors, Supreme Court Justices, and John F. O'Hara, CSC, then President of Notre Dame; of clippings from Marquette University and Milwaukee newspapers; and of his journal, 1945-1949.